Phil Allison
Winfield Hill bulshitted wildly as usual:
** Nope - very real data.
** Err - what car is that then, a Prius ?
Using examples only you know about is 100% bullshit.
** So more than 1kW continuously ?
That is very UNUSUAL where I live in Sydney, unless it is the dead of winter, the home fully electric and folk are home all day.
** A figure, plucked right out of his fat arse.
** Now for some actual reality:
Assuming overnight charging for 8hrs at 3kW is the norm - a figure oft quoted by EV makers - a householder here would get a bill 3 or 4 times the one they get now.
If charging were continued at peak demand times - the local grid would collapse with triple the usual load.
There is almost no extra capacity available in domestic AC power supply - easily proved by simply monitoring the supply voltage.
It drops to barely acceptable values ( like 210VAC instead of 240 ) at peak demand times on cold mornings and evenings.
The most common impediment to sales of EVs is the customer has no reliable way of charging the damn thing - despite being the ONLY user in the area.
Win - you need a MASSIVE reality check !!!
Cos you are not living on this planet but in some ridiculous Ivory Tower where all is just as Win imagines it to be.
You recent rude and idiot post about mic preamp noise would earn you a *fail* at any electronics exam - for ignoring the context.
I note you did not have the decency to reply to my clear disproof - cos you bloated EGO would not let you.
I am now forced to conclude that you are an even worse pig the John Larkin.
I previously thought you were a better person that that vile shithead.
Seems not.
..... Phil
Phil Allison wrote...
EVs need electric energy, masses of the stuff.
So major upgrades to power generation capacity ( like
3 or 4 times now) and matching upgrades to the entire
power grid - at huge public expense.
Poor data.
** Nope - very real data.
I think my case is typical. My car takes
about 6kWh for my 22-mile commute,
** Err - what car is that then, a Prius ?
Using examples only you know about is 100% bullshit.
my house uses about 28kWh/day.
** So more than 1kW continuously ?
That is very UNUSUAL where I live in Sydney, unless it is the dead of winter, the home fully electric and folk are home all day.
By national statistics my wife and I account
for another 25kWh more, at work, stores, infrastructure,
** A figure, plucked right out of his fat arse.
etc. So my car requires 6/53 = 11% more
** Now for some actual reality:
Assuming overnight charging for 8hrs at 3kW is the norm - a figure oft quoted by EV makers - a householder here would get a bill 3 or 4 times the one they get now.
If charging were continued at peak demand times - the local grid would collapse with triple the usual load.
There is almost no extra capacity available in domestic AC power supply - easily proved by simply monitoring the supply voltage.
It drops to barely acceptable values ( like 210VAC instead of 240 ) at peak demand times on cold mornings and evenings.
The most common impediment to sales of EVs is the customer has no reliable way of charging the damn thing - despite being the ONLY user in the area.
Win - you need a MASSIVE reality check !!!
Cos you are not living on this planet but in some ridiculous Ivory Tower where all is just as Win imagines it to be.
You recent rude and idiot post about mic preamp noise would earn you a *fail* at any electronics exam - for ignoring the context.
I note you did not have the decency to reply to my clear disproof - cos you bloated EGO would not let you.
I am now forced to conclude that you are an even worse pig the John Larkin.
I previously thought you were a better person that that vile shithead.
Seems not.
..... Phil