"Rod Speed" <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote in message
There is no such animal.(" a decent mixture"). It's just a mixture, if
there's any socialism in it at all.
> leaves all the other alternatives for dead.
What other alternatives?!!
jonz <Dunno@why.i.bother> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Damian <damian_andrews75@yahoo.com.au> wrote
Rod Speed <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote
Damian <damian_andrews75@yahoo.com.au> wrote
What is the real reason for LPG price to jump from 55c to 90c?!
The govt started to tax it.
Don't you think it's wrong?
Nope. No reason why it should be taxed like petrol is.
There's a big industry that relies on cheaper LPG prices.
Not a good enough reason to not tax it like petrol is.
There is a MUCH bigger industry that uses petrol and diesel.
Is it likely to go back to 55c again?
Hard to say. We will see some effect of the boom in coal seam gas and
It's not easy to produce that gas, without raping the land around it.
It's a technology that needs to take carefully.
Do yerself a favour,
Dont need to.
and check out the long term result
That is fine.
of a short term gain. (financial)
There is a lot more than short term financial gain.
The almighty dollar rules again. capitalism eh?....aint it wonderful?.
Yep. A decent mix of capitalism and socialism
There is no such animal.(" a decent mixture"). It's just a mixture, if
there's any socialism in it at all.
> leaves all the other alternatives for dead.
What other alternatives?!!
Doesn't this massive price hike destroy industries
No, there are no industries that dependant on the LPG price.
What are you talkin about, man?
Alternative fuel Automotive industry alone relies on LPG price.
Its a fart in the bath.
Certainly some operations that are marginal will go bust
but that happens with any change in their circumstances
There ain't anything marginal about LPG based industries.
I said OPERATIONS, not industrys.
and make it worthless to own an LPG converted vehicle?
No, it is still substantially cheaper than petrol.
No, it's not.
Corse it is.
The conversion cost, wear and tear on engine, etc, etc makes it
Bullshit. The taxis still use it.