LPG price?

"Rod Speed" <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote in message
"Damian" <damian_andrews75@yahoo.com.au> wrote in message

"Rod Speed" <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote in message
Damian <damian_andrews75@yahoo.com.au> wrote
Rod Speed <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote
jonz <Dunno@why.i.bother> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Damian <damian_andrews75@yahoo.com.au> wrote
Rod Speed <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote
Damian <damian_andrews75@yahoo.com.au> wrote

What is the real reason for LPG price to jump from 55c to 90c?!

The govt started to tax it.

Don't you think it's wrong?

Nope. No reason why it should be taxed like petrol is.

There's a big industry that relies on cheaper LPG prices.

Not a good enough reason to not tax it like petrol is.

There is a MUCH bigger industry that uses petrol and diesel.

Is it likely to go back to 55c again?

Hard to say. We will see some effect of the boom in coal seam gas
and fracking.

It's not easy to produce that gas, without raping the land around


It's a technology that needs to take carefully.


Do yerself a favour,

Don’t need to.

and check out the long term result

That is fine.

of a short term gain. (financial)

There is a lot more than short term financial gain.

The almighty dollar rules again. capitalism eh?....aint it

Yep. A decent mix of capitalism and socialism

There is no such animal.(" a decent mixture").


More bullshit.

It's just a mixture, if there's any socialism in it at all.

There always is, even in HongKong
before it was handed back to China.

There was no "handing back".

Wrong, as always.

Chinese told the Queen to pack up her shit and piss off.

Wrong, as always.

HongKong always was a limited time thing and when
that time came to an end, it was handed back to China.

Nothing whatever to do with Liz.

And she did just that, regardless of Hong Kong chinese wanting them to

Nothing whatever to do with Liz.

Liz and her gang never had any socialism, anywhere.

Even sillier with the postal service, and public education,
and even with HongKong, some very limited welfare for
the elderly particularly.

That's just a fart in the pacific ocean.

Collecting the shit from the super rich in a classful society, ain't

But the postal service, public education,
welfare, the national health service all is.

They all are just a fart in the pacific ocean.

It's just a bullshit word, invented to bullshit us.

Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that you have
never ever had a fucking clue about anything at all, ever.

Just a fart in the pacific ocean, just like you are.

leaves all the other alternatives for dead.

What other alternatives?!!


It's in the book. No place on the planet had it.

Whatever you call it, it is an alternative
to a mix of capitalism and socialism.

Yeah, but we never had it.
Not a single country.


That's no friggin alternative. It's just a lifestyle some choose.

Wrong, as always.

no socialism at all,

That is called capitalism,

Wrong, as always.

not an another alternative. We already have it.

Wrong, as always.


unfettered capitalism.

There ain't such animal either.

Wrong, as always.


Capitalism is what it is. There ain't any fettering of it.

Bullshit. Even someone as stupid as you should noticed
the ban on monopolys and lying to consumers etc.

Bullshit. That ain't socialism. That's capitalism preserving itself by
bullshitting it's way out, by hiding behind democracy.

No chance in hell.

Even sillier.

No chance in hell.

etc etc etc.

What etc, etc?
A 'kingship' like the Liz and her royalty?

Absolute monarchy, yep.

Doesn't this massive price hike destroy industries

No, there are no industries that dependant on the LPG price.

What are you talkin about, man?
Alternative fuel Automotive industry alone relies on LPG price.

It’s a fart in the bath.

Certainly some operations that are marginal will go bust
but that happens with any change in their circumstances

There ain't anything marginal about LPG based industries.

I said OPERATIONS, not industrys.

and make it worthless to own an LPG converted vehicle?

No, it is still substantially cheaper than petrol.

No, it's not.

Corse it is.

The conversion cost, wear and tear on engine, etc, etc makes it

Bullshit. The taxis still use it.
Damian <damian_andrews75@yahoo.com.au> wrote
just the puerile shit it always ends up with when its got
done like a fucking dinner, as it always is.
"Noddy" <me@wardengineering.com.au> wrote in message
On 14/02/14 3:08 AM, Damian wrote:

You don't think the automotive industry is big enough?!!

"Big" is relative.

Everything is relative.

The automotive industry is big. The LPG part of it is not.

Automotive industry ain't the only one using LPG. There are many other
industries, machinery that use it.

We are losing all our local car manufacturing industries, arent' we?
Obviously no big problem.

What does that have to do with the cost of lpg?

Nothing. I tend to connect, supposedly unconnected things, like women do it
in their brain.
Non of the cars made locally get LPG converted, eh?!!

There are speicific industries and farming industries that use LPG in
You gonna have to do your own homework if you want all the details.

I have no idea what you're on about to be honest.

Let's not worry about it then. It's not your problem by the sound of it

Absolute rubbish.

The price of a litre of LPG getting close to a litre of Petrol leaves
useless as a cheaper and less polluting source of energy.

I don't know about your area, but around these parts petrol is a buck 50
per litre while lpg is 91 cents.

It's about the same here.

That's not close. It's not even *remotely* close, and it *still* makes lpg
a significantly cheaper fuel to use.

Mileage you get from a litre of LPG is ALWAYS lower than or equal to a
litre of Petrol, for a given HP.
In my case, it's roughly equal.

If you get the same mileage out of a litre of lpg as you do out of a litre
of petrol then there is one of three possible answers to explain that:

1. You have the world's most efficient gas system.

Yeah, right. Here are the details. It's an RB30 motor with a carby. It's
manual transmission.

> 2. You have a piss poor petrol system.

It's a carby, namely a Nikki carby, more fuel efficient than many other
Americans ones.
It's not possible to get more than 6km per petrol litre from a Nikki carby
with an RB30 motor in a heavy car
like Nissan patrol. Correction! It is possible, but not without performance
With EFI dongle, it's possible to improve petrol economy more, and perhaps
performance as well.

> 3. You can't do basic maths.

That's where you get really silly.
I can get basic to some areas of advanced math right, lot better than I can
get my automotive crap or computer crap or political crap right.
My understanding on Quantum physics and special relativity, demands some
'basic' math.
General relativity is still a problem for me, 'cos of my lack of tensor
calculus skills(understanding).
I can sincerely assure you, that's the area I'm most confident about myself.

I'm not going to be rude and tell you which one I think is most likely :)

That was a good choice. You would've end up insulting yourself. :)

What makes LPG more effective is the cheaper price and less pollution.

The "pollution" aspect has got absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with
lpg being more "effective"

That is a very narrow minded approach.
Effectiveness is defined with many factors taken into account.
pollution is one of them, even though die hard conservatives can't digest
the idea.

All the strict laws of emmision control does not apply to LPG vehicles
of that.
In other words systems like EGR system, etc is not mandatory in LPG
and may even reduce the performance of the engine.

If you have a dual fuel car that burns petrol, the EGR system needs to
function as normal.

Agreed. I've done the thing that I shouldn't be doing 'cos I've 'found'
the EGR system has been causing quite a few headaches with the particular
engine/carby combination I have.
Legally I'm suppose to have it, but ethically removing it has very little
impact in emissions 'cos I do very few kilometres
a week on petrol. In all truth, I use petrol, basically to start and warm up
the motor for couple of minutes or less.

Basially, the EGR system is shagged and I didn't have time(cough cough) to
spend to fix it, or money(cough cough)

EGR system serves no function for LPG fuel, and most likely, a pain in the
arse with the properties of LPG.

LPG price has to stay one third of the petrol/diesel price or below that,
for it to be effective economically for commuters and industries.
Otherwise conversion cost and maintenance cost, renders it useless
economically, even though it's still a sound alternative economically.


The cost per litre of lpg is only *one* part of the equation when working
out the value of such systems, and taking that in isolation won't give you
any idea as to the true value.

For an lpg conversion to be of any benefit to *anyone*, there are a host
of variables that need to be considered such as the cost of the
conversion, the price of the fuel and the mileage required before the
"break even" point is reached.

Yes, but we've discussed that already, over and over and agreed as well.
You show signs of repetitive syndrome.

I don't want to go into a long winded explanation as I think it'd be a
waste of time to be honest, but the short answer is this. If you drive a 4
cylinder car and do on average 5000km's a year then you might not live
long enough to see the costs of a gas conversion recovered. If you drive a
V8 and do 1000km's a week then you're likely to see yourself break even
inside 6 months.

The even shorter answer is that it depends on the individual.

Agreed and have already agreed.

You need to ask the Rod what he meant by 'marginal' first.

I prefer not to talk to Rod. I think he's a imbecile.

Well, he's the one introduced the term.
I aint talking to him either, we are on a silence contest.
And I don't like losing. :))

It's a general statement based on my observations of average commuters
small businesses that rely on LPG being cheaper.
Far better sounding observation than your fantasies of LPG being
regardless of jumping from 55c to 90c overnight.

And I suspect he's not on his Pat Malone either :)

You don't need to parrot me about things I already know.

Actually pal I really don't think you know at all, as you don't make a
hell of a lot of sense.

That's a poor observation of what I've written so far.
Lot I have written so far does make sense, it's that you don't agree with
either 'cos it(the LPG price hike) doesn't affect you or you don't like to
lose an argument at all.
Common sense dicatates, if somebody accepts a sudden hike of price by 60%(on
anything), then either
he's not affected by it at all or he has interests in the price hike.
All you'rve written so far indicated, you're very accepting of the price

And the price of the fuel aint' an argument 'cos every idiot out there
about LPG price.

*Jesus*. You *started* this thread pissing and moaning about the price of
LPG, didn't you? :)

Of course, I'm pissed off about it.
And I like to think, I'm not the only one.

My conversions broke even in a bit over 12 months,

So much for your LPG injected high tech installations!

Do you even understand what I'm saying? :)

I do now.

I'm not saying it was *broken* in 12 months. I'm saying I *broke even* in
12 months. I mean, I'd saved enough in reduced fuel bills in that time to
have recovered the cost of the conversion.

You must be doing shit load of kms, right?
'cos the conversion of high grade costs close to four- five grand.

I didn't understand a word of it.

Yeah, I got that :)

For you, it's possible, depends on the humongous number of kms you do and
how good you are with your number accounting.

Better than you. That's for sure :)

With numbers? Not likely. Numbers are my strong area.
You may beat me in many other areas if you wish.
"news13" <newsthirteenspam-spam@woa.com.au> wrote in message
On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 03:08:12 +1100, Damian wrote:

"Noddy" <me@wardengineering.com.au> wrote in message
On 13/02/14 2:00 PM, Damian wrote:

Don't you think it's wrong?

Compared to.....

Whatever you wanna! Try Petrol and diesel.

There's a big industry that relies on cheaper LPG prices.

Such as?

You don't think the automotive industry is big enough?!!


% for domestic hot water? Many regional areas use LPG. NG is not
available. you need government stats for %. I have no time to scour for
% for process heat? Same as above.
% for automotive fuel? There should be clear stats in the internet.
% for restaurants. Again. Regional ones, And regional Australia is bigger
than we think.

We are losing all our local car manufacturing industries, arent' we?

Nope, ALL implies the entire.

Yes, that an exaggeration in my part.

Plenty of them have contracts OS.
FWIW, there is apparently 900,000 still in manufacture in Australia after
you knock of the car related peeps.

Interesting data. I have no idea.

Obviously no big problem.

There are speicific industries and farming industries that use LPG in

I suspect anything that gets supplied by 9kg or 45kg tanks isn't going to
add up to much.

I would say otherwise, 9kg, 45kg, 90kg and fatboys do cover many regional
Most regional areas, that is the only cheaper and efficient energy solution,

You gonna have to do your own homework if you want all the details.

Surely you can provide something to support your argument.
Even ABS figures?

Do you really believe ABS have all the right figures. They don't even have a
record of my existence.
I combined common sense with my observations and waited for other to squash
my agrument, before I provide any reputable stats.
It ain't easy for me to scan the docs I have.
I still have to work for a living.
I will google when I get a chance.

> Although noodle wont accept them, others will.

I have noticed, an adamant old conservative fella usually never accepts any
stats, reputable or otherwise.
But, I will try.
On 15/02/14 5:01 AM, Damian wrote:

> With numbers? Not likely. Numbers are my strong area.

The funny part about this is that I think that you're serious :)

On 2/15/2014 8:05 PM, Noddy wrote:
On 15/02/14 5:01 AM, Damian wrote:

With numbers? Not likely. Numbers are my strong area.

The funny part about this is that I think that you're serious :)
U _think_.....WOW, things r lookin up.

“Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea- massive,
difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind
boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it”
"Noddy" <me@wardengineering.com.au> wrote in message
On 15/02/14 5:01 AM, Damian wrote:

With numbers? Not likely. Numbers are my strong area.

The funny part about this is that I think that you're serious :)

That's because he is delirious, again.
On 15/02/2014 7:05 PM, Noddy wrote:
On 15/02/14 5:01 AM, Damian wrote:

With numbers? Not likely. Numbers are my strong area.

I think

nah you dont at all
perhaps you might develop a sense of shame and slash your wrists ?


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