I saw this on TV twice, possibly on Discovery channel. A crowd
was celebrating the end of WWII in the street and the reason for
jubilation was displayed in giant scrolling text on the side of a
building. Certain factors prevented me from discerning the type
of display used - 1) the part showing the display was brief, 2)
it was an old B&W film, 3) delayed reaction on my part both times.
I've searched for it from time to time without success. It's
unlikely that the technology for a scrolling electronic display
existed then. So what was it? A banner?
BTW I love the photo of a sailor kissing a girl that day. I think
it's one of the great photos of all time.
was celebrating the end of WWII in the street and the reason for
jubilation was displayed in giant scrolling text on the side of a
building. Certain factors prevented me from discerning the type
of display used - 1) the part showing the display was brief, 2)
it was an old B&W film, 3) delayed reaction on my part both times.
I've searched for it from time to time without success. It's
unlikely that the technology for a scrolling electronic display
existed then. So what was it? A banner?
BTW I love the photo of a sailor kissing a girl that day. I think
it's one of the great photos of all time.