Cursitor Doom
On Sun, 10 Jan 2021 13:51:00 +0000, Adrian Caspersz
<email@here.invalid> wrote:
Yes, and it remembered my choices perfectly well for many years before
developing dementia, so I think it\'s fair to assume there\'s an
internal power supply of some sort.
<email@here.invalid> wrote:
On 10/01/2021 13:33, KenW wrote:
On Sun, 10 Jan 2021 06:30:18 -0700, KenW <ken1943@invalid.net> wrote:
I found a manual for a 94i. It said to leave the wall wart plugged in.
Maybe it doesn\'t have internal power !!??
And preprogrammed freqs. are in a rom.
There are no \"freqs\" on the 105.
There is no traditional AM/FM/digital radio tuner in the thing.
Internet only.
Settings beyond WiFi could well be in the cloud.
Yes, and it remembered my choices perfectly well for many years before
developing dementia, so I think it\'s fair to assume there\'s an
internal power supply of some sort.