Finding the cmos battery...

On Sun, 10 Jan 2021 23:26:37 +0000 (UTC), Bertrand Sindri
<> wrote:

Cursitor Doom <> wrote:
I bought Roberts because I\'ve had their broadcast recievers in the
past and been very happy with them in all respects. They were a bit
pricey (though not as much as a Hacker) but the build and sound
quality was very good. Their internet radios, OTOH, have none of
that reassuringly solid feel about them.

It could be possible that \"Roberts\" (the brand name) has gone the way
of a lot of the traditional US \"brand names\" of yesteryear (Honeywell,
Westinghouse, etc.).

They (the US brands, I have no idea re. Roberts) are nothing more than
\"Names\" owned by some rent-seeking corporation who will sell the right
to brand anything as \"Honeywell\" or \"Westinghouse\" for the right price.

What you mention re. the massive reduction in build quality is exactly
what happened to the products that were \"branded\" as \"Honeywell\" or
\"Westinghouse\" (or others) once they became a \"brand name for hire\".
The product build quality plummeted.

Exactly. They sold out to get rich (or should I say *even* richer).
Cursitor Doom <> wrote:
On Sun, 10 Jan 2021 23:26:37 +0000 (UTC), Bertrand Sindri> wrote:

Cursitor Doom <> wrote:
I bought Roberts because I\'ve had their broadcast recievers in the
past and been very happy with them in all respects. They were a
bit pricey (though not as much as a Hacker) but the build and sound
quality was very good. Their internet radios, OTOH, have none of
that reassuringly solid feel about them.

It could be possible that \"Roberts\" (the brand name) has gone the way
of a lot of the traditional US \"brand names\" of yesteryear
(Honeywell, Westinghouse, etc.).

They (the US brands, I have no idea re. Roberts) are nothing more
than \"Names\" owned by some rent-seeking corporation who will sell the
right to brand anything as \"Honeywell\" or \"Westinghouse\" for the
right price.

What you mention re. the massive reduction in build quality is
exactly what happened to the products that were \"branded\" as
\"Honeywell\" or \"Westinghouse\" (or others) once they became a \"brand
name for hire\". The product build quality plummeted.

Exactly. They sold out to get rich (or should I say *even* richer).

In some instances, it was bankruptcy liquidations that resulted in a
rent-seeker buying the \"brand name\" from the bankrupcy proceedings (to
gain the \"brand recognition\" for their junk until enough people learn
the \"new X\" brand is just junk).

So the original company owners never got rich, and a rent-seeker is
just taking advantage of the \"brand recognition\" that name had built up
over the years to make a quick buck for as long as they can squeeze
blood from the corpse.
On Mon, 11 Jan 2021 16:43:35 +0000 (UTC), Bertrand Sindri
<> wrote:

In some instances, it was bankruptcy liquidations that resulted in a
rent-seeker buying the \"brand name\" from the bankrupcy proceedings (to
gain the \"brand recognition\" for their junk until enough people learn
the \"new X\" brand is just junk).

So the original company owners never got rich, and a rent-seeker is
just taking advantage of the \"brand recognition\" that name had built up
over the years to make a quick buck for as long as they can squeeze
blood from the corpse.

That certainly has the ring of truth about it; many thanks.
On 1/10/2021 9:06 AM, Bertrand Sindri wrote:
Cursitor Doom <> wrote:

In circuit. And they\'re not in parallel.

And you know this because you have the schematic or have reverse
engineered the schematic from the PCB?

If you have no schematic, you are again \'assuming\' they are not in

Perhaps because similar leads of each cap are not connected together?
On 1/10/2021 9:06 AM, Bertrand Sindri wrote:
Cursitor Doom <> wrote:

In circuit. And they\'re not in parallel.

And you know this because you have the schematic or have reverse
engineered the schematic from the PCB?

If you have no schematic, you are again \'assuming\' they are not in

Perhaps because similar leads of each cap are not connected together?

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