On Tue, 31 Mar 2020 08:02:01 -0700 (PDT), wrote:
Analytical? I wouldn't know how to do that.
But more registers, and especially serious protections (that people
actually use!) and better attention to security would have been nice.
On a PDP-11 with memory protection enabled, you couldn't execute data.
A stack couldn't overflow in code space, or into any space. You
couldn't write into code space.
Of course, the way people designed c didn't help a bit.
Viruses should be flat impossible. Some day they will be, but not on
x86 or Windows.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
Science teaches us to doubt.
Claude Bernard
On Monday, March 30, 2020 at 1:54:15 PM UTC-4, John Larkin wrote:
On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 17:17:41 +0100, Tom Gardner> wrote:
On 29/03/20 16:36, wrote:
On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 07:39:16 -0400, Phil Hobbs> wrote:
On 2020-03-28 23:31, wrote:
On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 00:55:47 +0000, Tom Gardner> wrote:
On 28/03/20 22:48, Phil Hobbs wrote:
Instinct is super useful for generating ideas. We come up with some scheme by
instinct, but then test it by math. The math involved is super familiar--what's
the noise floor, the bandwidth, the settling time, and so on. It's the
familiarity that makes that seem like it's the same as design instinct, but it
Very true, IMNSHO.
Practice without theory is blind fumbling.
It built aqueducts, ships, roads, cathedrals, all sorts of stuff.
Not by fiddling, though--experience accumulates. Even a pyramid will
fall down if you build it too steep.
Phil Hobbs
Sure, fiddling evolved and techniques were passed down and evolved.
But as long as we don't already know everything, some occasional
fiddling can discover stuff.
It is often said that the most exciting sound in science
isn't "eureka", but is "that's strange".
That's as good a design strategy as inserting "fundamental
advance occurs here" into a plan. Infamously that didn't
work for the HP Itanium processor's compilers, as those
that were knowledgeable predicted.
x86 was obsolete the day it was invented.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
picosecond timing precision measurement
jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com
Curious....What is the analytical basis for this sweeping statement?
Analytical? I wouldn't know how to do that.
But more registers, and especially serious protections (that people
actually use!) and better attention to security would have been nice.
On a PDP-11 with memory protection enabled, you couldn't execute data.
A stack couldn't overflow in code space, or into any space. You
couldn't write into code space.
Of course, the way people designed c didn't help a bit.
it is one example of a segmented hw architecture.
Whether one 'likes' or 'dislikes' the architecture is somewhat based on what seems more intuitive to them. It's a machine that performs computing tasks, of which there are many approaches to accomplish the same thing.
Viruses should be flat impossible. Some day they will be, but not on
x86 or Windows.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
Science teaches us to doubt.
Claude Bernard