EAGLE Netlist conversion

Joel Koltner wrote:
"Phil Hobbs" <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@electrooptical.net> wrote in message
Yes, it's a pretty good book attached to some reasonably functional although
sometimes ugly code.

I have a suspicion that all those high-powered math guys who initlally created
the contents are often long gone and they're just hiring some generic
programmers to port it from language to language, using some sort of
regression testing to make sure nothing gets broken in the process.
They were physicists and engineers and the orignal was in Fortran.

You have to treat it with a little bit of caution. Some of the NA
algorithms contain typos in some of the languages and versions. And the
C/Pascal code shows its Fortran arrays with base index of 1 heritage in
places. Something which makes the bitreverse slightly opaque for instance.
Not to mention they have some bizarre licensing scheme where just buying the
book doesn't entitle you to use the printed code -- that's a separate

I suppose it's still cheaper than Matlab with the appropriate toolboxes...
Although these days there are better free libraries available online
once you have a few keywords/references out of the book. The references
in the chapters are excellent. See sci.numerical-analysis for various
gripes about the known defects of the NA code. I think they go a bit
overboard on criticising it unfairly but you do need to treat the sample
code with a bit of caution. There are more robust solutions but most of
the time the NA code will work OK.

Reasonably functional sums it up pretty well.
Test carefully that it does what you want and you should be OK.

Martin Brown
** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **
John Devereux wrote:
Phil Hobbs <pcdhSpamMeSenseless@pergamos.net> writes:

There's a whole pile of better numerical code out there, once you
figure out what you want to do--I bought the floppy disc back in the
day, which entitled me to use it myself. I've been doing that for
about 15 years, which makes it pretty cheap at the price.

I've just reread the available licenses (in the book). They appear to
want to license per instance of any algorithm used from the book.

Prices from $65 per instance...

Actually they say "per screen". So I guess it is free for my embedded
systems after all :)
I have no intention of ever using it in a product. NR has probably
saved me 6 months' work over the years, so that sum is completely
reasonable for development purposes.


Phil Hobbs
"Jim Thompson" <To-Email-Use-The-Envelope-Icon@My-Web-Site.com> wrote in
message news:a2u8h4pkr3khvq7cdagcamn11maj1ilbgs@4ax.com...
Then he got an infection which killed him.
Avoid hospitals :-(
Similar thing happened to my grandfather... he fell off a ladder (in his early
'80s), injuring his knee, and had to have surgery on it in the hospital...
where he picked up a staph infection that eventually killed him. :-(

I suppose that staying off of ladders when you're that old might be a good
idea too... :)
Hey gee, looky here, now JeffM is multi-posting.
Brad Velander.

When you can properly define the terms you use,
someone might take you seriously.
In the meantime, become educated:
Go back in your hole troll!

When you stop top-posting,
maybe someone will take your opinion seriously.
In the meantime you're just another clueless moron.
All I really want is a small hatchbackey thing that will cruise past
the chain controls on I80... and can make it over the pass at 7200
feet with skis on top. We'll use The Brat's Jeep for the serious
Even if they have the controls at Applegate, Colfax, or the 20/80 junction,
I can get to the Truckee campus with mud/snow tires on the Soob no problem.
The check-cops don't even make me stop; they are waving me through before I
even get up to the checkpoint.

"Archimedes' Lever" <OneBigLever@InfiniteSeries.Org> wrote in message
On Tue, 6 Jan 2009 18:35:46 -0500, "Charles" <charlesschuler@comcast.net

"Martin Riddle" <martin_rid@verizon.net> wrote in message

"Jim Thompson" <To-Email-Use-The-Envelope-Icon@My-Web-Site.com> wrote in
message news:5j9vl4po116o7ibividvralt62lau0ev2e@4ax.com...
| Bwahahahaha! Californicated yet again....

Bwahahahaha is trite. Says a lot about the poster.


Can you see the difference, or are you self impotent?
Sort of. Still trite.

Mostly impotent, but not significantly so by my own means. Just the
expected erosion of time.

Are you a toady?
Joel Koltner wrote:
Joerg wrote...

Just as a side note: There is some stuff I and the other party would most
definitely not want to go through numerous unknown email servers.

OneSuite.Com is just going to directly contact the mail server at YourISP.Com
directly, so while conceivably someone at your own ISP could readily take a
peek, it's be quite difficult for anyone else to do so.
I would be quite surprised if it turned out that OneSuite.Com had a direct
connection your ISP that doesn't route the packets through other systems.

The threat model is a clever lawyer in a multi-million dollar contract
dispute arguing that a document was forged or modified before a judge
who is a bit afraid of the spooky way that the internet moves data.

That being said, while a fax is better than an email in such a case,
an email that is encrypted with a public key system (PGP, GPG...) is
far better than either when it comes to tampering and/or forgery claims.
On Thu, 11 Jun 2009 06:46:13 -0700 (PDT), MooseFET
<kensmith@rahul.net> wrote:

On Jun 10, 8:24 pm, "Mike Engelhardt" <nos...@spam.org> wrote:
The 2009 LTspice World Tour schedule is officially public today.
Thirty-two seminars in ten countries on three continents.   More
info and registration at

Today I will design in another Linear part.

A few things that people may want to be reminded of:

LTSpice works nicely on Puppy linux via wine. This means you can
carry the whole thing on a CD and memory stick.

LTSpice can model things that are very non-electronic. Currents and
capacitors integrate BV and BI make your non linear items. I am
currently using it to model a quantum physical thing.

LTSpice can read and write *.wav files. *.wav files can contain
things that never were sounds. Using a tool like "sox" you can turn
lists of numbers into wave files and back.

LTSpice has logic functions built in. If you set the "tau=" parameter
on the logic elements, you can make complex logic parts of the design
work at realistic timings.

There is a problem with the LEDs. It looks like the tempco is wrong
on them.
I know one of the more interesting applications that I saw for PSpice,
was a guy modeling plasma jets for NASA using it.

I also saw a thermal simulation for an aircraft wing that involved
like a million LRCs that we used to test for handling large netlists!

On Mon, 29 Jun 2009 21:14:21 -0400, "Tom Del Rosso"
<td_03@att.net.invalid> wrote:

Jim Thompson wrote:
On Mon, 29 Jun 2009 20:52:31 -0400, "Tom Del Rosso"
td_03@att.net.invalid> wrote:

He has the guts to stand up to our allies.

Really! HOW is he doing that? Obama is a pansy, like ALL leftist
weenies. He can't even manage a loud fart ;-)

:) This is amusing. :)
I am glad you are laughing. Pussy!

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona 85048 Skype: Contacts Only | |
| Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat |
| E-mail Icon at http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

"What would happen to [Obama's] vanity if he didn’t have us to
throw alms to? What would become of his strength if he didn’t have
weaker people to dominate? What would he do with himself if he
didn’t keep us around as dependents? It’s quite alright, really,
I’m not criticizing him, it’s just a law of human nature."

-Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged"
On 8 Jul 2003 21:38:23 -0700, david.chadderton@utas.edu.au (Dave)

Thanks Spehro
Yes i had done that with no results!!(holes all VERY close together)
what i Have discovered is that the protel nc drill file appears to
give its position of the pads in multiple's or fractions of 0.1" from
the origin so a pad at X 1.1" would be X011. So when it was imported
into kcam it became X000.011, looks like i need to find a multiply by
1000 to get it on the right coord's this would acount for the
previously thought no results. we will get there
The coordinates in NC drill files have a fixed decimal place, and
normally omit trailing zeros. Usually the format is specified as
"2.3", meaning two digits before the assumed decimal place, and three
after (if there are no trailing zeros.)

Your coordinate of "X011" really means "X 01.100".

(just to add confusion, Gerber photoplot files usually omit leading

Peter Bennett VE7CEI
GPS and NMEA info and programs: http://vancouver-webpages.com/peter/index.html
Newsgroup new user info: http://vancouver-webpages.com/nnq
On 8 Jul 2003 22:31:59 -0700, mvvijay78@rediffmail.com (Vicky) wrote:

I wanted to know how mechanical elements like dc motor,tachometer etc
are modeled in spectre.Can anyone send me the model.
Some good info can be found in a thread that ran thru here recently.
Use google and search for message ID:

Dieter Tank wrote:


What is easiest way in Orcad 9.2 to layout > 100 similar layout
instances of a circuit on a single pcb ?

The merge command has the drawback that all nodes with the same name
are connected together, not only the 'external nodes' (Off Page


Dieter Tank
Panel up? Ask the fab house.
Hi think about this. If you wanted to do an eco on your circuit
how would the cad system know which r1, c5 u3 etc that you
wished to change, since you now have 100 or more instances of each
unique part. ????? Even if it where possible to do what you ask,
why would you want to do it like this. There is a better way.

The task you ask is typically performed on the Gerber Files generated
from your cad data.Unlike cad data Gerber Files contain no electrical
information about the design. I.E no net info or pin info etc. They
are for all intentional purposes nothing more than a graphic
representation of your original cad data.

When you get multiple boards made, the board house typically use
panels of fr4 pcb material. They generate a composite plot of your
design in such a way as to get the best yield from a panel size.

Hope the above info is helpful.

Best Regards...Paul Hesse.

On 6 Jul 2003 09:22:02 -0700, test_haus@yahoo.com (Dieter Tank) wrote:


What is easiest way in Orcad 9.2 to layout > 100 similar layout
instances of a circuit on a single pcb ?

The merge command has the drawback that all nodes with the same name
are connected together, not only the 'external nodes' (Off Page


Dieter Tank
Hi again,

Thank you all.

The task to perform is to layout a burn in board for dynamic life test
of microelectronic circuits. Each cell has the burn in socket and R's
and C's.

Each cell must be supplied by different voltages and GND.

A duplication with GERBER would not connect these.

After a while, an application note on the Cadence site was discovered.

Their idea was basically:
- back annotate layout to Capture(schematic editor).
Capture holds the layout info in a spread sheet(COMPLOC).
- Duplicate the cell in Capture.
- Within the spread sheet, copy COMPLOC cells data
- change the COMPGROUP number for the cells components.
- ECO the schematic back into layout
- select the new cell by COMPGROUP number
- place the new cell to an appropriate board location.
Relative component locations are kept.

Best regards,

Dieter Tank, www.testhaus.com

test_haus@yahoo.com (Dieter Tank) wrote in message news:<d66dce77.0307060822.283ceb68@posting.google.com>...

What is easiest way in Orcad 9.2 to layout > 100 similar layout
instances of a circuit on a single pcb ?

The merge command has the drawback that all nodes with the same name
are connected together, not only the 'external nodes' (Off Page


Dieter Tank
Mike Shonle wrote:

I very very highly recommend Pulsonix. I eval'ed a large number of
programs, including the "big ones," which seem to be stuck using 20-year-old
paradigms (one even came up with a black background), and I was amazed at
how many hundreds of times easier Pulsonix is. It's almost as if it reads
your mind.

I haven't tried ivex, so I can't compare it.

I LIKE a black background. Easier to see more than 4 layers at a time :)
On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 18:14:12 -0700, George Patrick
<me@pcb-designer.com> wrote:

Mike Shonle wrote:

I very very highly recommend Pulsonix. I eval'ed a large number of
programs, including the "big ones," which seem to be stuck using 20-year-old
paradigms (one even came up with a black background), and I was amazed at
how many hundreds of times easier Pulsonix is. It's almost as if it reads
your mind.

I haven't tried ivex, so I can't compare it.


I LIKE a black background. Easier to see more than 4 layers at a time :)
Black background is probably good for PCB work, but I absolutely
despise colored schematics... schematics should be black lines on a
white background ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| Jim-T@analog_innovations.com Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

For proper E-mail replies SWAP "-" and "_"

Get Lolita Out of Debt... Add Three Inches to Your Mortgage!
Jim Thompson wrote:
On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 18:14:12 -0700, George Patrick
me@pcb-designer.com> wrote:

I LIKE a black background. Easier to see more than 4 layers at a time :)

Black background is probably good for PCB work, but I absolutely
despise colored schematics... schematics should be black lines on a
white background ;-)
I dunno... I sorta have a fondness for dark blue lines on light blue,
especially if the light blue is kinda motley and smells like ammonia.
Tim Hubberstey, P.Eng. . . . . . Hardware/Software Consulting Engineer
Marmot Engineering . . . . . . . VHDL, ASICs, FPGAs, embedded systems
Vancouver, BC, Canada . . . . . . . . . . . http://www.marmot-eng.com
Vicky wrote:
I would like to know how to develop a macromodel of asynchronous
presettable JK flip flop in pspice.I want to know how to do
this using only analog components and switches and not digital
primitives.Any help?
I have complete analogue mosefet versions of jk and dtype models in my
SuperSpice install. There is also an example using them. You can use
these models in psice. There were created by drawing the real circuit
of the devices and using the create subckt function in SuperSpice.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
"The Data Wraith" <thedatawraith@iprimus.com.au> wrote:

Hi all,

I am a new ( well sort of ) electronics enthusiast and I would like to start
getting into the design and building of my own circuits. I would like to
fisrt construct them on my computer and test them there as well.

Is there any software, specifically freeware, out there wich can run under
Windows 2000?

Thanks to everybody who choses to reply.

See my notes and links to some 60 ECAD programs at

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
phil.harris@haritec.com (phil harris) wrote in message news:<e3f6c18b.0306301323.3a4c96ed@posting.google.com>...
I have a small scientific consulting /design company (mostly
spectrometers and the like). We are just hiring on our first
electronics engineer, and I am going to have to get some pcb design
and schematic capture software.

I think you have the cart before the horse.

Interview the candidates first. Then tell them how much money
you are willing to spend to buy them *their* choice of software.
Software is very much a personal item. You wouldn't buy a supply of
boxer shorts and make your new employee give up his jocky shorts just
to work for you, would you?

Stuff like that only happens in a Dilbert comic strip. Right?


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