Fred Bloggs
Tom Seim wrote:
absolute nobody- I'm just not very impressed with your resume. Yawn.
There you go again with your pompous and arrogant attitude. You are anWhere were you?
Since you asked me in such a polite way, I'll tell you. While you were
doing drugs I was involved in top secret national defense projects at
the Hanford Nuclear Reservation after graduating from Oregon State U.
in 1969. I am not a vet and never pretended to be one.
haha- I like that "involved with" and don't forget "associated with" -
these are typical governmentese expressions meaning you did damned
little other than attend vugraph presentations and get confused- you
were part of a mass of parasitic bureaucratic overhead that produced
nothing except interference and delays in your never ending quest to
achieve presence by making noise. You fool no one- you are worthless now
and always have been.
fredfraud, why don't you tell us what you've been "involved with"
besides illegal drugs?
I certainly am not going to discuss top secret programs on the
Internet, let alone with jerks like you.
absolute nobody- I'm just not very impressed with your resume. Yawn.