John Larkin
On Wed, 26 Jun 2019 09:00:51 -0700 (PDT), trader4@optonline.net wrote:
Probably not. He's already President, whereas Hillary had things to
prove. That was clever of him, to call off an attack because it would
kill innocent people.
The horrible humanitarian mess in northern africa and europe resulted
from Hillary's positioning, and it didn't even get her elected.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
lunatic fringe electronics
Irrelevant, of course. The US and UN demanded that Gaddafi end his WMD
programs, end his nuke program, he agreed, he fell for it, he complied.
Then OBama and Hillary helped kill him and gloated. Iran, NK noticed
and learned. Trump just followed through on the same lesson, by reneging
on the nuclear deal with Iran and going to war with them.
Probably not. He's already President, whereas Hillary had things to
prove. That was clever of him, to call off an attack because it would
kill innocent people.
The horrible humanitarian mess in northern africa and europe resulted
from Hillary's positioning, and it didn't even get her elected.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
lunatic fringe electronics