Rich The Philosophizer
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 10:37:44 -0700, Mark Fergerson wrote:
between those who "have money" and those who "don't".
The problem isn't how much money you "have" - although the
immediacy of that one obscures the _real_ problem - it's
that most people have to spend _their own_ money, and the
"rich" have a license to spend _other people's_ money. And
just to twist the knife far enough to rub salt into it,
the _other people's_ money usually belongs to the people
who already don't have enough of _their own_ to spend on
stuff in the first place.
They've (the "rich") found out that they can create billions in
counterfiet money with the stroke of a pen, and get away with it.
You bet their ass they're pulling up the drawbridge!
^^^^^ <- F.S. =:-O
I've just figured out what the real bone of contention isR. Steve Walz wrote:
John Larkin wrote:
On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 15:16:25 -0700, Mark Fergerson
I can see a day when those genetically predisposed to
excessive wealth acquisition are kept in elaborately gilded
cages, smirkingly waited upon hand and foot and bowed and
scraped to, just to keep them out of everyone else's way.
Come to think of it, it's already happening...
Someone recently noted that anybody can go to a nearby
gas station
mini-mart and, for $6 or so, buy a better bottle of wine
than any
French king ever tasted.
Totally unimportant to the issue.
If the peon had to work only an hour a day, and the rich
not at all,
I'd still be saying "KILL THE RICH!!"
You just don't get it. The wealthy have always worked
_all day long_ at being wealthy, no matter how many hours
the "peons" they thought they were "managing" worked per day
(and they're "managing" themselves out of existence faster
than any State could wither itself away).
They are absolute slaves to their "wealth acquisition"
behaviors, with no time at all to spare for "nonproductive"
pursuits. Have you never noticed what abysmal morons rich
people tend to be on any subject other than acquiring money?
Have you never noticed that once a wealthy person
acquires interests other than acquiring wealth, the first
thing they do is start giving away as much of it as possible
so they aren't enslaved by it any more?
Get a grip Steve, and yank your political thinking out of
the 19th century. The rest of the world is passing you by.
between those who "have money" and those who "don't".
The problem isn't how much money you "have" - although the
immediacy of that one obscures the _real_ problem - it's
that most people have to spend _their own_ money, and the
"rich" have a license to spend _other people's_ money. And
just to twist the knife far enough to rub salt into it,
the _other people's_ money usually belongs to the people
who already don't have enough of _their own_ to spend on
stuff in the first place.
They've (the "rich") found out that they can create billions in
counterfiet money with the stroke of a pen, and get away with it.
You bet their ass they're pulling up the drawbridge!
^^^^^ <- F.S. =:-O