Is the "Skills Shortage" real ?

"TT" = criminal, grease monkey & net stalking arsewipe from Bunbury WA

See the ugly middle aged cunt with the spanner ?

Certain to know absoluoootly bloody NOTHING about what constitutes being
qualified in some branch of electronics means.

.......... Phil
*Note amendments to text*

"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"TT" = Qualified, hard working, entrepreneurial, small
business person from Bunbury WA

See the ugly middle aged Qualified Automotive Technician
with the spanner ?

Certain to know SOMETHING about what constitutes being
qualified in some branch of electronics means.

......... Phil = un-qualified, Uni drop-out, bi-polar
suffering, lonely old fool formally from Lackey St, Summer
Kindest regards TT

PS thanks for all the free plugs :)
*Note amendments to text*
** Yeah - all covered in Grease Monkey shit.

"TT" = a criminal, grease monkey & net stalking arsewipe from Bunbury WA

See the ugly middle aged cunt with the spanner ?

Certain to know absoluoootly bloody NOTHING about what constitutes being
qualified in some branch of electronics.

Knows how to crawl up the arse of that notorious gay Asian sex tourist -
Alan Rutlidge.

Knows how to crawl up the arse of that charlatan - Trevor Wilson.

Assorted sexual deviates, snake oil charlatans and scumbag hi-fi dealers are
his only friends.

......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
*Note amendments to text*

** Yeah - all covered in Grease Monkey shit.

"TT" = a criminal, grease monkey & net stalking arsewipe from Bunbury

See the ugly middle aged cunt with the spanner ?

Certain to know absoluoootly bloody NOTHING about what constitutes being
qualified in some branch of electronics.

Knows how to crawl up the arse of that notorious gay Asian sex tourist -
Alan Rutlidge.

Knows how to crawl up the arse of that charlatan - Trevor Wilson.

Assorted sexual deviates, snake oil charlatans and scumbag hi-fi dealers
are his only friends.

........ Phil
Naughty, naughty, naughty boy Phillip. I know now why they are all starting
to call you Philthy Phil the Philistine. Oh, what a shocking foul mouth
you are starting to develop on you again, and just after it looked there for
a while like you were coming good. Really son, you disappoint me. What
would the Marist Brothers think if they knew you were up to no good - again?

You should know by now you can't just go around writing such wicked and
nasty things about other people without some proof of your allegations!
Sooner or later it's going to come round full circle and bite you on the
behind, and what a shock that might be? Everyone knows you don't have any
friends. But that's no surprise to me dear. It's been that way since you
were a little tacker.

Dear, I know things haven't been easy for you. You've got nothing much to
show for all those years of toil except to be branded the most maligned
troll on Usenet. It saddens me to see you tucked away in that crappy old
rented bed-sit flat, sitting alone in awe of a pair of borrowed ancient Quad
ESL spark guards and an ever increasing stack of broken toasters piling up
in the corners as your only friends. Unfortunately you bring this on
yourself dear.

Over all those years the Brothers and I have tried desperately to instil a
sense of decency in you. It would appear that all our efforts have been in
vain and frankly after 53 years I've just about had enough of your
naughtiness. You certainly didn't turn out to be the good Catholic boy we
were all hoping for. :-( I suggest you put aside your prejudices and toddle
across the road and seek guidance from the Lord. Try to mend your wicked
ways and I'm sure there will be a place in heaven for a "nice" virgin boy
such as yourself.

Repent, repent, repent, before it's too late.

Hugs and kisses,

"Sparky" <> wrote in message
I'm becoming increasingly frustrated to hear of this alleged "Skills
Shortage" in the media.
Even the ABC keeps banging on about it...
I for one am finding it harder and harder to find useful work in
What do others think ? Is there a genuine skills shortage
(especially in Electronics Engineering)
Yes, but NOT in EE. An electrician can now earn more than an engineer in
many cases, and have a much larger choice of jobs.

or is it a cynical exercise by the Government and the Media to contain
and/or import cheap labour ?
All three.

"Alan Rutlidge" <> wrote in message
Pathetic really
that the Australian government should seek to import skilled labour when
decades it's allowed the education system and skilling of its existing
workforce to go to the dogs.
That's precisely the reason they want to import skilled labour. Nobody
wanted to train locals. All the government departments that did it once upon
a time are now privatised. Very few private companies ever bothered.

However if they are prepared to pay $millions per year for CEO's when there
is no real shortage (or even skills for that matter), paying much less than
a tenth of that for real skills, actually in short supply should not be a
problem, should it?

Mr.T wrote:
"Alan Rutlidge" <> wrote in message
decades it's allowed the education system and skilling of its existing
workforce to go to the dogs.

That's precisely the reason they want to import skilled labour. Nobody
wanted to train locals. All the government departments that did it once upon
a time are now privatised. Very few private companies ever bothered.
At last, {:) someone else who is singing my tune.
"Alex Gibson" <> wrote in message
It seems a lot of people are doing engineering at uni
because they want to be managers not because they want to
do electronics or design and build things.
They will probably end up on the dole then. Not that many managerial jobs
for EE's.

Alex Gibson wrote:
"David L. Jones" <> wrote in message
Alex Gibson wrote:

Don't forget the autmatic pass , after five or seven years if a student
completed 75%
of the course.

Happened to one guy I went through tafe with.

Don't know if it still works like that.

At least tafe students get taught soldering, not all uni students (Elect
cse ,tele etc) do.

Half the uni grads I've interviewed can't even use an analog meter or
cro, let alone solder.
The likelyhood of being able to do anything useful vs educational
qualifications appears to approximate that of an exponential decay
response :-

Dave :)

Whats a analog meter ? :)

Seriously you don't see many around these days especially on new equipment.
Its not just new grads that struggle to use old meters like avo's etc
I give it to them as a test to see if they understand the concept. I
don't mind if they have never used one and take 10 minutes to figure it
out, it's the being able to figure it out part I'm intersted in!

Thats why we've got color 200MHz lcd dso's in some labs :)

It seems a lot of people are doing engineering at uni
because they want to be managers not because they want to
do electronics or design and build things.
The majority do it because, well, they have to do something.
Most know bugger all about electronics before they start their course,
and a lot know bugger all after they finish too :->
Not surprising most never want to design or build anything, let along
take any real interest in it apart from whether or not they pass or
That's the vast majority of sudents I met anyway.

We did a lot of civil and mechanical enginering in the first two years
"just in case" we wanted to change over. I think it was something like
25% change their mind after the first year!

Dave :)
cut stuff
The majority do it because, well, they have to do something.
Most know bugger all about electronics before they start their course,
and a lot know bugger all after they finish too :-
Not surprising most never want to design or build anything, let along
take any real interest in it apart from whether or not they pass or
That's the vast majority of sudents I met anyway.

We did a lot of civil and mechanical enginering in the first two years
"just in case" we wanted to change over. I think it was something like
25% change their mind after the first year!

Dave :)

Thats true - most people who went through it with me did it because it
was something to do and seemed to lead on to bigger and better things.
They teach you a lot more about electronics at uni than they do about
Power, HV, buildings, Motors, Power stations etc and in those areas
there does seem to be a skill shortage. Not sure for how long though,
could well be termporary glitch. If you're a sparky and half smart and
know about electronics there is one hell of a lot of opportunity for

Electronics used to interest me a lot more before I went to uni, all
the maths made it real boring and took the fun out of it. Anyway I
found HV and motor control etc much more interesting which is what I do
now. Electronics knowledge does come in handy though. I guess the other
thing that started to kill my enthusiasm for electronics was the fact
that you can buy finished goods generally a lot cheaper than you can
buy the components for!!

I just build the odd kit now - Built the SC/Jaycar "clock watchers
clock" as a present not long ago. That was a great kit loved building
it and everyone who's seen it has wanted one - full credits to whoever
designed it.

Alex Gibson wrote:

It seems a lot of people are doing engineering at uni
because they want to be managers not because they want to
do electronics or design and build things.
Err, that was the traditional career path of engineers anyway.
Approximately ten years as an engineer, then you graduated to
management. Most probably not in the field you trained, but still
management of some sort. Many small Australian business were run by a
ex-engineer of one for or another.

Which lead to that report (Kirby??) that said that Australian business
suffered from lack of financial management ability. So, instead of
training managers in financial understanding. they started appointing
accountants to run companies.

Which lead to the disaster of the 1980's where the most profitable
engineering companies actually made their big profits from playing the
money market and the finding that Australia's biggest electronics
company was no longer big enough to oversee big engineering projects,
but had to be a sub contractor to overseas companies.
David L. Jones wrote:

Not surprising most never want to design or build anything, let along
take any real interest in it apart from whether or not they pass or
And given the fact that most (95%) will never use what they learn in Uni
in the real world anyway, does it matter?

My first "real world" problem was an earth fault induction calculation
and I even carted in my text to work it all out whilst tearing out my
hair, when three days later the chief engineer put me out of my misery
by say "Oh, I forgot to give you this" and dropped a loverly book that
worked through all the mathematics and real world approximations, to
provide a number of practical formula to use.

We did a lot of civil and mechanical enginering in the first two years
"just in case" we wanted to change over. I think it was something like
25% change their mind after the first year!
I've never used any of that either. {:).
Terry Collins wrote:
Which lead to the disaster of the 1980's where the most profitable
engineering companies actually made their big profits from playing the
money market and the finding that Australia's biggest electronics
company was no longer big enough to oversee big engineering projects,
but had to be a sub contractor to overseas companies.

I thought AWA died in the eigthties from playing the money market.
"Mark Harriss"
Terry Collins wrote:

Which lead to the disaster of the 1980's where the most profitable
engineering companies actually made their big profits from playing the
money market and the finding that Australia's biggest electronics company
was no longer big enough to oversee big engineering projects, but had to
be a sub contractor to overseas companies.

I thought AWA died in the eigthties from playing the money market.

** Very nearly went belly up in fact - AWA turned into a gaming industry
supplier to stay afloat.

Perreaux ( RIP) of NZ did the exact same thing wit the Futures market and
suffered a worse fate.

......... Phil
Phil Allison wrote:
Perreaux ( RIP) of NZ did the exact same thing wit the Futures market and
suffered a worse fate.

Thanks... I wondered what happened to those guys

I remembered a newspaper article about this young guy in his
20's being in charge of AWA's forex transactions: he was trying
to keep track of it all on bits of postit notes as his secretary
refused to do her job and just filed her nails and told him to
piss off whenever he asked her to do something.
"David L. Jones" <> wrote in message
Alex Gibson wrote:

Don't forget the autmatic pass , after five or seven years if a student
completed 75%
of the course.

Happened to one guy I went through tafe with.

Don't know if it still works like that.

At least tafe students get taught soldering, not all uni students (Elect
cse ,tele etc) do.

Half the uni grads I've interviewed can't even use an analog meter or
cro, let alone solder.
The likelyhood of being able to do anything useful vs educational
qualifications appears to approximate that of an exponential decay
response :-

Dave :)
Whats a analog meter ? :)

Seriously you don't see many around these days especially on new equipment.
Its not just new grads that struggle to use old meters like avo's etc

Thats why we've got color 200MHz lcd dso's in some labs :)

It seems a lot of people are doing engineering at uni
because they want to be managers not because they want to
do electronics or design and build things.


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