GPS Phone madness

In article <4ab98b78$0$6092$>, MrT@home
:"Trevor Wilson" <> wrote in message
:> Like I said before: Walk a mile in my shoes. Wait 'till some idiot rams
:> up the arse, because he was mucking about with his GPS.
:I've been run into the back of 3 times by people not watching what they were
:doing! NONE of them was playing with a GPS. You STILL do not understand the
:difference between poor driving, inattention and a singular piece of
:technology that MAY cause some *morons* to crash, when they'd just find some
:eek:ther way to do it anyhow.

Indeed, he just doesnt get it.
"Jeßus" <> wrote in message
The only draconian measure we need is in relation to population control.

But that won't happen, until it's forced upon us.
By who? Our stupid pollies are busy paying baby bonuses to encourage
*greater* levels of over-population!
(and the subsequent increases in GHG emissions)
They simply refuse to believe there is any correlation between emissions and
7+ Billion people on the planet. They also believe we can reduce emissions
by increasing population. That is propagated by the insistence of measuring
output per person rather than globally, per country and per square km as it
should be done. So they can claim success in reductions per person while the
total amount continues to increase :-(
(Just as they do with water usage as well. "Hey we've hit 155 litres pp/pd,
too bad if the dams are dry because we have doubled the population since the
last dam was built, and there are no more rivers being built to dam anyway

I think the world is at it's zenith, I'm afraid it must be pretty much
downhill from here as far as quality of life for most people is concerned.

Trevor Wilson wrote:
"Jeßus" <> wrote in message
In article <>, said...
:"David L. Jones" <> wrote in message
:> Looks like using GPS phones will be banned in Vic, even if it's in a
:> cradle:
:> Madness, as only the bureaucrats can come up with.
:**Yeah? Wait'll you get tapped in the arse by some idiot punching a
:destination into his GPS. IF a GPS can be made to only operate by a
:passenger, or when the car is stationary, then I have no problems with
:use. As long as drivers can use them, then we're all in trouble.
:pS: My 'phone is GPS equipped, so I will be affected by any forthcoming
:legislation. I ONLY operate it when my car is stationary. Driving a car
:Sydney requires 100% concentration.

Wouldn't you be a lot happier living somewhere like Singapore?

**Fuck that. It's a dictatorship, where capital punishment is enshrined in
law. I am anti-capital punishment. Singapore has the worst weather on the
planet too.
Is there anything much that you aren't against Trevor?

They love having endless laws, with harsh penalties.
Sounds like it'd be right up your alley.

**After YOU get rear-ended by some fuckwit playing with his GPS, get back to
me. Idiots cannot be trusted to use GPS' responsibly. The law is essential.
I watched this idiot plough into me a few months ago. I could see him
fiddling with his GPS. I had absolutely no-where to go. I just waited for
the crunch. Then I waited for my car to be repaired. It was a PITA. All his
fault, that doesn't make up for the inconvenience.
Like many of the others here, I've been rear ended a couple of times by
idiots who didn't need a GPS or phone to help them. Its part of life in
the big city which is one of the reasons that I no longer live in a big
(or even a small) city.

Walk a mile in my shoes, BEFORE you shoot your mouth off.
No thanks Trev, I would never want to get that pedantic. Speaking of
which, shouldn't that be 1.6 kilometres in your shoes?
Mr.T wrote:
"Jeßus" <> wrote in message
The only draconian measure we need is in relation to population

Ditto indeed.
Overpopulation is by far the biggest threat facing this planet and our
future standard of living, ignoring nukes and rogue asteroids of course.
Although somewhat ironically, both of those are rather effective at solving
population control :->

Check out my Electronics Engineering Video Blog & Podcast:
Mr.T wrote:
I think the world is at it's zenith, I'm afraid it must be pretty much
downhill from here as far as quality of life for most people is
Well, it's going to have to change at least, in many ways.
The reliance on cheap and plentiful oil is the thing most likely to hit the
fan first for most societies. It'll be a real hoot, even better than the

Check out my Electronics Engineering Video Blog & Podcast:

David L. Jones wrote:

Yep, please explain how it makes sense to have a purpose designed GPS device
in a cradle legal, yet a mobile phone (often running the same GPS software)
in the same cradle will be illegal to use.
Perhaps the problem is that people might be tempted to use their phone
for non-GPS purposes for example if an SMS arrives while they're at the
lights. It's really easy to get distracted when your GPS device tries to
do more than just be a GPS.

I reckon it's too much of a temptation for many to revert to 'illegal'
behaviour even when it's cradled (especially modern touch screen
phones), so perhaps it's better to force the phone out of your reach
while driving, including off the dash.. Not everyone would break the law
as described of course, but I imagine there will always be enough stupid
people to warrant it overall..


On Sep 23, 6:23 pm, "Mr.T" <MrT@home> wrote:
"Jeßus" <> wrote in message

The only draconian measure we need is in relation to population control..


But that won't happen, until it's forced upon us.

By who? Our stupid pollies are busy paying baby bonuses to encourage
*greater* levels of  over-population!
Agreed, and the majority of the (feral, bogan) recipients of this Baby
Bonus are the sort of crap that we need to be
reducing the numbers of. Instead, they should be paid a bonus for
voluntary non-reversible sterilisation, and heavily taxed if they do
have a child.

In this case, this sort of bonus wouldn't matter too much, as an
expense to the taxpayer, as most of this money will be quickly spent
on alcohol, cigarettes, poker machines, all of which the government
will get a large slice of the money back in the high taxes levied on
these industries and products, making it a lot cheaper for the
taxpayer, as well as eliminating loads of future bludgers at
$100,000's of taxpayer cost per head over their life time.
A sterilisation bonus is a sound investment in the future.

(and the subsequent increases in GHG emissions)
They simply refuse to believe there is any correlation between emissions and
7+ Billion people on the planet. They also believe we can reduce emissions
by increasing population. That is propagated by the insistence of measuring
output per person rather than globally, per country and per square km as it
should be done. So they can claim success in reductions per person while the
total amount continues to increase :-(
Simply because these emissions are irrelevant, and are just an excuse
for the biggest tax and power grab - probably in modern history. They
aren't going to do anything overall, because there is no point. Its
just a sham to slap restrictions on individuals, and small
businesses, tax them into the ground and help the big firms and banks
increase their profits. Thats what the pollies do every day, if they
want campaign and party funding, and positive media coverage, and to
be re-elected, they do as they are told. They and their families don't
care less about the rest of us, as they believe that they will never
want for anything, and never be prosecuted etc. They also don't want
to be on the "wrong side of the trade" by being an ordinary citizen,
and on the receiving end as if they don't do it, someone else who will
do it will be elected.

As AGW is bullshit, I wouldnt lose any sleep if I were you over this,
however there are legitimate
forms of pollution to consider such as the amount of sewerage,
garbage, smog and other waste
that overpopulation produces, as well as water, food production etc
become more expensive, and less
available overall to go around. Quality of life.

As the western world has been and is doing everything possible to
destroy any abilities, skills, morals,
benefits and advantages it previously had (with a lot of thanks to the
Trevs of this world, and their kind for putting us on this path) those
of us in the West are going to live in a future where we end up much
further down the world ladder in the scheme of things, that we will be
the ones missing out, or paying very dearly for what little we get
(unlike in the past when we were firmly part of the first world and
were able to do what we wanted).
Also years of things like being involved in endless illegal wars, mad
printing of soon to be worthless paper currencies, ($USD) backed by
nothing, will probably earn the west the wrath and anger of other
countries who will then in a position of power and who have long
bitter memories.

(Just as they do with water usage as well. "Hey we've hit 155 litres pp/pd,
too bad if the dams are dry because we have doubled the population since the
last dam was built, and there are no more rivers being built to dam anyway

I think the world is at it's zenith, I'm afraid it must be pretty much
downhill from here as far as quality of life for most people is concerned..

It is.
Just like everything else, Including climate, its all just part of the
natural cycles of everything - life, fashion, business, good times,
bad times, and the rise and fall of empires, parties, companies, and

The only good thing about it is that once we hit that bottom, and the
public get mad enough to start some serious efforts to find the
culprits for their situation, - then the true culprits: Greenies,
corrupt pollies (on both sides) and their corporate masters, Corrupt
bankers, PC morons, do gooders and the Trevs of this world might enjoy
being on the receiving end of a modern day (and long overdue) repeat
of bastille day. They will probably wish for the good ol' days of the
quick death by guillotine. I would hate to think what a modern mob
would do to these bastards.

Once this shit is turned into fertiliser (and finally doing some
positive good for the world - and the environment) then those that
have some brains, and common sense and want to improve things will
finally be able to do something without having the fuck wits blocking
their way at every turn. Maybe people will learn once again the
lessons of history and be more vigilant (for a time) to prevent this
crap happening again and the society will rise and grow and become
more happy, secure and powerful, .............until the cycle once
again turns down again in the distant future, and the same shit is
"Jeßus" <> wrote in message
In article <>, said...
:"Jeßus" <> wrote in message
:> In article <>,
:> said...
:> :
:> :"David L. Jones" <> wrote in message
:> :news:6hXtm.230565$vp.42764@newsfe12.iad...
:> :> Looks like using GPS phones will be banned in Vic, even if it's in a
:> :> cradle:
:> :>
:> :>
:> :> Madness, as only the bureaucrats can come up with.
:> :
:> :**Yeah? Wait'll you get tapped in the arse by some idiot punching a
:> :destination into his GPS. IF a GPS can be made to only operate by a
:> :passenger, or when the car is stationary, then I have no problems with
:> their
:> :use. As long as drivers can use them, then we're all in trouble.
:> :
:> :pS: My 'phone is GPS equipped, so I will be affected by any forthcoming
:> :legislation. I ONLY operate it when my car is stationary. Driving a car
:> in
:> :Sydney requires 100% concentration.
:> Wouldn't you be a lot happier living somewhere like Singapore?
:**Fuck that. It's a dictatorship, where capital punishment is enshrined in
:law. I am anti-capital punishment. Singapore has the worst weather on the
:planet too.

What do you expect will happen here if you keep getting what you want,
which appears to be to have guns outlawed,

**Huh? Do you imagine that by repeating a lie that it suddenly becomes
truth? Here's where I get to call you a liar. Justify your allegation, or
retract it. And fuck off with your mealy-mothed words like "appears". Man up
or fuck off. Liar.

and now new GPS laws? Those
in power will take every opportunity to exploit and abuse such laws, one
way or the other.

**All laws can be misused. We need to be vigilant.

At least you're anti-capital punishment...

**There's no going back from death.

:> They love having endless laws, with harsh penalties.
:> Sounds like it'd be right up your alley.
:**After YOU get rear-ended by some fuckwit playing with his GPS, get back

You think if that happened to me, that I'd automatically want the law
changed? Not everyone thinks like you (thank Christ).

: Idiots cannot be trusted to use GPS' responsibly.
:The law is essential.
:I watched this idiot plough into me a few months ago. I could see him
:fiddling with his GPS. I had absolutely no-where to go. I just waited for
:the crunch. Then I waited for my car to be repaired. It was a PITA. All his
:fault, that doesn't make up for the inconvenience.

We were in a fairly serious accident, being t-boned by a drunk driver.
And yet I am against random breath testing.

**That makes you kinda stupid. The results of RBT are tangible and real.
Thousands of innocent lives have been saved by RBT. Including, possibly,
yours and mine, BTW. RBT is not only a miniscule intrusion into our lives,
but targets only the criminal. If your not guilty, there is zero cost, save
a few seconds out of your life.

Just because something
'bad' happens, doesnt mean you need to be running off for help from the
nanny state.

**I love this term: "nanny state". It makes the application of common-sense
laws sound, somehow, nasty. It's not. Without laws, we have Somalia. I take
you would prefer to live in an anarchic state, like Somalia? Or the Ivory
Coast? None of us like every law in society. However, over time, we have
developed a range of laws which allow our society to remain cohesive, fair
and to run smoothly. The law will always change along with demands from
society. It will, hopefully, always be that way.

:Walk a mile in my shoes, BEFORE you shoot your mouth off.

No, you assume your way of thinking is the only possible 'correct' way
of thinking. Your mentality is asking for a dictatorship, even if you
don't know it.

**Yours is akin to one of the war lords in Somalia. Mine is to trust in the
law and the lawmakers and the system which keeps them honest. It's not
perfect, but it is a whole lot better than your idea of anarchy.

Trevor Wilson
"KR" <> wrote in message
On Sep 23, 6:23 pm, "Mr.T" <MrT@home> wrote:
"Jeßus" <> wrote in message

The only draconian measure we need is in relation to population control.


But that won't happen, until it's forced upon us.

By who? Our stupid pollies are busy paying baby bonuses to encourage
*greater* levels of over-population!

As AGW is bullshit,

**Prove it. Supply 100%, ironclad proof that AGW is bullshit.

Trevor Wilson
In article <>, said...
:"Jeßus" <> wrote in message
:In article <>, said...
::"Jeßus" <> wrote in message
::> In article <>,
::> said...
::> :
::> :"David L. Jones" <> wrote in message
::> :news:6hXtm.230565$vp.42764@newsfe12.iad...
::> :> Looks like using GPS phones will be banned in Vic, even if it's in a
::> :> cradle:
::> :>
::> :>
::> :> Madness, as only the bureaucrats can come up with.
::> :
::> :**Yeah? Wait'll you get tapped in the arse by some idiot punching a
::> :destination into his GPS. IF a GPS can be made to only operate by a
::> :passenger, or when the car is stationary, then I have no problems with
::> their
::> :use. As long as drivers can use them, then we're all in trouble.
::> :
::> :pS: My 'phone is GPS equipped, so I will be affected by any forthcoming
::> :legislation. I ONLY operate it when my car is stationary. Driving a car
::> in
::> :Sydney requires 100% concentration.
::> Wouldn't you be a lot happier living somewhere like Singapore?
::**Fuck that. It's a dictatorship, where capital punishment is enshrined in
::law. I am anti-capital punishment. Singapore has the worst weather on the
::planet too.
:What do you expect will happen here if you keep getting what you want,
:which appears to be to have guns outlawed,
:**Huh? Do you imagine that by repeating a lie that it suddenly becomes
:truth? Here's where I get to call you a liar. Justify your allegation, or
:retract it. And fuck off with your mealy-mothed words like "appears". Man up
:eek:r fuck off. Liar.

LOL. Liar, liar, pants on fire. Jesus, you're a considerably bigger
fuckwit than I realised Trev. Well, if you can sum up in one sentence
what your position IS on firearms? All I have read from you is
negativity on the subject.

: and now new GPS laws? Those
:in power will take every opportunity to exploit and abuse such laws, one
:way or the other.
:**All laws can be misused. We need to be vigilant.

Yep. And vigilance clearly does sweet fuck all in our system.

: At least you're anti-capital punishment...
:**There's no going back from death.

I've never understood how the death penalty is worse than a lifetime of
incarceration. I'd take the death penalty with pleasure, if I was in
that situation. That's my primary objection, along with so many errors
being made in sentencing.

::> They love having endless laws, with harsh penalties.
::> Sounds like it'd be right up your alley.
::**After YOU get rear-ended by some fuckwit playing with his GPS, get back
:You think if that happened to me, that I'd automatically want the law
:changed? Not everyone thinks like you (thank Christ).
:: Idiots cannot be trusted to use GPS' responsibly.
::The law is essential.
::I watched this idiot plough into me a few months ago. I could see him
::fiddling with his GPS. I had absolutely no-where to go. I just waited for
::the crunch. Then I waited for my car to be repaired. It was a PITA. All his
::fault, that doesn't make up for the inconvenience.
:We were in a fairly serious accident, being t-boned by a drunk driver.
:And yet I am against random breath testing.
:**That makes you kinda stupid. The results of RBT are tangible and real.

Look, I'm NOT trying to change your mind, I'm replying with an
alternative point of view. I view the "tangible and real" results as

:Thousands of innocent lives have been saved by RBT.

Oh goody.

: Including, possibly,
:yours and mine, BTW. RBT is not only a miniscule intrusion into our lives,
:but targets only the criminal. If your not guilty, there is zero cost, save
:a few seconds out of your life.

Try living in Kiama and having to use the outbound southern exit from
the main street each day. I was breath tested on average four times a

: Just because something
:'bad' happens, doesnt mean you need to be running off for help from the
:nanny state.
:**I love this term: "nanny state".

I thought you would, in all honesty.

: It makes the application of common-sense
:laws sound, somehow, nasty.

It does, because they are. Common sense legislation is long gone.

: It's not. Without laws, we have Somalia.

No laws now? who said that?

: I take
:you would prefer to live in an anarchic state, like Somalia? Or the Ivory
:Coast? None of us like every law in society. However, over time, we have
:developed a range of laws which allow our society to remain cohesive, fair
:and to run smoothly. The law will always change along with demands from
:society. It will, hopefully, always be that way.

I'll keep saying it - you just don't get it. Adding more laws for GPS,
fog lights, water restrictions or even wearing yellow hats on a weekday
are an exercise in utter futility. That mindset just isnt relevent at
this stage of our society. It will solve NOTHING and will only
exacerbate the problems people face daily. The root cause of 90% of our
problems in overpopulation - these sort of issues like drink driving or
GPS use only raised their heads (technology timelines notwithstanding)
in recent times. In the past, most would shrug and accept that sometimes
accidents happen. But I imagine you can't get your head around that...

::Walk a mile in my shoes, BEFORE you shoot your mouth off.
:No, you assume your way of thinking is the only possible 'correct' way
:eek:f thinking. Your mentality is asking for a dictatorship, even if you
:don't know it.
:**Yours is akin to one of the war lords in Somalia. Mine is to trust in the
:law and the lawmakers and the system which keeps them honest. It's not
:perfect, but it is a whole lot better than your idea of anarchy.

Oddly enough, it works *perfectly* where I live - not that I regard it
as 'anarchy' (your words, not mine). Example, the local coppers are
great blokes and excerise their own discretion, instead of robotically
applying the law as written. Why does it work here? Because of the small
population over a wide area.

Your barking up the wrong tree with applying new bandaid laws to 'fix'
everything. It's uttery futile.
In article <4ab9da82$0$6092$>, MrT@home
:"Jeßus" <> wrote in message
:> The only draconian measure we need is in relation to population control.
:> But that won't happen, until it's forced upon us.
:By who?

By nobody. What I meant, was that the population will grow so large,
that the population will start to decline due to food shortages,
disease, war and a general breakdown of society (when Australia is
invaded one way or the other).

It is said that - at current rates - in 500 years if it continues at the
same rate, there will be a human for every square metre of planet Earth
- that includes the oceans. Clearly it cant go that far, but the point
is that something needs to be done soon.

: Our stupid pollies are busy paying baby bonuses to encourage
:*greater* levels of over-population!

I don't view our pollies as being stupid, generally speaking. Theyre
just self-serving parasites out to further their own - and by extention
- their master's - interests. Our system actively discourages ANY long
term beneficial planning.

:(and the subsequent increases in GHG emissions)
:They simply refuse to believe there is any correlation between emissions and
:7+ Billion people on the planet.

They won't touch the issue with a barge pole. They know it will mean
instant death at the next election. The public are nowhere near ready to
even contemplate population control.

: They also believe we can reduce emissions
:by increasing population. That is propagated by the insistence of measuring
:eek:utput per person rather than globally, per country and per square km as it
:should be done. So they can claim success in reductions per person while the
:total amount continues to increase :-(
:(Just as they do with water usage as well. "Hey we've hit 155 litres pp/pd,
:too bad if the dams are dry because we have doubled the population since the
:last dam was built, and there are no more rivers being built to dam anyway
:I think the world is at it's zenith, I'm afraid it must be pretty much
:downhill from here as far as quality of life for most people is concerned.

I tend to agree with your final assessment. I believe the past 100 or
so years in particular are highly aberrant times, in terms of human
history and development - it's come - and it WILL go. The way we live
and perceive the world we live in is on the way out, thankfully.
History will view us as being very, very odd and irrational.
In article <f6678098-c956-44b4-8644->,
:On Sep 23, 6:23 pm, "Mr.T" <MrT@home> wrote:
:> "Jeßus" <> wrote in message
:> > The only draconian measure we need is in relation to population control.
:> Indeed.
:> > But that won't happen, until it's forced upon us.
:> By who? Our stupid pollies are busy paying baby bonuses to encourage
:> *greater* levels of  over-population!
:Agreed, and the majority of the (feral, bogan) recipients of this Baby
:Bonus are the sort of crap that we need to be
:reducing the numbers of. Instead, they should be paid a bonus for
:voluntary non-reversible sterilisation, and heavily taxed if they do
:have a child.

Thats how it should be. Of course, that doesnt help the 'captains of
industry' though, does it? It's to their great benefit to have as large
a population as is possible.
"KR" <> wrote in message
The only good thing about it is that once we hit that bottom, and the
public get mad enough to start some serious efforts to find the
culprits for their situation, - then the true culprits: Greenies,
corrupt pollies (on both sides) and their corporate masters, Corrupt
bankers, PC morons, do gooders and the Trevs of this world might enjoy
being on the receiving end of a modern day (and long overdue) repeat
of bastille day. They will probably wish for the good ol' days of the
quick death by guillotine. I would hate to think what a modern mob
would do to these bastards.
If only it were so. The fallout from the GFC has seen many CEO's, bankers
etc INCREASE their income. As long as the rich and powerful are in control,
they will look after their own. And I wouldn't hold my breathe waiting for a
"mob" revolution if I were you. But yes it's long overdue.

and common sense
Has always been a contradiction of terms!

"Trevor Wilson" <> wrote in message
Mine is to trust in the law and the lawmakers
More fool you!

and the system which keeps them honest.
Pity the system DOESN'T keep them honest then!

It's not perfect, but it is a whole lot better than your idea of anarchy.
And you see no other alternatives? What a limited vision you have!

"Jeßus" <> wrote in message
It is said that - at current rates - in 500 years if it continues at the
same rate, there will be a human for every square metre of planet Earth
- that includes the oceans. Clearly it cant go that far, but the point
is that something needs to be done soon.
No it's already too late for the planet. People currently trying to emulate
King Canute will achieve the same result.

: Our stupid pollies are busy paying baby bonuses to encourage
:*greater* levels of over-population!
I don't view our pollies as being stupid, generally speaking.
OK, more greedy, and self serving in most cases, but the result is the same.

Theyre just self-serving parasites out to further their own - and by
- their master's - interests. Our system actively discourages ANY long
term beneficial planning.
Unfortunately so true.

:(and the subsequent increases in GHG emissions)
:They simply refuse to believe there is any correlation between emissions
:7+ Billion people on the planet.
They won't touch the issue with a barge pole. They know it will mean
instant death at the next election. The public are nowhere near ready to
even contemplate population control.
Indeed, the womens groups still complain about China. Imagine their current
population without the limits for over a generation!

"Jeßus" <> wrote in message
In article <>, said...
:"Jeßus" <> wrote in message
:In article <>, said...
::"Jeßus" <> wrote in message
::> In article <>,
::> said...
::> :
::> :"David L. Jones" <> wrote in message
::> :news:6hXtm.230565$vp.42764@newsfe12.iad...
::> :> Looks like using GPS phones will be banned in Vic, even if it's in a
::> :> cradle:
::> :>
::> :>
::> :> Madness, as only the bureaucrats can come up with.
::> :
::> :**Yeah? Wait'll you get tapped in the arse by some idiot punching a
::> :destination into his GPS. IF a GPS can be made to only operate by a
::> :passenger, or when the car is stationary, then I have no problems with
::> their
::> :use. As long as drivers can use them, then we're all in trouble.
::> :
::> :pS: My 'phone is GPS equipped, so I will be affected by any forthcoming
::> :legislation. I ONLY operate it when my car is stationary. Driving a car
::> in
::> :Sydney requires 100% concentration.
::> Wouldn't you be a lot happier living somewhere like Singapore?
::**Fuck that. It's a dictatorship, where capital punishment is enshrined in
::law. I am anti-capital punishment. Singapore has the worst weather on the
::planet too.
:What do you expect will happen here if you keep getting what you want,
:which appears to be to have guns outlawed,
:**Huh? Do you imagine that by repeating a lie that it suddenly becomes
:truth? Here's where I get to call you a liar. Justify your allegation, or
:retract it. And fuck off with your mealy-mothed words like "appears". Man
:eek:r fuck off. Liar.

LOL. Liar, liar, pants on fire. Jesus, you're a considerably bigger
fuckwit than I realised Trev. Well, if you can sum up in one sentence
what your position IS on firearms?

**YOU seem to already know what it is. YOU sum it up. Alternatively, you
could admit that you don't know and that you lied when you said you did.
After you admit your lie, I will elucidate my views in one sentence. Not

All I have read from you is
negativity on the subject.

: and now new GPS laws? Those
:in power will take every opportunity to exploit and abuse such laws, one
:way or the other.
:**All laws can be misused. We need to be vigilant.

Yep. And vigilance clearly does sweet fuck all in our system.

: At least you're anti-capital punishment...
:**There's no going back from death.

I've never understood how the death penalty is worse than a lifetime of
incarceration. I'd take the death penalty with pleasure, if I was in
that situation. That's my primary objection, along with so many errors
being made in sentencing.

::> They love having endless laws, with harsh penalties.
::> Sounds like it'd be right up your alley.
::**After YOU get rear-ended by some fuckwit playing with his GPS, get back
:You think if that happened to me, that I'd automatically want the law
:changed? Not everyone thinks like you (thank Christ).
:: Idiots cannot be trusted to use GPS' responsibly.
::The law is essential.
::I watched this idiot plough into me a few months ago. I could see him
::fiddling with his GPS. I had absolutely no-where to go. I just waited for
::the crunch. Then I waited for my car to be repaired. It was a PITA. All
::fault, that doesn't make up for the inconvenience.
:We were in a fairly serious accident, being t-boned by a drunk driver.
:And yet I am against random breath testing.
:**That makes you kinda stupid. The results of RBT are tangible and real.

Look, I'm NOT trying to change your mind, I'm replying with an
alternative point of view. I view the "tangible and real" results as

**Saving lives is tangible and real.

:Thousands of innocent lives have been saved by RBT.

Oh goody.

**Perhaps your life has been saved by RBT. Or your loved ones.

: Including, possibly,
:yours and mine, BTW. RBT is not only a miniscule intrusion into our lives,
:but targets only the criminal. If your not guilty, there is zero cost, save
:a few seconds out of your life.

Try living in Kiama and having to use the outbound southern exit from
the main street each day. I was breath tested on average four times a

: Just because something
:'bad' happens, doesnt mean you need to be running off for help from the
:nanny state.
:**I love this term: "nanny state".

I thought you would, in all honesty.

**That was sarcasm. IT is a misused catach-all term for something that
people do not understand. Let them live in Somalia, the Ivory Coast or
Zimbabwe and they can understand what a non-nanny state is.

: It makes the application of common-sense
:laws sound, somehow, nasty.

It does, because they are. Common sense legislation is long gone.

: It's not. Without laws, we have Somalia.

No laws now? who said that?

**You don't get to pick and choose which laws apply.

: I take
:you would prefer to live in an anarchic state, like Somalia? Or the Ivory
:Coast? None of us like every law in society. However, over time, we have
:developed a range of laws which allow our society to remain cohesive, fair
:and to run smoothly. The law will always change along with demands from
:society. It will, hopefully, always be that way.

I'll keep saying it - you just don't get it. Adding more laws for GPS,
fog lights, water restrictions or even wearing yellow hats on a weekday
are an exercise in utter futility.

**If it gets morons off the road, it is not.

That mindset just isnt relevent at
this stage of our society. It will solve NOTHING and will only
exacerbate the problems people face daily. The root cause of 90% of our
problems in overpopulation

**Sure. Our moronic PM and our previous moronic PM seem to have little idea
that we have a major problem. The Greens understand it though.

- these sort of issues like drink driving or
GPS use only raised their heads (technology timelines notwithstanding)
in recent times. In the past, most would shrug and accept that sometimes
accidents happen. But I imagine you can't get your head around that...

**Accidents can be avoided.

::Walk a mile in my shoes, BEFORE you shoot your mouth off.
:No, you assume your way of thinking is the only possible 'correct' way
:eek:f thinking. Your mentality is asking for a dictatorship, even if you
:don't know it.
:**Yours is akin to one of the war lords in Somalia. Mine is to trust in the
:law and the lawmakers and the system which keeps them honest. It's not
:perfect, but it is a whole lot better than your idea of anarchy.

Oddly enough, it works *perfectly* where I live - not that I regard it
as 'anarchy' (your words, not mine). Example, the local coppers are
great blokes and excerise their own discretion, instead of robotically
applying the law as written. Why does it work here? Because of the small
population over a wide area.

Your barking up the wrong tree with applying new bandaid laws to 'fix'
everything. It's uttery futile.

**I disagree. IT *may* work well.

Trevor Wilson
"KR" <> wrote in message
**Yours is akin to one of the war lords in Somalia. Mine is to trust in
law and the lawmakers and the system which keeps them honest. It's not
perfect, but it is a whole lot better than your idea of anarchy.

OMFG ! Now I have heard everything !

You either are a troll, a viral marketer and posterboy for state
government corruption, the most
naive being ever created, or an ABSOLUTE TOTAL NUTCASE.

Stop sitting and watching police, court dramas and political
interviews on TV (propaganda) and believing them to be fact.

Trevor, GET HELP, or open your eyes and smell the coffee. Wake up to
**Nothing you can say will get me to accept that RBT is a bad thing. RBT has
been shown to reduce deaths on our roads.

BTW: Where is that proof that AGW is bunk?

I'm still waiting.

Trevor Wilson
**Yours is akin to one of the war lords in Somalia. Mine is to trust in the
law and the lawmakers and the system which keeps them honest. It's not
perfect, but it is a whole lot better than your idea of anarchy.

OMFG ! Now I have heard everything !

You either are a troll, a viral marketer and posterboy for state
government corruption, the most
naive being ever created, or an ABSOLUTE TOTAL NUTCASE.

Stop sitting and watching police, court dramas and political
interviews on TV (propaganda) and believing them to be fact.

Trevor, GET HELP, or open your eyes and smell the coffee. Wake up to

Unchecked corruption, breach of human rights and breach of the basic
rule of law (as is rampant these days) LEADS ultimately to lawless,
violent messes like you are so anxious to avoid.

On Sep 24, 12:12 pm, "Mr.T" <MrT@home> wrote:
"KR" <> wrote in message>The only good thing about it is that once we hit that bottom, and the

public get mad enough to start some serious efforts to find the
culprits for their situation, - then the true culprits: Greenies,
corrupt pollies (on both sides) and their corporate masters, Corrupt
bankers, PC morons, do gooders and the Trevs of this world might enjoy
being on the receiving end of a modern day (and long overdue) repeat
of bastille day.  They will probably wish for the good ol' days of the
quick death by guillotine. I would hate to think what a modern mob

would do to these bastards.

If only it were so. The fallout from the GFC has seen many CEO's, bankers
etc INCREASE their income. As long as the rich and powerful are in control,
they will look after their own.

Yep, Wall Street banking took over the government in broad daylight,
and that piece of shit in the white house, just like his predecessor,
handed the bankers etc everything they wanted. If things start getting
too hot, they will just orchestrate another "9-11" or other such event
to take the heat off and get people angry at some imagined external
common enemy, while not even noticing the real one in their own
Worse still, they could manufacture another war.

And I wouldn't hold my breathe waiting for a
"mob" revolution if I were you. But yes it's long overdue.
Im not holding my breath for it, but there seems no other way out, and
all hell could break loose once if enough people woke up.

The multi tiered and bent legal system can't help make change, or
bring justice, and is not available to the average person, (anyone
rich or connected enough to be able to utilise it, isn't going to need
to as they already have to have power to be in that position)

"Going by the book", "voting in the other party", "doing the right
thing" have proven to be total failures time after time.
Anything that is handed out or legislated that seems "positive /
fair / good", comes with an enormous
sting in the tail, and negative unintended consequences, and is never
reversed or repaired.

A revolution, uprising or some other similar action at some point
seems to me as the only logical eventual outcome. On the other hand,
the entire system could just fall apart and people can start again
(IE: former USSR)
Has happened through history, and they didn't have the communications
or knowledge, or the ability of the ordinary person to reach a world
audience that they do now.

and common sense

Has always been a contradiction of terms!

In article <2448dabd-3fad-447b-86d9->, said...
:> **Yours is akin to one of the war lords in Somalia. Mine is to trust in the
:> law and the lawmakers and the system which keeps them honest. It's not
:> perfect, but it is a whole lot better than your idea of anarchy.
:OMFG ! Now I have heard everything !
:You either are a troll, a viral marketer and posterboy for state
:government corruption, the most
:naive being ever created, or an ABSOLUTE TOTAL NUTCASE.

He's certainly an odd combination of things, thats for sure.
He *does* come across as very naive, and yet at the same time is capable
seeking accurate information at the same time. How he /interprets/ that
information is... odd, to say the very least! He also - as you say -
comes across as a troll. Why else would he say the things he does? And
yet, he doesnt really fit a troll profile. Maybe he's just a little
unhinged in some ways? No name calling here, etc. I'm quite serious.

:Stop sitting and watching police, court dramas and political
:interviews on TV (propaganda) and believing them to be fact.
:Trevor, GET HELP, or open your eyes and smell the coffee. Wake up to

His thinking is locked in one - and only one - way. And that's just not
right, nor healthy. No point trying to reason with him, especially when
you read some of his stuff when he cuts loose. Theres some rather odd
psychological stuff showing through at times. He's the type of guy in
real life I'd never turn my back on... I bet behind the scenes, people
who know him well see a rather disturbing personality at times.

I'm starting to see where the name 'rage' audio came from.

He's a government's wet dream, plays right into their hands.

Thank Christ most people have at least some ability to look past the
incidental and see the big picture.

Welcome to

