Driver to drive?

"John Larkin" <> wrote in message
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 14:17:17 -0400, Spehro Pefhany
speff@interlogyou.knowwhat> wrote:

On 17 Oct 2004 16:40:26 GMT, the renowned Jim Yanik> wrote:

Except that the people the US is killing mostly deserve it.
They actually go looking for it.
Those Iraqis with RPGs are not your average Iraqi citizen.

Mostly young male weapon-owning patriots with some military
experience. Probably a lot like a younger version of you.

I've wondered whether Iraq is the breeding ground, or the flypaper of
Islam militants.


It IS intended to be the Fly Paper. But I didn't say it first....
"John Larkin" <> wrote in message
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 14:54:19 +0100, Paul Burridge> wrote:

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 18:43:25 -0700, John Larkin> wrote:

Maybe. But it's a darned good lookin' one. I can't think of anything
else I'd sooner be bombed by. BTW, what was the model desgination of
Enola Gay?

That was a B-29.

My favorite plane was the Spitfire. I have a book full of specs and
mechanical drawings that I found in a ratty little bookstore in

I liked the P38.
Saw a lot of them at the training base.
Flew half a mile to one side of my house when landing.
"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:03:01 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

No, but if he was murdering innocent people and I told him to stop and he
continued, I might empty my S&W into him!
And you're fit to be judge, jury, and executioner???
Guess again.
Since you are too dense to understand. Why do you continue to draw
to yourself?
John Fields
BTDT, No charges filed. If you are defending the innocent, your not committing
a crime. Not a Guess....
Clarence wrote:
"Frank Bemelman" <> wrote in message

"Clarence" <> schreef in bericht

"John Larkin" <> wrote in


On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:32:31 +0200, "Frank Bemelman"> wrote:

Go fuck yourself and
perform a pre-emptive strick on your own person.

Very elegantly put. You really have a way with words, Frank.

Wow, and he even miss-spelled "strike", he's really coming unhinged!

Noticed that myself too. I have this wireless keyboard made by Microsoft.
Sometimes it picks up interference from my USB memory card reader.

My sincere apologies for making the spelling error. You gain 10 points
for spotting the spelling error. 100 points and you will get a free
bag of 100 BC556 transistors.

A prize as useless as your opine? Wow!
But far more useful than you.
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:58:15 +0000, Clarence wrote:

"Spehro Pefhany" <speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote in message
On 17 Oct 2004 16:40:26 GMT, the renowned Jim Yanik> wrote:

Except that the people the US is killing mostly deserve it.
They actually go looking for it.
Those Iraqis with RPGs are not your average Iraqi citizen.

Mostly young male weapon-owning patriots with some military
experience. Probably a lot like a younger version of you.

The place will be better off with them removed.
So, you've appointed yourself judge and jury, and are conveniently
letting the US military do the executions.

Or have you appointed yourself God?

Can't get a free country with a bunch of thugs trying to take over.
You're talking about being better off with the US military removed,

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 21:10:18 +0200, "Frank Bemelman"
<> wrote:

"John Larkin" <> schreef in
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:48:12 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

"Frank Bemelman" <> wrote in message

You are so incredibly stupid that you can't understand that one can be
against Saddam and also against an invasion. There is no black or

Drop dead, you anonymous turd of shit in your country of freedom.
Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)

More insightful color blind commentary from the illustrious Bemelman.

He artistry in insults has no peer, nor does any intelligent person seek
equal his wit!

Yes, there's definitely an evolution going on here. Interesting.

Only interesting? No fun?

Resorting to poopoo insults: how would that be fun?

In article <clf10r$14hf$>,
John S. Dyson <> wrote:
The sad thing is that Rush has continued to perpetrate the myth that
the 'people' like Kerry are 'liberal.'
Basically, Rush makes up stuff to maximize his ratings. Expecting
anything like the truth from him is expecting too much. He is one of the
people who has done the most to muddy the word "conservative" but lots of
people listen to his rubish and retransmit it as though it was the truth.

Frankly, they tend to be arrogant
leftist extremists, but DEFINITELY not liberal. It is bordering on
ludicrious to claim that Michael Moore (the malodorous terrorist enabler)
would be a liberal instead of the arrogant and dishonest leftist that
he truly is.
If Michael Moore turned his hat around and got a shave and hair cut, he'd
look a lot like Rush. Hmmmmm ... have we ever seen them together?

One needs to be quite aware that the
You left out the word "extremist". The two extremes are act surprisingly

left and Al Queda
style of terrorists are truly (currently) on the same side of devolution
against freedom and indvidual rights. This common enemy thing (the
enemy of the US leftist's enemy is Al Queda's friend) is quite operative
in the destructive American left.

This true anti-American bent actually
does follow from John Kerry's previous history during his prevarication
(or admission of war crimes) about the time of his malicious testimony.
This statement is simply false. It is one of those Rush Limbaugh factoids
that gets repeated. Kerry neither lied nor admit nor even implied that he
commited war crimes. Anyone who wants to can go find his actual words. I
was surprised, the first time I read them.

-- forging knowledge
In article <>,
Rich Grise <> wrote:
OK, sorry. I misread your POV here.
Not a problem. It happens.

If I get it now, you're denigrating the kicker, and the kicker's attitude.
In that case, we're in line here.
Yes the kicker is acting like the violence will produce a useful result
when in fact it is just a sick mind venting it frustration on the poor

-- forging knowledge
In article <>,
Product developer <> wrote:
Did you see the pic of Teresa yesterday on Drudge with the beers in
hand? What a double bagger. This dame looks like a lush with a mouth
like Hiliary. I can't imagine a first lady this undesirable. Here's a
woman who got all her dough from her late husband making fun of Laura
Bush. Go figure.
Just to mess with you head: think of Bill Clinton as "first gentleman"

-- forging knowledge
In article <>, says...
Mark Borgerson wrote:

... snip ...

I've managed to get 230KB async from a UART through a kilometer
of intercom wire (simulating an oceanographic cable) by putting
out full cycles of pseudo sine waves for 1 bits and nothing at all
for zero bits. The signals were transformer coupled for impedance
matching and DC isolated so the cable could be used for HV power.

You should be able to go a lot further and faster with balanced
pairs, provided you avoid DC effects. The basic driver is a
differential pair, with a current source 2I in the emitter
circuit. The normal current mirroring methods can be used to
generate currents I from the positive rail into the collector
circuits of that pair, so that each output line now switches a net
+-I. There is only one switch, avoiding nasty crossover
distortions, which can make the receiver get slowly varying signals
just at its most sensitive point. The DC component of injected
signal is zero over the differential line pair. Other methods can
ensure the average on each half of the line is also at zero net DC.
I'll look into that idea if I work with long cables again and have
actual twisted pairs to work with. I was looking at some of
the techniques used for DSL communications. I would love to
find a pair of DSL modems that accepted serial from the microcontroller
and produced DSL signals for coupling to the cable. Didn't seem to
be anything workable when I was looking about three years ago.
The drive is then high impedance, so the line conditions depend
solely on the line termination. In particular any biases set for
receivers are set for the overall line, in just one place, with
current injection. Most cables have well defined impedances, in
particular almost all twisted pair telephone cable looks like 100
ohms or so at 1 Mhz up. With the above configuration the single
line is a buss, and you can fairly freely add transmitters and
receivers, provided you can compensate for the varying point to
point propagation times. There are ways to handle this. One is by
defining a transmission direction and adding a master clock line.
Now all you have to do is put all transmitters to the left of all
receivers, assuming direction is left to right. No tuning.

My application was for an oceanographic cable, which can be quite
different from a telephone cable. In particular, I had to cope
with the fact that one of the wires might have about 300V DC
to ground (or the other wire). I've also heard, but not been
able to verify, that the cable characteristics change as the cable
is reeled out into the ocean. I do know that we had be be able
to cope with slip ring noise also--which was handled with ACK/NAK
and packet repeats.

Mark Borgerson (Tim Shoppa) writes:

(I somewhere read this was done with bias magnets but I'm not sure; they
are in typical Mil-Spec hermetically sealed cans.)

Related, there are "polar relays" which are driven by bipolar voltages.
By definition they had no return spring so would tend to remember their last
state but usually it wasn't guaranteed that they'd continue to make contact
after current was removed. Maybe adding small "hold" magnets to these
turns it into what you have there.
Nod, that goes back a few years.

A very similar delicate dual-coil balanced relay was the heart of
A-D converters I used to have to maintain. The 4-20 mA went through
one coil; a balancing current through the other. Closing one direction
would make a 4-decade 10 relay/decade counter "count up" -- the
other would count down. Each relay switched in a resistor value
proportional to the relay "value". {Thinking about it, maybe inversely;
as you want I to go up thus R must go down...}

Another deck of each relay constructed the digital output from
the closed ones.

When the process value changed, the dual-coil relay would go hard
over, and the Units, then Tens, Hundreds and Thousand decades would
tumble {"braatt, thawk, braatt....} until it overshot, stopped and
hunted back...

Decades later, I remain amazed it worked at all, much less so well for
almost 20 years.

A host is a host from coast to
& no one will talk to a host that's close........[v].(301) 56-LINUX
Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433
is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433
John S. Dyson wrote:
In article <cleovd$n6l$>, (Ken Smith) writes:

In article <>, Fred Bloggs <> wrote:

Conservatives don't seem to have any problem with stealing elections,

Please don't confuse the "neocons" with the conservatives. The "neocons"
are not conservatives. Neocons are about as conservative as National
Socialists are socialist.

Your complaint is almost as true as the very intolerant leftists being
mistakenly (or dishonestly) called 'liberal.' Very few of the intolerant
fools who disrupt other people's free speech, or break into other people's
property for POLITICAL reasons are 'liberal.' If they were so 'liberal',
then they'd better tolerate other peoples beliefs (whether or not they'd
Are you talking about the watergate burgulars? I don't think they
considered themselves liberals.

Or, are you talking about the cash stolen from the spokane wa RNC office?


I think that was for cash, not political reasons.

If you are talking about this one:


those were probably not liberals either, since it was the Democratic
headquarters that was broken into, and it was political information and
strategy documents that were stolen (three weeks before an election)

BTW, later in your posting, you compare the (well deserved) pie in the
face Ann Coulter got to rape. Well, it's nothing like rape, and you
belittle the suffering of true rape victims by saying so. Shame on you!

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 21:04:04 +0000, Clarence wrote:
"Rich Grise" <> wrote in message

Can't get a free country with a bunch of thugs trying to take over.

You're talking about being better off with the US military removed,

No and you know it. Why argue with reality?
Do you mean "No," as in, "No, you're better off with the US military
destroying your homes and factories and schools and churches -
especially churches - and killing your friends and relatives than you
would be without them here?"

You are insane.

I do not want to disagree with you Rich.
Sorry, it's too late.

May God (the real one) have mercy on your soul.
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 22:17:26 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

So if you came upon a couple pulled from their car and being beaten by three
thugs you would drive by and ignore them?
I'd have to make up my mind what to do if and when the situation
presented itself. Unlike you, with your obvious macho pervert
mentality and the mad desire to 'justifiably' use that gun on someone,
I don't pray for situations to arise which will allow me to kill

I didn't think of that!
I wouldn't think of that!
You just don't think.

You have no legitimate comeback, so like Fred Bloggs you resort to foul
language? You are no doubt a registered Democrat and have other bad habits.
I don't 'resort' to foul language, I use it to make pink-ass pussies
like you cringe and give you something to whine about. So far so

You lack much in the way of manners and civility.
I return manners and civility with manners and civility, so what you
seem to think I lack is a reflection of the paucity of the social
graces you learned at your mother's knee.

Since you are SO judgmental, you lack standing to criticize.
The one doesn't preclude the other, dumbass, and even if it did
wouldn't your statement be PKB? (You _do_ know what that means, don't

The police kept my S&W. I have a GLOCK now. (My insurance replaced it)
So you do not understand law, morals, or common decency. What else are is
beyond your keen?
It's not 'keen' you fucking troglodyte, it's 'ken'.

other than polite conversation and civility. We covered
those earlier.
"We" Covered them?

_You_ made a couple of stupid statements is all, mostly sounding like
you wished someone 'polite' would throw you a rope and pull you out of
the quagmire you've gotten yourself into or, at the very least, stop
pushing you farther down.

Sink or swim, asshole, it's up to you...

John Fields
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 17:18:52 -0500, John Fields wrote:

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 21:06:22 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 10:55:25 -0500, John Fields wrote:

A 'pre-emptive strike' to excise a cancer which has been allowed to
grow, unchecked, for decades is a bad thing?

Yes, John Fields. A pre-emptive strike is a bad thing, regardless
what excuse you give, because it is nothing but murder.

Rationalize it all you want - you're the one that's going to have
to face your own judgement one day.

May God have mercy on your soul.

Save your mealy-mouthed passive-aggressive bullshit for someone who
gives a shit, Rich.

As far as I'm concerned, if I see a mad dog heading my way and I've
got a gun in my hand, guess what? I'm going to blow that son of a
bitch away before he even gets a _chance_ to bite me.
And you have apparently completely blinded yourself to the fact that
no such attack ever took place. And it's been established ad nauseam
that 9/11 is a red herring.

To make the metaphor accurate, you (GWB & gang) have broken into
your neighbor's yard, and are trashing his stuff and killing his
family, never mind the dog.

And you? I
guess you'd just sit there hoping that he wouldn't notice you, and
then, when he had his jaw clamped firmly on your throat, start
thinking about ways to make him quit? Good luck, dog meat!
Well, if you want to know the truth, I have no reason to fear attack
from any dog, for reasons your limited consciousness is apparently
incapable of grasping.

Rich Grise <> wrote in

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:58:15 +0000, Clarence wrote:

"Spehro Pefhany" <speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote in message
On 17 Oct 2004 16:40:26 GMT, the renowned Jim Yanik> wrote:

Except that the people the US is killing mostly deserve it.
They actually go looking for it.
Those Iraqis with RPGs are not your average Iraqi citizen.

Mostly young male weapon-owning patriots with some military
experience. Probably a lot like a younger version of you.

The place will be better off with them removed.

So, you've appointed yourself judge and jury, and are conveniently
letting the US military do the executions.
Well,the UN is corrupt and would not approve of doing the right thing.
Some countries were bought off by the "Oil for Food" program.

Was YOUR country one of them?

Or have you appointed yourself God?

Can't get a free country with a bunch of thugs trying to take over.

You're talking about being better off with the US military removed,
I'd say most countries that the US "invaded" have done quite well.
Most of Europe,and Japan,the Pacific Islands.

Jim Yanik
"Terry" <> wrote in message
Searched the web everywhere and can't find a circuit that will do

Want a sensor to activate the trigger on a 555, and then the sensor
won't reactivate the trigger on the first 555 until the delay period
set by the second 555.

Trying to hack a PIR for a halloween prop. Want the sensor to activate
the 555 and the output trigger the prop and then delay the next
activation so some kid in a group doesn't stand there and keep
triggering the sensor.

Only thing I could find is that possibly need to use the second 555 to
activate the Reset of the first 555 during the second's timing cycle
to prevent a re-trigger.

Any help is appreciated.

Check out the 74HC4538 dual monopulser. You can fire both off at the same
time, and then not allow a new trigger until the longer pulse has timed out.
There is also a CD4538 equivalent, but I don't think it is CD. Ones I used
had Moto numbers. Depending on how you strap the inputs, it is either
retriggerable, or not retriggerable.

Rich Grise <> wrote:

It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me laugh and cry simultaneously,
which, when you get down to it, is the hallmark of good storytelling.
Huh? As aSouth Park fan, I went to see it. Found it extremely
boring, Far too many close-up "talking head" shots (Cheap fillers?)
I also found only two scenes to be slightly funny (so, puppets CAN
puke.) Overall, it was a complete waste of $6.50 and two hours.

(Age: 57)

To reply, please remove one letter from each side of "@"
Spammers are VERMIN. Please kill them all.
Doug Goncz wrote:

Hello all. I have read Google: "self-excited induction generator" to about 10%.

I found:

Electrical Construction and Maintenance

Guidelines for engine-generator application designs.

by Lawrie, Robert J. | May 01 '96

on Keep Media.


Induction generator

The construction of an induction generator is essentially the same as that of
an induction motor: Both have a squirrel-cage rotor and wound stator. When this
machine is driven above its designed synchronous speed, it becomes a generator;
at less than synchronous speed, it functions as a motor. Because the induction
generator does not have an exciter, it must operate in parallel with the
utility. This outside power source provides the reactive power for generator
operation. Also, its frequency is automatically locked in with the utility.

An induction generator is a popular choice for use when designing cogeneration
systems, where it will operate in parallel with the utility. This type of
generator offers certain advantages over a synchronous generator. For example,
voltage and frequency are controlled by the utility; thus voltage and frequency
regulators are not required. In addition, the generator construction offers
high reliability and little maintenance. Also, a minimum of protective relays
and controls are required. Its major disadvantage is that it normally cannot
operate alone as a standby/emergency generator in such an application.


Doug Goncz ( )
Student member SAE for one year.
I love: Dona, Jeff, Kim, Mom, Neelix, Tasha, and Teri, alphabetically.
I drive: A double-step Thunderbolt with 657% range.
yep. And if you dont have a grid, the add-on caps provide the reactive
current path.

Tom Seim wrote:
If they can't even get supporters out for Cher, how are they going to
get them to vote?

Only a couple hundred came out to see Cher Friday night at Miami
Beach's CROBAR disco, but that did not stop the legendary diva from
issuing an election warning against Republican control.

"There were supposed to be thousands of people here tonight. I'm not
sure why that didn't happen, obviously the people putting on this
thing were just not very good at it," an embarrassed Cher explained to
the crowd.

"Alright, but you guys are here, that's right. When I was coming down
the steps I though 'Oh s**t, well I'll just go out there and give it
my best.'"

The MIAMI HERALD had reported thousands were expected to rally at the
Doesn't she already have a pair of supporters (bra)??

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