Den onsdag den 12. april 2017 kl. 05.37.07 UTC+2 skrev John Larkin:
that is basically what the IDELAY/ODELAY blocks are for, you instantiate an IDELAYCTRL and feed it a ~200MHz clock and it uses that a reference to
reduce the effects of process, voltage, and temperature on the iodelay
On Tue, 11 Apr 2017 09:29:03 -0700 (PDT), Kevin Neilson> wrote:
On Monday, April 10, 2017 at 7:13:23 PM UTC-6, John Larkin wrote:
We have a ZYNQ whose predicted timing isn't meeting decent margins.
And we don't want a lot of output pin timing variation in real life.
We can measure the chip temperature with the XADC thing. So, why not
make an on-chip heater? Use a PLL to clock a bunch of flops, and vary
the PLL output frequency to keep the chip temp roughly constant.
I'm confused by the concept. Doesn't timing get *worse* as temp increases?
Prop delays get slower.
How would a higher temperature help?
High temperature is an unfortunate fact of life some times. I'm after
constant temperature, to minimize delay variations as ambient temp and
logic power dissipations change.
By "output pin timing variation" do you mean that there are combinatorial output paths? I think the best best is to stay as cool as possible and keep all outputs registered.
All our critical outputs are registered in the i/o cells. Xilinx tools
report almost a 3:1 delay range from clock to outputs, over the full
range of process, power supply, and temperature. Apparently the tools
assume the max specified Vcc and temperature spreads for the part and
don't let us tease out anything, or restrict the analysis to any
narrower ranges.
If you really need to control output delay you can use the IODELAY block, possibly along with a copper trace feedback line.
Our output data-valid window is predicted by the tools to be very
narrow relative to the clock period. We figure that controlling the
temperature (and maybe controlling Vcc-core vs temperature) will open
up the timing window. The final analysis will have to be experimental.
We can't crank in a constant delay to fix anything; the problem is the
predicted variation in delay.
that is basically what the IDELAY/ODELAY blocks are for, you instantiate an IDELAYCTRL and feed it a ~200MHz clock and it uses that a reference to
reduce the effects of process, voltage, and temperature on the iodelay