Cursitor Doom
On Sun, 24 Sep 2023 12:07:14 -0700 (PDT), Fred Bloggs
<bloggs.fredbloggs.fred@gmail.com> wrote:
Whitewashing and cover-ups can only work for so long. In the fullness
of time, you\'ll see the truth emerge......
<bloggs.fredbloggs.fred@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sunday, September 24, 2023 at 12:49:18?PM UTC-4, Cursitor Doom wrote:
Bloody well is! I have posted several links to Teslas bursting into
flames and cooking their passengers whose egress from the
conflagration (and it *is* a conflagration, believe me) was prevented
by the doors automatically locking them inside. You know damn well
this lead to the somewhat tasteless joke about a \"free cremation for
every new owner\" going the rounds a while ago.
And we haven\'t even begun to get to
grips with the environmental cost of dealing with end-of-life
batteries for these things, which can easily weigh 1400kg a piece!
Not sure which vehicle you are talking about. My model X has a 540 kg battery and it\'s one of the largest EVs on the road. EV batteries are recycled, first by using them as batteries in stationary applications, then by using the materialnside
Er, no, sorry. That\'s the line spouted by the manufacturers but it\'s
not the actual reality. The fact of the matter is that there is an
incipient environmental catastrophe unfolding right now. And it will
become increasingly difficult for people like yourself to ignore now
that the first generation of these EVs are reaching end of life.\'
There\'s not a single renewable power source out there for which recycling/ disposal/ demonstration research is not being conducted. Solar panels will probably add up to more than EV battery packs. Criterion for successful recycling is that the final cost of precious metals extracted shall not be in excess of the newly mined and processed resource. That makes sense to me. And they\'re hitting the target every time.
Life would be easier for you if you investigate the actual facts of whatever it is causing you so much anxiety.
Whitewashing and cover-ups can only work for so long. In the fullness
of time, you\'ll see the truth emerge......