Driver to drive?

On Thursday 30 September 2004 08:15 am, John Woodgate did deign to grace us
with the following:

I read in that Jim Yanik <> wrote
(in <Xns9574642815B83jyanikkuanet@>) about '[OT]: The not-
so-democratic Democrats', on Thu, 30 Sep 2004:

He even attended a meeting discussing assassination of US gov't

Can't be all bad, then. (;-)

Hear! Hear!

Clarence wrote:

No, whether I have decided or not is irrelevant. My decision is or
will be made on what I believe to be a rational view of my and the
nations best interests.
You are a liar. You are a paid Bush campaign operative. You vote for
your boss. You have no beliefs.

I will consider all valid points ...
You are a liar. We have caught you in numerous lies and deceptions. No
one is interested in your viewpoint- you are a liar and scoundrel.
Please die soon.
Clarence wrote:

One that contains real facts that can be verified independently.
You are a vile liar! Anyone who attempts reasoned argument with you is
wasting their time. You are a paid Bush campaign operative. Your purpose
is raise doubt, irrelevant questions, create diversions, disruption, and
promulgate lies, slander, and false argument. You are a paid Bush
campaign operative. Please die soon.
Clarence wrote:

The Right to own and bear arms is THE PRIMARY GUARANTEE of the stability of
this society.
You are an ignorant LIAR- there is no such Constitutional guarantee. You
are a paid Bush campaign lackey and miscreant. We have caught you in
numerous lies and deceit.
On Fri, 01 Oct 2004 00:21:03 GMT, Fred Bloggs <> wrote:

What do you care about verification- you are a paid Bush operative,
David Gathwaite- you care nothing for truth- you are a deceitful liar.
I know of exactly two such people in different groups on the web (one who is a
paid Israeli working out of an embassy in Britain finally admitted it to me in a
personal note), but I had no idea they had such people here and that it was even
more common than I imagined.

On Fri, 01 Oct 2004 00:40:43 GMT, Fred Bloggs <> wrote:

You are a paid Bush campaign operative.
I keep having a hard time with this, despite knowing two such individuals
already busy, daily pumping groups with their one-sided tripe and confusion.

It's too bad the internet has reached the point where this is as profitable a
practice as it, in fact, has turned out to be in manufacturing consent.

On Fri, 01 Oct 2004 00:14:09 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

Sorry, no time. Got to get back to work.
I guess so.

Jon wrote:
Anyone havea good reference for a verry short range, ultra simple and small
communication shceme?
Two 5cm pieces of wire.


Adrian Jansen adrianjansen at internode dot on dot net
Design Engineer J & K Micro Systems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control
Note reply address is invalid, convert address above to machine form.
Rich Grise <> says...

communism can only work if the whole population is abnormal,
and stays that way.
Comunism works just fine.


For Ants.
Rich Grise <> says...

That was hyperbole - exaggeration for dramatic effect.
I have told you a hundred million times not to exaggerate!
Jonathan Kirwan <> says...


Sorry, not interested in having the conversation be hijacked into
yet another discussion of gun control. I reject the commonly held
view that every newsgroup should be full of discussion on the topics
of abortion, creationism, and gun control. wrote:

ha, ha

I should have said I want it to be wireless. I'm thinknig some sort of near
field inductive link with a tank circuit receiver into a passive envelope
data rate?


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 18:50:18 -0700, Guy Macon <> wrote:

Sorry, not interested in having the conversation be hijacked into
yet another discussion of gun control. I reject the commonly held
view that every newsgroup should be full of discussion on the topics
of abortion, creationism, and gun control.
I had intended it only as an illustration, not some mission of mine. It's not
and I don't care to carry on some debate on gun control, here. The larger
issues of US Supreme Court roles and the meaning of our Constitution are of
interest to me, though.

I'll write when I feel motivated and you can read as you do.

Rich Grise puts out:

I went around in circles for about a week with my ISP about getting
logged onto their news server. Finally, after threatening them, I got
somebody who finally admitted that they don't even own the server -
they lease it from somebody else, so they have no control over it.
A lame excuse, but whatcha gonna do?
Get a good server, . Free for non-binaries use.

Chaos MasterŽ, posting from Brazil.
"People told me I can't dress like a fairy.
I say, I'm in a rock band and I can do what the hell I want!"
-- Amy Lee

The Evanescen(t/ce) HP:
On Thursday 30 September 2004 05:52 pm, Fred Bloggs did deign to grace us
with the following:

Not true- Bush knowingly used forged intelligence data to deceive the
American people and Congress into war. There is much more to admit than
mere mistake. This will pursued to impeachment and then criminal trial
-SO HELP US GOD!- and this time the bastard will not be pardoned like
with Nixon- he will be imprisoned!
So do you know of anybody who's actually keeping track of his misdeeds,
and looking up relevant law, so we can bring a real case? These have to
be real, you know - for this, we can't be making stuff up, and it has
to be independently verifiable, like by congressional investigation or
the World Court or something.

That particular piece gives all the more reason why he should be singing
praise to Bush and his Iraq war. Now that he has discovered the *real*
Bush, he and many hundreds of thousands involved with the war, are
sorely disillusioned by the Texas con artist.

Steve Sands wrote:
On Thursday 30 September 2004 11:47 am, Le Chaud Lapin did deign to grace us
with the following:

John Woodgate <jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk> wrote in message
I read in that Clarence <> wrote (in
T3P6d.21771$>) about 'What lies do
you tell in your CV?', on Thu, 30 Sep 2004:

Makes you want a "One Size Fits all" (criteria) but you can't find one.

That's an oxymoron to end all oxymorons. 'Criteria' is plural. The
singular is 'criterion'. But the plural of 'oxymoron' is not 'oxymora'
(outside a pedant's ivory tower, anyway).

That's because criterion can also be spelled criterium, which permits
the pluralization to criteria.

Carpe di 'um'.

Carpe Deum. :)

On Thursday 30 September 2004 06:06 pm, Jonathan Kirwan did deign to grace
us with the following:
Blacks and women weren't allowed to vote or to participate in the
legislatures. Popular vote for members of the House wasn't because of
democratic principals,
What was it, then - republican students?


On Thursday 30 September 2004 01:28 pm, Jim Miller did deign to grace us
with the following:

obtaining the reflection from the aluminum bar will be difficult. 3M makes
a reflective tape which acts as a retroreflector. can you apply this to
the aluminum?

Actually, aluminum's a pretty decent reflector in its own right. ;-)
Especially if there's a black background.
Might want to watch the skew angle, but shininess could narrow your
response pattern.

On Fri, 01 Oct 2004 04:26:11 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

Man, back in those days, people had class!
And some measure of time, as well.

If you get a chance, see about accessing letters to the New York Journal (for
example, you'll see arguments about whether or not to stick with Britain [in a
"united we stand, divided we fall" basis]), the two works I mentioned
(Bancroft's and the US Congress's), and some of the many exchanges of letters.
It was an interesting group of folks at an interesting time. The Federalist
Papers are only the much more loudly touted, but not nearly the more interesting
(from my perspective.)


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