Bob Myers
"FEerguy9" <feerguy9@cs.com> wrote in message
at ALL of these than chemical storage?
Gee, looks like it's "yes" to all FIVE...
Note that each and every one of your questions above can
also be answered "yes" when "capacitance" is replaced by
"a rubber band." Not exactly a great example of a valid
argument, then, is it, Frank?
in your case.
Bob M.
And is it considerably poorer (by orders of magnitude)Does capacitance contain electrical charge?
Does capacitance contain energy?
Is capacitance easily and continually "refreshable"?
Is capacitance mobile?
Yes to all four.
at ALL of these than chemical storage?
Gee, looks like it's "yes" to all FIVE...
....on nothing at all!I rest my case.
Note that each and every one of your questions above can
also be answered "yes" when "capacitance" is replaced by
"a rubber band." Not exactly a great example of a valid
argument, then, is it, Frank?
It is readily apparent to all reading this thread which it isThe term for this is "crackpotism."
Or DAMN good thinking!
in your case.
Bob M.