"Yep, that instrument used to be called a "Kabelbeschußgerät" here in
Germany. Nowadays they fall under the firearms regulations, which made
them a royal pain in the back end to own and operate, so they're
actively being replaced by remote-operated pneumatic equivalents now. > >Dimitrij "
Damn shame about gun control. One of these days you might need one. Over here, there are about 50 million of us who will tar and feather any politician starts that shit. And BTW, while I am too old to learn a new language, I really like German. you guys can say in one word what it takes up a paragraph to say. Of course you got words with like 43 letters that we USians will never understand.
Like BMW or someone came out with a head design for a car engine - tricellular combustion chanber. Something likt that. Took three words in English to describe, German can do it in one. I like that.