Trevor Wilson
On 6/18/2012 11:27 PM, Gordon Levi wrote:
conservatives understand so little about science?
Trevor Wilson www.rageaudio.com.au
**Quite so. Sorry for my mis-reading of your words. I wonder why so manyTrevor Wilson<trevor@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au> wrote:
On 6/18/2012 6:22 PM, Gordon Levi wrote:
kreed<kenreed1999@gmail.com> wrote:
**Why? The science tells us that AGW is a problem. Religious leaders,
some politicians, talk-back radio hosts and morons claim the science is
Trevor Wilson www.rageaudio.com.au
Note the typical symbols of the AGW "skeptics". Can you explain why
all climate conservatives are also right-wing political conservatives?
**Turnbull isn't.
Can't think of any others.
Oh wait: Yes I can Margaret Thatcher. She has been known to call deniers
complete idiots.
I did not claim that all political conservatives were climate
conservatives. Most political conservatives can look at an issue that
requires social change and formulate a policy that takes heed of their
scientific advisors rather than accusing them of being part of a
global socialist conspiracy. On the other hand, I have never come
across a climate conservative that was not a political conservative.
They also tend to come from the right-wing of the conservatives.
conservatives understand so little about science?
Trevor Wilson www.rageaudio.com.au