Ken Smith
In article <de79sc0283e@drn.newsguy.com>,
Winfield Hill <Winfield_member@newsguy.com> wrote:
later in the circuit is a better way to go. You usually want to follow
the cascoded pair of JFETs with a low noise PNP stage.
kensmith@rahul.net forging knowledge
Winfield Hill <Winfield_member@newsguy.com> wrote:
Yes, an amplifier where the feedback to the source is taken from muchThe 2sk170 with its under-1nV spot voltage-noise level isn't best
employed in a follower circuit, because this low noise level would
force one to follow the JFET follower with an unusually-low-noise
BJT amplifier, such as one using Rohm's 0.55nV 2sd786 transistors.
That's not appealing, compared to a properly-designed common-source
JFET amplifier that provides all the advantages without the pain.
later in the circuit is a better way to go. You usually want to follow
the cascoded pair of JFETs with a low noise PNP stage.
kensmith@rahul.net forging knowledge