The fact that I know: a 6db voltage gain is a 3db power gain.
If that is wrong set me straight.
I'm confused after using this calculator.
The first calculator labeled,
â Find decibel voltage gain and ratio out/in by entering input and
output voltage:â
If I put 1 volt on the input line and 2 volts on the output line, the
calculator gives a 6db gain.
The second calculator labeled,
âFind decibel power gain and ratio out/in by entering before and after
In order to enter power in Watts, I'll assume a 50 ohm system and
calculate power using
V^2/R=P. As above 1volt^2/50 =0.02 Watts for input power and 2^2/50=0.08
Watts for output power.
When I enter 0.02 and 0.08 into the second calculator, I get 6db power gain.
Back to the fact that I know, a 6db voltage gain is a 3db power gain.
So, what am I doing wrong that I don't get 3db for the power?
Thanks for your time, Mikek
If that is wrong set me straight.
I'm confused after using this calculator.
The first calculator labeled,
â Find decibel voltage gain and ratio out/in by entering input and
output voltage:â
If I put 1 volt on the input line and 2 volts on the output line, the
calculator gives a 6db gain.
The second calculator labeled,
âFind decibel power gain and ratio out/in by entering before and after
In order to enter power in Watts, I'll assume a 50 ohm system and
calculate power using
V^2/R=P. As above 1volt^2/50 =0.02 Watts for input power and 2^2/50=0.08
Watts for output power.
When I enter 0.02 and 0.08 into the second calculator, I get 6db power gain.
Back to the fact that I know, a 6db voltage gain is a 3db power gain.
So, what am I doing wrong that I don't get 3db for the power?
Thanks for your time, Mikek