Alan Rutlidge
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
By just going over the same boring ground time after time isn't going to
prove a thing Phil except that you are indeed an irritating prick with far
too much spare time on his hands. Well at least one free hand. We all know
where the other one is
If you are going to try to insult me Phil, why don't you come up with
something original for a change. You're such a boring old fart.
Phil,Some vile arse bandit Pig from Perth puked:
You've lready said the same thing at least twice before in the space of
few minutes. We all got the message the first time.
** Clearly - that criminal fuckwit "Sea Squid" did not get the
He kept coming back for more after ignoring it .
Why is it you have to repetitively have to prove over and over again
how much of an irritating prick you really are?
** The arse bandit Pig from Perth takes sides with criminals again.
Comes naturally to human garbage like him.
............ Phil
By just going over the same boring ground time after time isn't going to
prove a thing Phil except that you are indeed an irritating prick with far
too much spare time on his hands. Well at least one free hand. We all know
where the other one is
If you are going to try to insult me Phil, why don't you come up with
something original for a change. You're such a boring old fart.