Lasse Langwadt Christensen
fredag den 11. marts 2022 kl. 22.11.02 UTC+1 skrev gnuarm.del...@gmail.com:
and you can do exactly the same in Ubuntu et. al.
printscreen for the whole desktop, alt-printscreen for a window, shift-printscreen for a selectable area
or, just like on windows, you can hit the start/windows key and start typing screenshoot and you get a window
with all the settings, what you want to copy, where you want to save it, if you want the pointer hidden etc.
On Friday, March 11, 2022 at 3:04:25 PM UTC-5, Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Fri, 11 Mar 2022 10:16:00 -0800 (PST)) it happened Rick C
gnuarm.del...@gmail.com> wrote in
On Friday, March 11, 2022 at 12:01:09 PM UTC-5, lang...@fonz.dk wrote:
fredag den 11. marts 2022 kl. 13.48.20 UTC+1 skrev gnuarm.del...@gmail.com:
On Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 11:45:42 AM UTC-5, lang...@fonz.dk wrote:
torsdag den 10. marts 2022 kl. 13.18.55 UTC+1 skrev John Doe:
The below description is pretty good but somewhat of an understatement.
There are LOTS of programs, very important programs, that do not run
how many people need much more than a browser and maybe an \"office\" suite?
Absolutely true, but they use them under Windows. Ask them to use a Linux
machine and you have to start training all over again. That may not be more
significant than updating to a new version of office tools, but it is an
expense most companies won\'t suffer.
A few of those being able to run thru \"Wine\" or whatever makes little
difference, nobody wants their programs to run slower.
the difference is usually minor
Linux is a server operating system.
and many other things, it\'s greats for servers, desktops, all kind of
embedded stuff
and there\'s about 3 billion Android devices
Beta was a better video tape format. Windows is what people use. Linux is
for geeks and nerds. You know I\'m right.
when was the last time you tried something like ubuntu, 15 years ago?
You still fail to understand my point. WINDOWS USERS ARE NOT GOING TO TRY UBUNTU,
because Windows is what they know and it works very well for them.
an example. Everyone knows how to download an app from the web. Click
the download link and run the file that shows up. Done.
Under Linux... well, uh, sudo apt get something? I only know that from using
an rPi. Does Linux have automatic installation from a web site link? I
dunno. Most other people don\'t either. It\'s not about whether it is easy
or not. It\'s about what people know about it. Most people don\'t even know
the name Linux, thinking you mean that character from Peanuts.
Most people who would want to have a music server or a file server know how
to do things under Windows. They can find software on the web, open source
or not, download and install it and get something to work. I remember using
Win2K and finding a really useful web site on networking, World Of Windows
Networking, WOWN. Someone bought the site and ruined it.But I had
a home network up and running like clockwork. I struggled mightily to do
the same thing with the rPi. Heck, just finding out how to run a terminal
emulation that would support REPL with file download was no picnic. I got
it done eventually, but I would need to do the research again as I don\'t remember
the many complications and tricks I had to pull off to get it to work.
Or, on a Windows box, I can just use a remote desktop, done.
I suppose I could run a remote desktop so I can operate the rPi from the laptop,
maybe? Again, I don\'t know and it would take a bunch of research.
Is this all out of date?
Well you could read - and ask in comp.sys.raspbery-pi
The conversation is here. I suppose you can call this a conversation.
But google will tell you in a seoond, I use it all the time.
No, little is found through a web search in a \"second\". It often take many minutes or even hours to wade through the ever increasing dross to find a topic you are looking for. I was just trying to find the market cost of lithium carbonate and it brought up many pages telling me how great lithium batteries are or what\'s going on with the latest lithium powered gadget, etc.. God forbid you use a search term that is in the title of a song or movie, you\'ll never get past that.
All these thing you just mentioned exist for Pi
That said I wrote most of my own,
from this newsreader to media player / music center to video stuff.
A LOT more - email client, irc client, navigtion program, some is on my website
In Debian (variant of that is raspi OS) apt-get install will
install things for you.
I run and program raspies all the time via SSH from my laptop as the keyboard
is faster than the other wireless ones I have here on the table connected to the raspberries.
I do have a 5 channel HDMI switch on a big monitor to select raspis or
security cameras or TV...
But those raspies are so fast even via ssh I can just watch video too that way.
Home network? 3 8 port switches here, everything wired:
old picture, more has been added.. more groundwarts
And, if you look close you can see several RTL-SDR USB sticks and antennas.
Everything talks to everything else.
And that in only downstairs in the back, upstairs is the soldering station and a big PC (seldom used these day).
The black PC is no longer used...
Its what you make of it.
This is a triple ssh example:
navigation server with receiver rt-sdr runs on PI address ..73
laptop is on ...20
I connect via ssh with ...96 (is also 95) from ....20
and start cient program xgpspc_mon (you could use web browser too, but this is faster smaller better)
and now have the display on the laptop I use to type this with my own editor in an other full screen xterm in my NewsFleX Usenet newsreader
and take a screenshot with
import -screen xgpspc_mon_via_ssh.gif
from that terminal (I have 9 virtual screens with 8 rxvt terminals open on the fvwm filemanager on the laptop)
and then send it to my webserver\'s \'pub\' directory in \'merrica via ssh like this:
#to_website2 xgpspc_mon_via_ssh.gif
so the world can see it.
You can just see an airplane coming in belonging to United Arab Emirates I think (UAE) likely heading for Germany.
Scripts is the solution to everything so you do not have to remember every detail of all the thousands of commands
zsh is a much more pleasant shell to use than bash at least for sysadmins.
I don\'t really care what is available for Linux... well, not at the moment, although this conversation is making me want to fire up the rPi and pickup where I left off a few years ago.
My point is there is a market for people who would like to do some of the things you did, but using Windows because that\'s what they know. Why swim upstream and learn a new OS? Not everyone is a geek or wants to learn all the gory details of how to do the things you can do. I do a print screen by pressing a button on the keyboard, with the ALT key if I only want the window in focus rather than the whole screen. Why would I want to bother to learn \"import -screen xgpspc_mon_via_ssh.gif\"??? Learn it? I don\'t even want to type it! Click, click.
and you can do exactly the same in Ubuntu et. al.
printscreen for the whole desktop, alt-printscreen for a window, shift-printscreen for a selectable area
or, just like on windows, you can hit the start/windows key and start typing screenshoot and you get a window
with all the settings, what you want to copy, where you want to save it, if you want the pointer hidden etc.