DSE Q1803 $128 CRO

"Bob Parker" <bobp.deletethis@bluebottle.com> wrote in message

I found an interesting entry about DSE in that Wikipedia thing:
Now vastly expanded. Might be worth another look ;)

"Peter Parker" <parkerp@alphalink.com.au> wrote in message
"Bob Parker" <bobp.deletethis@bluebottle.com> wrote in message

I found an interesting entry about DSE in that Wikipedia thing:

Now vastly expanded. Might be worth another look ;)
Oh and there's also a big Tandy rant at:

In article <447a6e27$0$7840$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au>, don't_spam_me_rutlidge@iinet.net.au says...

Oh, and BTW, I'm not knocking the fact that he has decided to evaluate the
CRO and post it here. I think it was a good idea and he should be applauded
doing so.
sob sob, I'm still using a pair of HP1631D cros' have them linked via
ext trigger in/out so makes multiple time base setting easy, these things
are about 20 years old and although only 6 bits screen resolution are
great for digital analysis and come with logic analyser if needed, have
a dual floppy unit somewhere on hp-ib but cant read the format on a pc :(

Anyone have s/w that works on a pc to read the LIF format of HP floppies ?

Though the dse analog cro does sound tempting, if I dont blow the budget
on too much food and whine this w/end I might get one for the kids ;-)

Its somewhat ironic that a good meal at a restaurant for a couple is
more than a piece of essential equipment for an electronics lab <shrug>

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Mike wrote:

Anyone have s/w that works on a pc to read the LIF format of HP floppies ?
Way way back when IBM PC's were new, there was a company in Canberra
called FBN software, and they had a product called PC Alien, that could
read many "foreign" disk formats on the IBM PC.

I just tried a quick google, but I couldn't find anything relevant in
the first few pages, but if you're serious about reading the disks, this
could be an avenue to explore.

Mike wrote:
Anyone have s/w that works on a pc to read the LIF format of HP floppies ?
It's possible that I have something on an old DAT tape at work.
I've been meaning to list its contents for some time - maybe this
is the week... I'll post again if I find something.
erazmus@iinet.net.au (Mike) wrote in
Anyone have s/w that works on a pc to read the LIF format of HP
floppies ?
No, I don't, but my very first thought is to start digging in
the Unix/Linux arena.

You'll be able to make copies of the contents of the disk with
a 'dd' command (happy to help with details if you need). After
that, google, google, google. I've just had a quuck google for
"linux LIF HP format" and turned up quite a number of potentially
promising options.

(The point of using 'dd' is that you make a copy of the disk
into a file, put the disk safely away, and then do all your
work on a 'mounted' copy of the floppy without risking damage
to the original.)

It's interesting to note that the PC world has pretty much
abandoned it's ancestry, whereas the unix and unix-like world
has picked up a lot of the more obscure stuff, and allows it to
carry on.


"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the
entrails of the last priest." (Diderot, paraphrasing Meslier)
On Mon, 29 May 2006 02:27:14 GMT, "Michael A. Terrell"
<mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote:
All that, and no mention of the only DSE item I've ever bought? ;-)

Well you could have a look at
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equivalent_series_resistance but it's not
very interesting and is mainly about inductors.

GB wrote:
It's interesting to note that the PC world has pretty much
abandoned it's ancestry, whereas the unix and unix-like world
has picked up a lot of the more obscure stuff, and allows it to
carry on.


Linux used to have drivers that could exert all sorts of non-standard
direct control over a floppy drive with regard to track spacing etc.
I agree with Phil on this. I bought one of these and found it to be a great
little item for its cost.

But I found I needed a dual trace CRO, so after a about 3 hrs of using this CRO
I bought one of DSEs 20 meg dual trace CROs - very nice.

So, I have one of these nice little 10 meg CROs for sale - only used for 3 hrs,
as new, with probe and instruction book. Best offer gets it.


Phil Allison wrote:

Hi to all,

Picked up one of these 10MHz, single beam CROs from my local DSE store last
Tuesday - there were none on display and the staff seemed unaware of its
existence. The unit comes in a carry box, well packed with IEC mains lead,
10:1 probe and small handbook written by DSE staff.

Using a bench sine/ square generator and frequency counter when back at
home, I found my unit met published accuracy specs - time base speeds
being particularly accurate.

The *green* trace on the 75m dia tube face is particularly sharp and
geometry is very good all over the (external) graticule.
The vertical and horizontal positioning pots allow the pattern to be moved
right off the screen without visible limiting - so the deflection
amplifiers have adequate headroom.

The internal (Y) synch appears to function well as does the external and
LINE synch inputs. There is an X-Y mode that works fine too. There is no
"trace rotate " control, but two screws on the rear can be loosened to
allow the tube and hence trace to be lined up with the graticule OK.

Now for the insides:

With the vinyl coated steel sleeve slid off, there is a nice surprise.
This little CRO is *very* well made - reminiscent of the way Aussie firm
BWD built their famous CROs.

There are no SMD, all parts are "garden variety" - ie TO92 pack
transistors, TO220 regulators, a couple of fets and 3 bog standard ICs.
There is one large PCB for the PSU, deflection and synch circuits while a
smaller one at the front covers the vertical attenuator, input pre-amp and
time base circuitry.

Both sides of these (single sided, through hole) PCBs are fully accessible
for servicing !

A very neat, 20 VA, R-core transformer powers the CRO with a ferrite HF
inverter supplying 1200 volt DC to the tube. All internal voltages remain
regulated down to 200 volts AC input.

The 75mm tube is covered in a black, very snug fitting, full length
MAGNETIC SHIELD !! This is practically unheard of in a low cost CRO and
means the unit can be used, without annoying trace jitter, quite close to AC
power transformers used by other items on the bench or the equipment under

The AC current draw was only 84mA rms ( 20 VA ) - so operation from a
small 12volt / 240 volt inverter supply is possible.

One anomaly I found - the CRO comes fitted with a 0.75 amp AC fuse. The
DSE handbook and the back label on the CRO both say this is the intended
value - which is nonsense since it offers no protection for the 20 VA
transformer. Best replace it with a 160 mA, slo-blo type.

Although not indicated anywhere, I expect the CRO was manufactured in China
or just possibly Korea. One would have to remove the CRO tube to see where
that was made.

My conclusion:

At a mere $ 128 inc GST and probe, this has got to be the biggest bargain in
*new* test gear you can buy in Australia.

....... Phil
"quietguy" <quietguy@REMOVE-TO-REPLYconfidential-counselling.com> wrote in

So, I have one of these nice little 10 meg CROs for sale - only used for 3
as new, with probe and instruction book. Best offer gets it.
If you've still go the receipt, couldn't you just return it under their
14-day satisfaction warranty for a full refund?

"Peter Parker"
If you've still go the receipt, couldn't you just return it under their
14-day satisfaction warranty for a full refund?

** The geriatric fool calling itself "quietguy" is allegedly a social

What he needs a CRO for at all is mysterious.

What he imagines he needs a dual beam one for must be bizarre.

........ Phil
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
** The geriatric fool calling itself "quietguy" is allegedly a social

What he needs a CRO for at all is mysterious.

What he imagines he needs a dual beam one for must be bizarre.
So you can't imagine a social worker having any hobbies or other interests
(unless he said he required it for work)

On 29 May 2006 10:24:24 GMT, erazmus@iinet.net.au (Mike) wrote:

In article <447a6e27$0$7840$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au>, don't_spam_me_rutlidge@iinet.net.au says...

Oh, and BTW, I'm not knocking the fact that he has decided to evaluate the
CRO and post it here. I think it was a good idea and he should be applauded
doing so.

sob sob, I'm still using a pair of HP1631D cros' have them linked via
ext trigger in/out so makes multiple time base setting easy, these things
are about 20 years old and although only 6 bits screen resolution are
great for digital analysis and come with logic analyser if needed, have
a dual floppy unit somewhere on hp-ib but cant read the format on a pc :(

Anyone have s/w that works on a pc to read the LIF format of HP floppies ?
If you can give me some examples, and some kind of doco on the format
I will have a crack at implementing it on PC. I make no promises on
time though. What does google say about this?

Though the dse analog cro does sound tempting, if I dont blow the budget
on too much food and whine this w/end I might get one for the kids ;-)

Its somewhat ironic that a good meal at a restaurant for a couple is
more than a piece of essential equipment for an electronics lab <shrug
"Mr.T" <MrT@home> wrote in message
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
** The geriatric fool calling itself "quietguy" is allegedly a social

What he needs a CRO for at all is mysterious.

What he imagines he needs a dual beam one for must be bizarre.

So you can't imagine a social worker having any hobbies or other interests
(unless he said he required it for work)

Might be Phil's social worker, who knows!
G'day again David
How's things in WA? ;-) I thought about it and realized (as you
probably did) that most of the time I need a dual channel CRO because
I'm watching the input and output of something.
As someone else commented, DSE is quite happy to give a refund for
purchases less than a week old. Couldn't you get a refund to help pay
for the dual channel CRO?

(professional coffee mug sabateur)

On Mon, 29 May 2006 21:48:15 GMT, quietguy
<quietguy@REMOVE-TO-REPLYconfidential-counselling.com> wrote:

I agree with Phil on this. I bought one of these and found it to be a great
little item for its cost.

But I found I needed a dual trace CRO, so after a about 3 hrs of using this CRO
I bought one of DSEs 20 meg dual trace CROs - very nice.

So, I have one of these nice little 10 meg CROs for sale - only used for 3 hrs,
as new, with probe and instruction book. Best offer gets it.

"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
"Peter Parker"

If you've still go the receipt, couldn't you just return it under their
14-day satisfaction warranty for a full refund?

** The geriatric fool calling itself "quietguy" is allegedly a social

What he needs a CRO for at all is mysterious.

What he imagines he needs a dual beam one for must be bizarre.
What a silly thing to say - you don't understand the need for dual or more
trace CROs?
"Poxy" ...
** The geriatric fool calling itself "quietguy" is allegedly a social

What he needs a CRO for at all is mysterious.

What he imagines he needs a dual beam one for must be bizarre.

What a silly thing to say -

** Try following the context.

If your brain does not explode in the attempt.

........ Phil
Phil Allison wrote:

Hi to all,

Picked up one of these 10MHz, single beam CROs from my local DSE store last
Tuesday - there were none on display and the staff seemed unaware of its
existence. The unit comes in a carry box, well packed with IEC mains lead,
10:1 probe and small handbook written by DSE staff.

My conclusion:

At a mere $ 128 inc GST and probe, this has got to be the biggest bargain in
*new* test gear you can buy in Australia.

....... Phil
Another very nice piece of equipment that I believe is a bargain is the
34 channel 500MHz logic analyzer from these guys:
I could have if I hadn't procrasinated and left it sitting on the shelf for
past six months or so.

....and that settles it - I am going to give up procrastination tomorrow


Peter Parker wrote:

"quietguy" <quietguy@REMOVE-TO-REPLYconfidential-counselling.com> wrote in

So, I have one of these nice little 10 meg CROs for sale - only used for 3
as new, with probe and instruction book. Best offer gets it.

If you've still go the receipt, couldn't you just return it under their
14-day satisfaction warranty for a full refund?

G'day silly Philly - I really apreciate that you take the time to read my
posts - thanks muchly

David - who was thinking of using the CRO to see if he could find any signs
of brain activity in foolish posters named Phil

PS: I had no luck - no signs of brain activity in Phil were found

Phil Allison wrote:

"Peter Parker"

If you've still go the receipt, couldn't you just return it under their
14-day satisfaction warranty for a full refund?

** The geriatric fool calling itself "quietguy" is allegedly a social

What he needs a CRO for at all is mysterious.

What he imagines he needs a dual beam one for must be bizarre.

....... Phil

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