Fred Bloggs
On Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 1:33:28 PM UTC-4, John Larkin wrote:
Okay, so in your mind, the 60MPH northerly wind gusts had no effect on the rapid spread and increased intensity of the fires already burning?
Looks like a bunch of dead and destitute people would disagree with you.
That\'s the point. Tens of millions of people living in areas they shouldn\'t be requires probably thousands of miles of PG&E overhead electrical line which by its very nature is fragile. Meaning lines don\'t hold up well with trees falling on them or extremely intense fires burning at their base.
Between the intense feet and embers, a flammable structure would need to be isolated by 500 feet to avoid spontaneous ignition.
Apparently they have when the state wakes up one morning and suddenly finds millions of people need to be evacuated.
On Sat, 12 Sep 2020 09:44:01 -0700 (PDT), Fred Bloggs
bloggs.fred...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 9:42:11 PM UTC-4, John Larkin wrote:
As if enough wasn\'t going wrong already. I hear that the ash was
falling like serious snow at times. \"It felt like night until about
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc trk
The cork popped merrily, and Lord Peter rose to his feet.
\"Bunter\", he said, \"I give you a toast. The triumph of Instinct over Reason\"
The destabilized jet stream is what came down and exploded those flames like a furnace bellows. And a destabilized jet stream is a direct consequence of global warming, as has been explained numerous times.
That\'s silly. When the first Spanish arrived here, the natives warned
them about the fires. Plants capture CO2. In California, it returns to
the atmosphere by burning.
Okay, so in your mind, the 60MPH northerly wind gusts had no effect on the rapid spread and increased intensity of the fires already burning?
Looks like a bunch of dead and destitute people would disagree with you.
The Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology division, estimates that at least 25 percent of Californians now live in what the center calls fire-prone locations.
Also silly. It\'s closer to 100%. Always has been.
Jon Keeley, a U.S. Geological Survey research scientist, said that population growth makes wildfires more deadly, and more likely.
Certainly building death traps like Paradise is criminal. The houses
all burned but the trees didn\'t.
That\'s the point. Tens of millions of people living in areas they shouldn\'t be requires probably thousands of miles of PG&E overhead electrical line which by its very nature is fragile. Meaning lines don\'t hold up well with trees falling on them or extremely intense fires burning at their base.
âMore people on the landscape means more opportunity for a fire during one of these wind events,â he said.
The National Park Service agreed that too many people is the leading cause of wildfires; 85 percent are human-caused.
The cause doesn\'t matter. There will always be ignition sources,
lately lightning. The fewer the ignition sources and the more
resources available to put fires out, the bigger the uncontrollable
fire storms get. And our airhead governor says the fires are proof of
Climate Change.
Absent forest management, more ignition sources is good.
A Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences analysis confirmed that development in wildfire-prone regions has dramatically increased. The report found that between 1990 and 2015 home construction within the perimeter of recent wildfires increased to 286,000 from 177,000.
We have a cabin in the woods, and just spent $3K to have the trees
trimmed and the brush cleaned up. The first floor is made of concrete
blocks. The local powers are brutal about keeping this area safe from
fires, but it\'s expensive.
Between the intense feet and embers, a flammable structure would need to be isolated by 500 feet to avoid spontaneous ignition.
By 2050, Californiaâs population will exceed an unsustainable 50 million, a 25 percent increase from the current level. Try to imagine the apocalyptic vision of a California with 10 million more people, all of whom will need, to name a few essentials, housing, water, electrical power, transportation and education.
Things don\'t just build up and overnight become a crisis.
Apparently they have when the state wakes up one morning and suddenly finds millions of people need to be evacuated.
Extrapolation is a good way to scare yourself.
A bunch of other undeniable, scientific, databased statistics about the super-overpopulated mismanaged mess you have there:
Your governor is a confused idiot.
I\'ve met him. Couldn\'t agree more.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc trk
The cork popped merrily, and Lord Peter rose to his feet.
\"Bunter\", he said, \"I give you a toast. The triumph of Instinct over Reason\"