Joseph Gwinn
On Jun 7, 2019, whit3rd wrote
(in article<f4eb199d-086c-4be0-8fe2-8dc37a36ab7e@googlegroups.com>
For gaussian noise and the like, averaging does help. For 1/f noise,
averaging has no effect at all. That´s why 1/f noise is so critical.
One large reason for going from the current "DC" scheme to an "AC"
scheme is that 1/f noise falls off at higher frequencies.
The classic scheme would be some kind of torsionally vibrating coil feeding
an AC coupled amplifier and a synchronous detector. This approach has already
been mentioned and dismissed as being too complex for teaching, but has the
advantage of being workable in exactly such a lab..
It occurs to me that a possible arrangement is two torsionally oscillating
coils that are coaxial and almost touch, but vibrate opposite to one another.
The coils would be wired such that the desired electron acceleration signals
would add, while variation due to changes in coil radial size due to
centrifugal effect interacting with the local magnetic field would largely
Lower 1/f noise is always helpful.
Joe Gwinn
(in article<f4eb199d-086c-4be0-8fe2-8dc37a36ab7e@googlegroups.com>
On Friday, June 7, 2019 at 8:55:17 AM UTC-7, George Herold wrote:
On Thursday, June 6, 2019 at 11:27:28 PM UTC-4, John Larkin wrote:
The mercotac things use "liquid metal" contacts. What metal is
Mercury? Gallium if you heat it a little, I wonder if there is a temperature
I'd expect some healthy thermoelectrics.
If you put a battery and op amp into the spinning disk, the rotating
contacts can have the buffered integrator-capacitor voltage
on them, so a few microvolts won't matter. The nanovolt signals don't
need to pass through the mystery metals.
And no one's mentioned 1/f noise.
Noise only makes a single run uncertain, multiple runs will solve that.
For gaussian noise and the like, averaging does help. For 1/f noise,
averaging has no effect at all. That´s why 1/f noise is so critical.
One large reason for going from the current "DC" scheme to an "AC"
scheme is that 1/f noise falls off at higher frequencies.
The classic scheme would be some kind of torsionally vibrating coil feeding
an AC coupled amplifier and a synchronous detector. This approach has already
been mentioned and dismissed as being too complex for teaching, but has the
advantage of being workable in exactly such a lab..
It occurs to me that a possible arrangement is two torsionally oscillating
coils that are coaxial and almost touch, but vibrate opposite to one another.
The coils would be wired such that the desired electron acceleration signals
would add, while variation due to changes in coil radial size due to
centrifugal effect interacting with the local magnetic field would largely
PMI's old designs used SiN passivation with SiO2 overcoat, and had
very low 1/f noise; those OP27s, and other offerings, are available from
AD nowadays. 80nV in 0.1 to 10 Hz bandwidth, and you only really
care about 0.1 to 1 Hz if you look at the brake-pulse integration. It might
hurt the take-a-thousand-readings schemes, however.
Lower 1/f noise is always helpful.
Joe Gwinn