Macrovision hack?

  • Thread starter A Better Chungking_Cash
  • Start date

A Better Chungking_Cash

I have a Toshiba SD-V290 DVD/VCR Combo. Does anyone have a Macrovision
hack for this player? I would like to make VHS back-up's of existing
and future purchases. ANY help would be much appreciated. Thank-you in
When will people learn that requests for illegal info will be ignored?. How
many times will we have to put up with requests for cell phone jammers,
cable tv descramblers, radar jammers etc?.
And by the way, why the hell would you make a VHS BACK UP of a DVD???!!!!.
What a good idea!...just in case your super high resolution, multiple track,
fully digital, noise and dropout free DVD suddenly fails, you'll have a
crappy, noisy, dropout ridden VHS copy to enjoy.
That's gotta be one of the stupidest ideas that have been posted here in a
long time, and there have been quite a few!.

"A Better Chungking_Cash" <> wrote in message
I have a Toshiba SD-V290 DVD/VCR Combo. Does anyone have a Macrovision
hack for this player? I would like to make VHS back-up's of existing
and future purchases. ANY help would be much appreciated. Thank-you in
Neil posted in , in article
<v8c2c.20626$>, at Fri, 5 Mar 2004 23:06:36 -
When will people learn that requests for illegal info will be ignored?. How
many times will we have to put up with requests for cell phone jammers,
cable tv descramblers, radar jammers etc?.
And by the way, why the hell would you make a VHS BACK UP of a DVD???!!!!.
What a good idea!...just in case your super high resolution, multiple track,
fully digital, noise and dropout free DVD suddenly fails, you'll have a
crappy, noisy, dropout ridden VHS copy to enjoy.
That's gotta be one of the stupidest ideas that have been posted here in a
long time, and there have been quite a few!.
Someone scratches your DVD disks. You're f*cked.

For now, the OP should search for 'Macrovision decoding' on Internet. There was
a circuit using a PIC microcontroller (IIRC) and a few other IC's but I can't
find it right now.

Chaos MasterŽ - Porto Alegre, Brazil!
IRC #XLinuxNews or #POA of , nick Wizard_of_Yendor .
Powered by NetHack ( , Slackware 9.1 (Linux User #327480 - at
CygWin, GnuWin32, and so on..
You need a black box usually called an "image stabiliser". My local
electronics store sell them for about $50cad, check the net for mail order
It goes between the DVD and VCR. Since your unit is an all-in-one, you
might have to copy to a standalone VCR. (A Better Chungking_Cash) wrote in

I have a Toshiba SD-V290 DVD/VCR Combo. Does anyone have a Macrovision
hack for this player? I would like to make VHS back-up's of existing
and future purchases. ANY help would be much appreciated. Thank-you in
On Sat, 6 Mar 2004 02:17:44 -0200, Chaos Master
<> wrote:

Neil posted in , in article
v8c2c.20626$>, at Fri, 5 Mar 2004 23:06:36 -
When will people learn that requests for illegal info will be ignored?. How
many times will we have to put up with requests for cell phone jammers,
cable tv descramblers, radar jammers etc?.
And by the way, why the hell would you make a VHS BACK UP of a DVD???!!!!.
What a good idea!...just in case your super high resolution, multiple track,
fully digital, noise and dropout free DVD suddenly fails, you'll have a
crappy, noisy, dropout ridden VHS copy to enjoy.
That's gotta be one of the stupidest ideas that have been posted here in a
long time, and there have been quite a few!.

Someone scratches your DVD disks. You're f*cked.

For now, the OP should search for 'Macrovision decoding' on Internet. There was
a circuit using a PIC microcontroller (IIRC) and a few other IC's but I can't
find it right now.
Not really a stupid request. And there should be a way to remove it
with a software solution.
It's only illegal if you suck up to the notion that anyone has the
right to sell you inferior quality video.(macrovision degrades the
signal to the point where the tracking and burst signals are marginal
resulting in a poorer image.)
LAST time I checked it wasn't against the law to strip the macrovison
encoding to restore image quality to the video signal if you're doing
it for personal use. Only illegal for commercial purposes.
also have you forgotten about s-vhs? while it's not as good as the
original dvd it would still be perfectly fine for viewing on standard
tv sets.
And like the man said if you scratch it you're fcked.
On Fri, 5 Mar 2004 23:06:36 -0500, Neil wrote
(in message <v8c2c.20626$>):

When will people learn that requests for illegal info will be ignored?
In what way is this request illegal? What law does it break?

As long as it is for personal home use, it's perfectly legal for him to do
any darn thing he wants with his DVD.
"Neil" <> wrote:

}When will people learn that requests for illegal info will be ignored?.

Defeating Macrovision is not illegal if you have a valid purpose, such
as archiving. Read the copyright act.

}And by the way, why the hell would you make a VHS BACK UP of a DVD???!!!!.

Not desireable in my book, but still legal, so why hassle him about it?

"Cernovog" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 5 Mar 2004 23:06:36 -0500, Neil wrote
(in message <v8c2c.20626$>):

When will people learn that requests for illegal info will be ignored?

In what way is this request illegal? What law does it break?

As long as it is for personal home use, it's perfectly legal for him to do
any darn thing he wants with his DVD.
This is completely wrong. Any copying of a DVD to any form is illegal via
the DMCA. The ruling came down this week.
"luminos" <> wrote in message news:Jsf2c.9911948$
"Cernovog" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 5 Mar 2004 23:06:36 -0500, Neil wrote
(in message <v8c2c.20626$>):

When will people learn that requests for illegal info will be ignored?

In what way is this request illegal? What law does it break?

As long as it is for personal home use, it's perfectly legal for him to do
any darn thing he wants with his DVD.

This is completely wrong. Any copying of a DVD to any form is illegal via
the DMCA. The ruling came down this week.
Wherever you're getting your news, you should find another

If you're referring to 321, "the ruling" is just the latest in this
case -- it's being appealed and will eventually be overturned
(like in all previous cases where a clueless judge somewhere
along the line claimed that fair use rights don't include the
right to backup copy protected media).

On Fri, 5 Mar 2004 23:06:36 -0500, "Neil" <> Gave

When will people learn that requests for illegal info will be ignored?.
Do you actually think that the retards that make such queries ever
read the group before?

many times will we have to put up with requests for cell phone jammers,
cable tv descramblers, radar jammers etc?.
It will never stop. They are retards.

And by the way, why the hell would you make a VHS BACK UP of a DVD???!!!!.
They aren't backups. The retards actually think that the time and
expense they waste making a copy is a way out of actually buying one.
They end up costing themselves more. My time is worth too much for
such retarded pursuits.

What a good idea!...just in case your super high resolution, multiple track,
fully digital, noise and dropout free DVD suddenly fails, you'll have a
crappy, noisy, dropout ridden VHS copy to enjoy.
It's far worse than that even.

That's gotta be one of the stupidest ideas that have been posted here in a
long time, and there have been quite a few!.
Hundreds... thousands even.

Top posting retards should be denied internet access. If you are so
hep on law, you should learn to follow the protocols of the groups you
interlope in as well.
On Sat, 6 Mar 2004 1:48:37 -0500, Cernovog <> Gave

On Fri, 5 Mar 2004 23:06:36 -0500, Neil wrote
(in message <v8c2c.20626$>):

When will people learn that requests for illegal info will be ignored?

In what way is this request illegal? What law does it break?

As long as it is for personal home use, it's perfectly legal for him to do
any darn thing he wants with his DVD.
That is so untrue.
"DarkMatter" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 5 Mar 2004 23:06:36 -0500, "Neil" <> Gave
My time is worth too much for such retarded pursuits.
Obviously not worth too much, since you bother spending time on spewing your
rather worthless comments to this group. And see, I didn't call you names.
Just commented on the stupidity of your post. ;)
On Fri, 05 Mar 2004 22:49:00 -0800,
(Stan) Gave us:

"Neil" <> wrote:

}When will people learn that requests for illegal info will be ignored?.

Defeating Macrovision is not illegal if you have a valid purpose, such
as archiving. Read the copyright act.

}And by the way, why the hell would you make a VHS BACK UP of a DVD???!!!!.

Not desireable in my book, but still legal, so why hassle him about it?

For one thing, because it was posted to several groups for which it
was off topic to do so.

Let alone the fact that any rookie with half a clue knows how to
scrub macrovision from their feeds, if that what they need to do.
Those that know how to typically also know that it is a waste of time
do downconvert video to a poorer form factor.
Only applies in US ... This is not the first time I've seen US posters
posting as though their laws applied across the entire world. When posting
please bear in mind that copyright laws vary from country to country.

I suspect that making backups of privately owned media for personal,
non-commercial use is legal in most countries.

"luminos" <> wrote in message

This is completely wrong. Any copying of a DVD to any form is illegal via
the DMCA. The ruling came down this week.
"A Better Chungking_Cash" <> wrote in message
I have a Toshiba SD-V290 DVD/VCR Combo. Does anyone have a Macrovision
hack for this player? I would like to make VHS back-up's of existing
and future purchases. ANY help would be much appreciated. Thank-you in
Do a google for macrovision hack, which should bring up several sites.
BTW, I make VHS copies of my kids movies, give them the tape, and put the
DVD away. After buying two DVD "The Lion King" movies, I learned my lesson.
And the quality on a 25" TV in the kids room is fine. I'd rather replace a
$2.00 tape, than buy another $20.00 replacement DVD.

"Stan" <> wrote in message
"Neil" <> wrote:

}When will people learn that requests for illegal info will be ignored?.

Defeating Macrovision is not illegal if you have a valid purpose, such
as archiving. Read the copyright act.

}And by the way, why the hell would you make a VHS BACK UP of a

Not desireable in my book, but still legal, so why hassle him about it?

You ask why copy to VHS, I'll answer in one word- "children." When my
kids were younger I used to make backup tapes of DVD's as they could operate
the tape deck but would surely trash a DVD. The little rugrats have grown a
bit, so now I copy the DVD's directly to blank media and let them use an
older player. This actually serves a second purpose of trying to teach them
not to trash discs and gear. It works out pretty well, and if the copy of
"Finding Nemo" gets a little hashed, no problem, there must be two or three
backup discs safely locked up in the media room <ggg.>
All the best, Mike
Feck <> wrote in message news:<tHc2c.717735$ts4.617242@pd7tw3no>...
You need a black box usually called an "image stabiliser". My local
electronics store sell them for about $50cad, check the net for mail order
It goes between the DVD and VCR. Since your unit is an all-in-one, you
might have to copy to a standalone VCR. (A Better Chungking_Cash) wrote in

I have a Toshiba SD-V290 DVD/VCR Combo. Does anyone have a Macrovision
hack for this player? I would like to make VHS back-up's of existing
and future purchases. ANY help would be much appreciated. Thank-you in
Well seeing as the DMCA makes universal remote controls, garage door
openers and pretty much anything that allows equipment to be used for
anything it wasn't intended for (like remote control software for Palm
Pilots) illegal, this could get difficult.

Next they will be making "copy-proof" holographic DVD's that *cannot*
be played in any manufactured player if the hologram is missing. From
what I understand, the next upgrade to the DVD standard will also take
out the facility to play DVD-R and DVD-RW, only original burned disks.

On Sat, 6 Mar 2004 7:08:15 -0500, DarkMatter wrote
(in message <>):

As long as it is for personal home use, it's perfectly legal for him to do
any darn thing he wants with his DVD.

That is so untrue.
Care to explain yourself? Just saying something doesn't make it true.
On Sat, 6 Mar 2004 2:54:17 -0500, luminos wrote
(in message <Jsf2c.9911948$>):

This is completely wrong. Any copying of a DVD to any form is illegal via
the DMCA. The ruling came down this week.
That's laughable. How do they expect this to be enforced? We don't have
enough to cops to handle the real crimes. I think the FBI has better things
to do than go house to house looking for copies of movies.
In article <>, says...
On Sat, 6 Mar 2004 1:48:37 -0500, Cernovog <> Gave

On Fri, 5 Mar 2004 23:06:36 -0500, Neil wrote
(in message <v8c2c.20626$>):

When will people learn that requests for illegal info will be ignored?

In what way is this request illegal? What law does it break?

As long as it is for personal home use, it's perfectly legal for him to do
any darn thing he wants with his DVD.

That is so untrue.
I pity you and your backward ass government taking away your freedoms.
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