Phil Allison
"Trevor Wilson"
** TW is speaking from deep personal experience here.
Cos TW was diagnosed with serious lead poisoning some years ago.
There was an item about it, from TW himself, in the old EA magazine's
"Forum" pages.
Lead poisoning, the resultant illnesses including MADNESS brought down the
Roman Empire.
Et tu - Trevor Wilson ??
...... Phil
Welp..... that explains John-Melb's in a nutshell: poisoned and a
poisonous mess.
**Of course. Lead poisoning is a possible explanation for his particular
** TW is speaking from deep personal experience here.
Cos TW was diagnosed with serious lead poisoning some years ago.
There was an item about it, from TW himself, in the old EA magazine's
"Forum" pages.
Lead poisoning, the resultant illnesses including MADNESS brought down the
Roman Empire.
Et tu - Trevor Wilson ??
...... Phil