Low Jerk Throttle & Brake Controllers for Public Buses

yes, but that is a result of the common coordination,
spherical + altitude, mathematically. thus,
for instance, when I asked the speaker,
who wrote a book about hurricanes,
What is the Mother of all hurricanes, or
maybe the father of them, because
it is anticyclonic?

Poles are points on a polar azimuthal equidistant projection, not
A const. torque electric motor might give the same drivig experience.

The initial jerk might be a spike but after that it would be zero.

Some railroad reg. requires a passenger train to decelerate with a
jerk<  2 m/sec^3.

Perhaps with a PIDD^2 controller? (proportional, integral, derivative,
derivative squared, assuming velocity being controlleed)?


Don't how or even if they do it on trains but it's

a good idea to keep the jerk down when passengers are out of their
seats and walking to an exit.

It could be done automatically on public buses to reduce tumbling down
the aisle incidents.  It would also reduce the multi tasking load on
bus drivers trying to pull out into heavy traffic before passengers
are seated..

The brake pedal would have an override, i.e., stomping all the way
down, in case a pedestrian stepped out in front of the bus.

The number of elderly will soar along with fuel prices so this will
save a lot of lives.

Bret Cahill

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