Jan Panteltje
On a sunny day (Tue, 13 Aug 2019 05:28:48 -0700 (PDT)) it happened
klaus.kragelund@gmail.com wrote in
I did this once, optical fiber in hole drilled in normal LED:
VERY small spot close to the end of the fibre.
Just one of those experiments, probably not of much use in this case.
klaus.kragelund@gmail.com wrote in
On Tuesday, 13 August 2019 02:10:32 UTC+2, George Herold wrote:
On Monday, August 12, 2019 at 5:21:25 PM UTC-4, Klaus Kragelund wrote:
I need a light focusing tube, to turn a green led with viewing angle of
120 degrees down to a small spot
I was thinking about light reflective mylar, but am open to suggestions?
This is for test equipment, so anything goes =F0=9F=98=8A
Huh, we use to electroplate copper onto SS cones... very long tapers,
a few degrees.. to focus FIR (say 10-100 um) onto a detector.
One grad student designed a parabolic reflector..
that did better. This is not for imaging, but just gathering as many
photons as possible.
What about a lens?
Lens could be an option, but has to be indifferent to the length from the object,
so it is robust against production changes
I did this once, optical fiber in hole drilled in normal LED:
VERY small spot close to the end of the fibre.
Just one of those experiments, probably not of much use in this case.