On Sep 6, 7:10 pm, "David L. Jones" <altz...@gmail.com> wrote:
and never have been into wasting money needlessly.
Feel free to hand over as much of your money as you want, to whoever
you want, that is your right, and your choice, spend on solar panels,
buy a Prius, a bicycle, or any other of things you believe in, but
don't either support or become anyone who forces others (especially
those not as fortunate as us through no fault of their own) to do the
same, against their will and take away their right to a choice. At
best, even if it forces wages up to match the extra cost, this will
push many into a higher tax bracket, creating a double whammy.
If you were to fall on hard times, lose your job, get incapacitated
etc, you might not think of things you now take for granted as being
"cheap". Even if you don't personally mind doing it tough, what about
your children, wife and family ?
Dont for one minute think that it "cant happen to you", especially
once this so called recession resumes its downhill slide once again.
In this case where it's a tax, (on top of hundreds of other taxes we
are burdened with) that will simply be inefficiently used and wasted,
and do little (if anything at all) to achieve any "alternative" energy
sources in the long run. It will just flow through just about every
sector forcing up prices for every item and service and hurt those who
can least afford it. The corporate world will simply either pass the
tax onto the consumer, simply avoid paying it, and/or lobby to have
any such legislation modified to impact them as little as possible.
The money that has been dumped down the toilet as "stimulus" at huge
future cost to the taxpayer, The US handing out 100's of billions out
incompetent banks and corporations, fighting illegal foreign wars,
should instead be spent on these "alternative energy" sources, if they
really, truly are that important. The money wasted on funding the AGW
fraud industry could instead be diverted into alternative energy
Their actions show that these "alternative" energies are of a pretty
low importance to governments.
I already am careful with electricity, fuel and water use as I'm notKR wrote:
On Sep 6, 10:45 am, "Trevor Wilson" <tre...@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au
"Dyna Soar" <dynasoar..REMOVE..THI...@ozdebate.com> wrote in message
Trevor Wilson wrote:
We know the trend.
We know that CO2 acts as a GHG.
We know that CO2 and temperatures are inextricably linked.
We should not have to convince the anti-science idiots, religious
zealots and politicians.
Jeeze!! Will you stop your arrogant audacity of speaking for
everyone. "We" do not necessarily "know" (and/or agree with) all or
some of the points you raise.
**Of course. Religious nutters, fossil fuel apologists and morons
will always dispute the science. They always have and always will.
Religious Nutters ??
When there is an opportunity of tax and power grab of a scale
unprecedented in modern times at stake (The carbon tax in the US
alone has been estimated to end up costing an extra 20% to consumers
on all current energy costs)
20%, is that all?
That's pretty cheap IMO for a sensible and ultimately needed move toward a
more sustainable energy future.
If you complain about the cost, how about trying to use 20% less?
People have enjoyed (wasted) cheap energy for far too long, time for that
mind-set to change I recon.
Just like people who complain about the price of petrol - even at it's most
expensive it's still cheap, ridiculously cheap.
and never have been into wasting money needlessly.
Feel free to hand over as much of your money as you want, to whoever
you want, that is your right, and your choice, spend on solar panels,
buy a Prius, a bicycle, or any other of things you believe in, but
don't either support or become anyone who forces others (especially
those not as fortunate as us through no fault of their own) to do the
same, against their will and take away their right to a choice. At
best, even if it forces wages up to match the extra cost, this will
push many into a higher tax bracket, creating a double whammy.
If you were to fall on hard times, lose your job, get incapacitated
etc, you might not think of things you now take for granted as being
"cheap". Even if you don't personally mind doing it tough, what about
your children, wife and family ?
Dont for one minute think that it "cant happen to you", especially
once this so called recession resumes its downhill slide once again.
In this case where it's a tax, (on top of hundreds of other taxes we
are burdened with) that will simply be inefficiently used and wasted,
and do little (if anything at all) to achieve any "alternative" energy
sources in the long run. It will just flow through just about every
sector forcing up prices for every item and service and hurt those who
can least afford it. The corporate world will simply either pass the
tax onto the consumer, simply avoid paying it, and/or lobby to have
any such legislation modified to impact them as little as possible.
The money that has been dumped down the toilet as "stimulus" at huge
future cost to the taxpayer, The US handing out 100's of billions out
incompetent banks and corporations, fighting illegal foreign wars,
should instead be spent on these "alternative energy" sources, if they
really, truly are that important. The money wasted on funding the AGW
fraud industry could instead be diverted into alternative energy
Their actions show that these "alternative" energies are of a pretty
low importance to governments.
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