Ken S
Thanks for posting. Flashtube works but frequency dial pot varies
frequency very little to none. Ohmed pot out and it appears to work OK
one end to the other and tube checks OK. I don't want to unsolder
parts to check them one at a time so I guess I will try to sketch out
a schematic.
On 6 Mar 2006 04:19:32 -0800, "carneyke" <carneyke@localnet.com>
frequency very little to none. Ohmed pot out and it appears to work OK
one end to the other and tube checks OK. I don't want to unsolder
parts to check them one at a time so I guess I will try to sketch out
a schematic.
On 6 Mar 2006 04:19:32 -0800, "carneyke" <carneyke@localnet.com>
I know this isn't what you are looking for but the flashtubes were the
most common problem.