DSE Q1803 $128 CRO

Now I am retired I have more time for hobbies - PICAXES are fun to play with
and one can do some interesting things with little effort

David - who was also a TV tech in another life

"Mr.T" wrote:

"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
** The geriatric fool calling itself "quietguy" is allegedly a social

What he needs a CRO for at all is mysterious.

What he imagines he needs a dual beam one for must be bizarre.

So you can't imagine a social worker having any hobbies or other interests
(unless he said he required it for work)

Hi There Bob (says Dave quickly hiding his coffee mug under the desk)

Originally I was thinking of just buying another one of those single trace CROs -
one to watch the input and the other the output - (am playing with controlling
motors with PWM using my RC xmitters pulses etc - a robot perhaps) ) then I got a
little suprise $$$ for my birthday and decided to do it the easy way with a dual
trace - by then it was well past the 14 day period. - So just popped it on the
shelf and got on with.....

WA is fun - being a slum landlord and keeping the stable of girls in line takes up
a lot of my time tho - thinking I might have to hire an assistant to fly my model
planes and play with the CRO etc :)

Cheers - and trust all is well with you and yours


Bob Parker wrote:

G'day again David
How's things in WA? ;-) I thought about it and realized (as you
probably did) that most of the time I need a dual channel CRO because
I'm watching the input and output of something.
As someone else commented, DSE is quite happy to give a refund for
purchases less than a week old. Couldn't you get a refund to help pay
for the dual channel CRO?

(professional coffee mug sabateur)
Ah, thanks for the update and explanation about why you've still
got the Q1803. Have you had any tempting offers for it yet? It would
still be far more useful to me than a BWD521 which won't trigger and
often loses one channel.
Belated birthday wishes for a few months ago. :)
Yeah, that stable of girls and landlording commitments wouldn't
leave you with much time. You have my sympathy.
I'll send you a quick e-mail regarding the CRO, and give the
denizens of this NG some peace.


On Thu, 01 Jun 2006 00:32:22 GMT, quietguy
<quietguy@REMOVE-TO-REPLYconfidential-counselling.com> wrote:

Hi There Bob (says Dave quickly hiding his coffee mug under the desk)

Originally I was thinking of just buying another one of those single trace CROs -
one to watch the input and the other the output - (am playing with controlling
motors with PWM using my RC xmitters pulses etc - a robot perhaps) ) then I got a
little suprise $$$ for my birthday and decided to do it the easy way with a dual
trace - by then it was well past the 14 day period. - So just popped it on the
shelf and got on with.....

WA is fun - being a slum landlord and keeping the stable of girls in line takes up
a lot of my time tho - thinking I might have to hire an assistant to fly my model
planes and play with the CRO etc :)

Cheers - and trust all is well with you and yours

"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
Hi to all,

Picked up one of these 10MHz, single beam CROs from my local DSE store

The 75mm tube is covered in a black, very snug fitting, full length
"Wayne Reid"

The 75mm tube is covered in a black, very snug fitting, full length


** Doubtful.

More likely GOSS transformer lam material.

........ Phil
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
"Wayne Reid"

The 75mm tube is covered in a black, very snug fitting, full length


** Doubtful.

More likely GOSS transformer lam material.
I should have put one of these things on the post... ;)

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