Driver to drive?

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:01:33 +0000, ChrisGibboGibson wrote:

Mac wrote:


You always want to use the common terminal. That's why they call it
common, I guess. ;-)

Visit Newcastle NW UK some time. Look at the women. You'll find a completely
new use for the word.

I grew up in (and still inhabit) the USA where it is almost unheard of
for anyone to use the word "common" in that sense.

Still, I got a good chuckle out of your post. ;-)

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 16:35:12 -0500, John Fields wrote:

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 20:44:38 +0000 (UTC), "Reg Edwards"> wrote:

It began with Enola Gay.

It began with the first lifeforms on this planet eating each other.

It began when All That Is separated itself into Yang, the electric, male,
thinking, spirit essence and Yin, the magnetic, female, feeling, will

Turns out that the split caused infinite pain, which has yet to heal.
But it is healing, slowly but surely.

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:18:51 +0000, Rich Grise wrote:

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 16:35:12 -0500, John Fields wrote:

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 20:44:38 +0000 (UTC), "Reg Edwards"> wrote:

It began with Enola Gay.

It began with the first lifeforms on this planet eating each other.

It began when All That Is separated itself into Yang, the electric, male,
thinking, spirit essence and Yin, the magnetic, female, feeling, will

Turns out that the split caused infinite pain, which has yet to heal. But
it is healing, slowly but surely.

And, of course, both sides blame the other for causing said pain, and have
been trying to get revenge ever since.

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:14:17 +0000, Mac wrote:

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:01:33 +0000, ChrisGibboGibson wrote:

Mac wrote:


You always want to use the common terminal. That's why they call it
common, I guess. ;-)

Visit Newcastle NW UK some time. Look at the women. You'll find a
completely new use for the word.


I grew up in (and still inhabit) the USA where it is almost unheard of
for anyone to use the word "common" in that sense.

Still, I got a good chuckle out of your post. ;-)
Boy! I'll say "common"! They don't even have faces!

Is the whole freaking country a whorehouse? ;-)

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 16:10:15 -0700, Steve wrote:

Hi Terry,
Thanks for the diagram. We can surely set that up to see how it works but
I was wondering about that battery/dc power suppy that you have between
the NO terminal and the buzzer..

The relay circuit manual says that it has a single-pole double-throw
(SPDT) switch rated at 125 VAC at 0.5 amps or 24 VDC at 1.0 amps for each
relay...What does that mean exactly? Does it mean that it can handle a
load with those ratings or does it mean that it produces that output?
It means that the contacts can safely interrupt up to those values.

Do the relays produce any output voltage/current or is external power
source needed to run each device connected to the relay circuit? Thanks
for your replies everyone.
It's just switch contacts - so yes, you do have to provide your own
power supply.

Have Fun!
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 15:47:22 -0700, Tom Seim wrote:

Think Kerry is going to win? Well you can get great odds at

$40 will buy you a contract that yields $100 on a Kerry victory. This is
down from $46 just a week ago.
So, how many people will get paid before they go broke?

In article <>,
Tom Seim <> wrote:
I did think it was wrong for Clinton to shut down the government.
Thats odd:

Most republicans think that shutting down the government is a good

The republican house and senate didn't deliver a budget that could be

to do your political attack work. Are neocons born without the concept of
hypocrisy in addition to being dishonable?
I agree conservatives aren't as hypocritical or dishonorable as
liberals by orders of magnitude.

Thank you but the subject was the so called "neocons". They have the
others beat when it comes to both hypocrisy and hubris.
-- forging knowledge
In article <>, Fred Bloggs <> wrote:
Conservatives don't seem to have any problem with stealing elections,
Please don't confuse the "neocons" with the conservatives. The "neocons"
are not conservatives. Neocons are about as conservative as National
Socialists are socialist.

-- forging knowledge
In article <>,
Jim Thompson <> wrote:
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 20:44:38 +0000 (UTC), "Reg Edwards"> wrote:

It began with Enola Gay.


Bush and Blair are mere puppets it the hands of the Multinational
Corporations, Insurance Companies, Bankers and the Media IT Controllers.


You missed the Trilateral Commission.

Bwahahahahahaha, What an idiot ;-)
Actually its Finland. They are taking over the cell phone industry for a
good reason. Once they control all comunication, they will rule the world
by simply making the phone hang up when you say anything they don't like.

People will still be allowed to vote.

-- forging knowledge
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:00:29 +0000, Ken Smith wrote:

In article <>, Rich Grise> wrote: [...]
Yes, but is there a way that they can stop the killing TODAY?

If you kick a dog and then stop kicking it, it is still likely to bite
you. Even if the US started doing everything right, deaths would continue
for some time.
And this attitude of yours of considering these people to be dogs,
is very very ill, and probably evil.

In article <>,
kell <> wrote:
I appreciate you guys spending all this time typing out ascii
diagrams. I'm going to try drawing the circuit as a whole and study
it. These are good ideas.
Its an interesting problem.

There may be better variations on my circuit suggestion. I've toyed with
having the points pulse the "THR" of the first 555 and the RC from its
output going to the "TRIG" of the second one. I haven't spent much time
one either but here are a few comments that may help:

At very low speeds (including stopped) the second RC sets the delay to a
very long time. When you first start the engine, the retard may be more
than you want.

My circuit has limited ability to make different advance curves. The
ideal advance curve is just about the one that produces a fixed amount of
time before TDC. (Not a fixed amount of angle as you have now)

-- forging knowledge
In article <>,
Rich Grise <> wrote:
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:00:29 +0000, Ken Smith wrote:

In article <>, Rich Grise> wrote: [...]
Yes, but is there a way that they can stop the killing TODAY?

If you kick a dog and then stop kicking it, it is still likely to bite
you. Even if the US started doing everything right, deaths would continue
for some time.

And this attitude of yours of considering these people to be dogs,
is very very ill, and probably evil.
I don't see how you get that from my post. I was making an analog between
the situation in Iraq and the person who kicks the dog. ie: It would be
fairer to say I characterized someone as the sort who would kick a dog.

-- forging knowledge

Mike wrote:
If the 12V is modulated an NPN transistor should
do the trick.

Al, yes it is 12V modulated on 3 different motherboards I tested. I
also did find one interesting bit of information while testing this

It seems there is a capacitor before the header, as when I was
measuring voltage on the header after turning it off via software, the
voltage took a good 3 minutes to settle at around 0.3V.
If you are just measuring with a multimeter, you might just be measuring
the stray capacitance?

So I have 3 questions:
(please be patient as I have no formal education in electronics
engineering or prior experience :-] )

1.) I'm assuming that the capacitor before the header will make the
single transistor approach impossible, unless a load is presented on
the header.
Theres a fair chance the loading from the transistor will be enough.

Resistor? Is that a good approach? And how would I
calculate watts from ohms? Given voltage.
I'm tired, so theres likely to be a mistake in this, but here's what I
would do (note: The following are _very_ rough 'ballpark' figures that
should be OK for a one-off).

1) Assume that the 'capacitor' is just capacitance, and thus has a very
small value. Assume that 100ma current flow is enough to discharge the
capacitence quickly enough

2) Since I = .1, and V = 12, use ohm's law to get a resistor to use. V =
I*R, R = V / I, R = 120 ohms.

3) check the resistors power rating. P = V * I = 12 * .1 = 1.2W.
However, considering that the PWM probably won't always be at 100%, you
can probably get away with 1W. Or play it safe and use 2 1W resistors.

4) hook up the circuit as follows


120 ohms | Collector
___ |/
+12V from MB------|___|-----|
Base |>
| Emitter

2.) I found an old NPN TIP120 transistor laying around and tested it.
I'm getting 420 ohms between the emitter ad the collector and 1.6k
ohms between collector and emitter. Is it dead?
No idea sorry.

3.) If it is, would a new TIP120 be good for what I'm trying to do?
It looks like it should be OK.

How many watts (ballpark) would it be able to handle on a small
heatsink inside a sealed project box?
What kind of box? Metal?

Thanks for your help!
No problem, but as I said I'm very tired right now, and may be speaking
crap! :)


Jeff Wisnia wrote:

I'm seeking information on appropriate test loads for nominal 1.5 volt
LeClanche and also alkaline batteries, according to their size (AAA,AA,C
and D, and maybe the ubiquitous 9 volters too while I'm at it.}

How does the voltage they produce for a few seconds under those loads
relates to their remaining capacity?

All I can remember about this subject is that when I built a Heathkit
VTVM about 45 years ago the instructions had you clibrate it by
measuring the voltage of the single 1.5 volt LeClanche battery before
you installed it in the unit. The voltage of a "fresh" battery with
insignificant load was 1.56 volts. There was a little red dot on the
meter scale corresponding to that voltage. Yo trimmed the calibration
pot to put the meter pointer over that red dot.

Thanks guys,


My name is Jeff Wisnia and I approved this message....

(W1BSV + Brass Rat '57 EE)

"As long as there are final exams, there will be prayer in public
Don't quote me on this but I seem to remember that duracell (or it may have
been eveready) have *all* that info on their website.

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:20:53 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:18:51 +0000, Rich Grise wrote:

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 16:35:12 -0500, John Fields wrote:

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 20:44:38 +0000 (UTC), "Reg Edwards"> wrote:

It began with Enola Gay.

It began with the first lifeforms on this planet eating each other.

It began when All That Is separated itself into Yang, the electric, male,
thinking, spirit essence and Yin, the magnetic, female, feeling, will

Turns out that the split caused infinite pain, which has yet to heal. But
it is healing, slowly but surely.

And, of course, both sides blame the other for causing said pain, and have
been trying to get revenge ever since.
The duality, or binary nature of God is a myth fabricated to explain
the two-fold nature of our existence, which is, simply, the result of
our spinning around the sun since time immemorial. We have had day
and night since the beginning of life on this planet, and those
memories are so firmly ingrained in our being that everything we have
ever been and probably ever will be until we leave this planet is
binary. Day, night. Good, evil. Male, Female. 1, 0. Look at the
two-fold symmetry of our bodies and nearly everything around us and
it's easy to see. Well, either easy or difficult...

John Fields
In article <>,
Rich Grise <> wrote:
I believe pure anarchy can work, but only among a fully enlightened
Frogs can fly but only if tey have wings. :)

Oh, and I claim that when elected, Michael Badnarik will end the
Iraqi occupation with minimal loss of life.
An when I'm elected, there will be free icecream for everyone. We can use
hell as the fridge.

-- forging knowledge
In article <>,
Tom Seim <> wrote:
Well you better hope were are more competent than you would have us to
believe and dealing with high-level radioactive waste. Otherwise a
whole shit-load of some very nasty stuff is heading downstream your
This is Hanford, home of the 3 eyed goffer, we are talking about. When
the plume reaches the river the jokes about "nuclear fishin' " will be

-- forging knowledge
Found another app notes:

Under optimum conditions:

TMS320C621x/671x EDMA Performance Data (spraa03.htm, 1 KB)
05 Mar 2004 Abstract

"Chapter 2.5 CPU Accesses and Caching

The following sections examine the access time for various CPU accesses
to external memory. It should be noted that using the CPU to access data
is generally a bad use of resources and should be avoided."

double word reads 225 MHz DSP, 100 MHz memory, non cached SBSRAM =>
39 CPU cycles average (Fig. 5)


TMS320C6000 EDMA IO Scheduling and Performance (spraa00.htm, 1 KB)
05 Mar 2004 Abstract

Most data from 6713 :)

Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message

Tom Seim wrote:

I agree conservatives aren't as hypocritical or dishonorable as
liberals by orders of magnitude.


Conservatives don't seem to have any problem with stealing
elections, preventing millions of people from voting, starting
major international wars on false pretexts, or passing laws that
remove fundamental protections under the Bill of Rights. You can
continue to argue over alleged and trivial personal standards,
because that's all your capable of handling, but must people who
/use/ their intellect are disturbed much more by so-called
conservative actions.

You keep repeating those tired old lies, fredfraud. Time to learn a
new tune.
On the contrary, all of those assertions are verified and understood by
the majority of America. You have no arguments left- just more of your
smokescreens. People around here are tired of you and your kind.
Tom Seim wrote:
[...snip bs...]

A quick search on stories written by Brittany Wallman shows that she's
incites hysteria- she's a cheap little marketeer who lives to sell papers.

Welcome to

