Dan Purgert
Hash: SHA512
On 2023-01-06, Don Y wrote:
Yeah, I always hated getting those thrown at me for jobs that weren\'t
programming-centric. I get the concept / point of the question, but
you\'re hiring me to manage tapes / backup schedules (for example).
Cheapest is likely also the least efficient in terms of \"time\", and
nobody these days is gonna care if you took another 200 MiB of RAM to
get something done if it \"feels\" faster for the end user.
Granted, there is a balance point you have to \"engineer\" to.
Yeah, AMZN has used from time to time. It\'s more of a reminder to check
in on those prices.
oof, a bit before my time. The kiddos here love their elenco (?)
snap-together circuit toy.
Oops, I cut out the wrong paragraph there. The response was _supposed_
to be referencing your comments regarding the compiler writing better /
less-exploitable assembly; not your object-oriented C.
As for \"all sorts\" -- yeah, I\'m making my way into some of the new AVR
0- / 1- / 2-series chips (e.g. the 404/414/1624) as well as their DA and
DB series of megas...
I was looking into something like that the other day, actually. Looks
like I\'d need to wrap my own inductor (eep), but otherwise, I think I
have the necessary other stuff.
But need to do a little more research to verify that.
(poof) \"oops\". Learning by mistakes is still learning (but I\'d rather
learn from someone else\'s mistake
|_|_|O| Github: https://github.com/dpurgert
|O|O|O| PGP: DDAB 23FB 19FA 7D85 1CC1 E067 6D65 70E5 4CE7 2860
Hash: SHA512
On 2023-01-06, Don Y wrote:
On 1/5/2023 4:38 PM, Dan Purgert wrote:
On 2023-01-05, Don Y wrote:
On 1/5/2023 10:29 AM, Dan Purgert wrote:
Don\'t be dismissive of them. Each algorithm has different characteristics
and cost-benefits, depending on what you are trying to sort. E.g., adding
one item to a sorted list is different than sorting a \"random\" list.
Oh, I\'m not. But I meant the _writing_ of one of those algorithms \"in
the real world\" is generally not done -- a parallel to your \"nobody
builds a powersupply\".
They are nice, simple interview questions to see if the applicant
has any *theory* instead of just \"coding experience\". (No need to
have him code the algorithm, just *describe* it and tell me where
it shines/suffers)
Yeah, I always hated getting those thrown at me for jobs that weren\'t
programming-centric. I get the concept / point of the question, but
you\'re hiring me to manage tapes / backup schedules (for example).
They are great exemplars for showing the *cost* of different approaches
(sort is sort is sort, right? so, wouldn\'t you opt for the cheapest??)
Cheapest is likely also the least efficient in terms of \"time\", and
nobody these days is gonna care if you took another 200 MiB of RAM to
get something done if it \"feels\" faster for the end user.
Granted, there is a balance point you have to \"engineer\" to.
Knuth wrote a series of tomes covering most of the \"basic\" algorithms.
Surprisingly, much software is just a rearranging of these core
algorithms in different combinations.
TAOCP is on my amazon wishlist ...
You may be able to find a used copy. OTOH, many folks are content to
have them on their bookshelves, even if not referenced.
Yeah, AMZN has used from time to time. It\'s more of a reminder to check
in on those prices.
Ha! Perseverance pays off!
Ouch! Hadn\'t realized it was that long ago (not sold since 1969)
oof, a bit before my time. The kiddos here love their elenco (?)
snap-together circuit toy.
Quite so. But C doesn\'t really have much more in the \'aha\' space for
C can be interesting if you start trying to adopt different
programming practices. E.g., most of my current project is coded
in C but is entirely object-based. And, objects are referenced by
something akin to file handles.
Sure, but there\'s only so much one can do on a micro, especially one
that doesn\'t have much (anything) in the way of \"external connectivity\"
(okay, sure, someone could _take_ it, but meh)
There are all sorts of different processors available. You just
have to decide what features you want and what price you are
willing to pay.
Oops, I cut out the wrong paragraph there. The response was _supposed_
to be referencing your comments regarding the compiler writing better /
less-exploitable assembly; not your object-oriented C.
As for \"all sorts\" -- yeah, I\'m making my way into some of the new AVR
0- / 1- / 2-series chips (e.g. the 404/414/1624) as well as their DA and
DB series of megas...
Even \"dirt cheap\" MCUs can have interesting applications.
E.g., WRITE a program to read an A/DC to determine the
current \"output voltage\" and, based on that value, decide
whether or not to turn on a pass transistor (feeding a
choke) and for how long. Presto! You have your own
switching power supply -- implemented in software!
I was looking into something like that the other day, actually. Looks
like I\'d need to wrap my own inductor (eep), but otherwise, I think I
have the necessary other stuff.
But need to do a little more research to verify that.
(you can even design it so the processor is *powered*
by that power supply -- that *it* is actively regulating!)
[Of course, a bug in your code can fry your processor! :> ]
(poof) \"oops\". Learning by mistakes is still learning (but I\'d rather
learn from someone else\'s mistake
|_|_|O| Github: https://github.com/dpurgert
|O|O|O| PGP: DDAB 23FB 19FA 7D85 1CC1 E067 6D65 70E5 4CE7 2860