The Real Andy
On Sun, 08 Feb 2009 23:19:02 +1100, Sylvia Else
<sylvia@not.at.this.address> wrote:
That was being done in QLD by energex IIRC. The courier mail picked up
on it and actually published photos of those green sprinkler hoses
being used to cool down transformers at a substation.
<sylvia@not.at.this.address> wrote:
There are annecdotal reports of transformers being subject to ad-hoc
cooling with fire hoses to prevent them from overheating. This doesn't
lend confidence that the infrastructure is up to the task of handling
high temperatures.
That was being done in QLD by energex IIRC. The courier mail picked up
on it and actually published photos of those green sprinkler hoses
being used to cool down transformers at a substation.