"Winston" <Winston@Bigbrother.net> wrote in message
The output of the motion that would normally turn on the lights
directly will trigger the module thru the "sense" input wire thus
turning on the lights.
The alarm panel will trigger a controller module that will send a
Line Carrier signal to the module which will turn on the lights.
The 120vac relay will in effect allow the motion detector to
indirectly trigger the module which presently it does not properly
do so.
Looking for a small 120volt relay seems to be the challenge that is
why I was looking for a component that would pull the voltage down.
Just don't know what component to use in order to make this happen.
Thanks for all the discussion Winston. I think that at this point
if someone knew of a component other than a relay they would have
chimed in by now. That is unless they are holding back. All should
have a better understanding of what I am trying to achieve.
I may have to continue my search for a mini/micro relay and hope I
get lucky.
The lights are connected to the output of the module.ABLE1 wrote:
No the panel is not a Elk M1 so macros are not possible. I only
have a relay output that I can program to change state
when there is an alarm. This would then send a dry input to a
controller module which sends out a Line Carrier signal to
turn on the modules. I know you are thinking on this issue.
I believe it really needs some kind of load that can be place
inside the box to pull the voltage leak down to zero.
Let's say you leave your PIR light connected as is but you place
your new relay
coil between the red wire PIR head *output* and neutral.
Now the relay will turn on any time the PIR light turns on.
How do you connect the contacts so that your Module controls your
PIR light, as if it is in series with the wall switch?
I don't understand the plan here.
The output of the motion that would normally turn on the lights
directly will trigger the module thru the "sense" input wire thus
turning on the lights.
The alarm panel will trigger a controller module that will send a
Line Carrier signal to the module which will turn on the lights.
The 120vac relay will in effect allow the motion detector to
indirectly trigger the module which presently it does not properly
do so.
Looking for a small 120volt relay seems to be the challenge that is
why I was looking for a component that would pull the voltage down.
Just don't know what component to use in order to make this happen.
Thanks for all the discussion Winston. I think that at this point
if someone knew of a component other than a relay they would have
chimed in by now. That is unless they are holding back. All should
have a better understanding of what I am trying to achieve.
I may have to continue my search for a mini/micro relay and hope I
get lucky.