Driver to drive?

Walter Harley wrote:

"Tim Wescott" <> wrote in message
I assume you know of the technique to set the parallel equivalent of all
the resistances on the V+ input to the same on the V- input, so equal
offsets are generated?

Yes. Can't do it here, as the particular circuit has a varying impedance on
the V- input (simple audio mixer).
It's good practice to ac couple that input. Then you won't have loads of DC gain
to worry about. Don't add an R on the +input since it degrades noise.

NE5532 is a typical choice for this application. Use NE5534 if you want slightly
better noise.

Make the mix and feedback R's <10k for a decent thermal noise contribution.

I read in that Mike Diack
<moby@kcbbs.gen.middleearth> wrote (in <Xns957455C4912B7mobykcbbsgennz@2>) about 'My first (and last) post concerning the
presidential election', on Wed, 29 Sep 2004:
really rather get on with on-topic postings.
So, post some nice juicy electronics stuff. The memes thus generated
will compete with the ageing and jaded political memes and drive them
out of the newsgroup.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see
On Tuesday 28 September 2004 06:43 pm, Fred Bloggs did deign to grace us
with the following:
And by
ignoring scientific consensus on critical issues such as global warming,
With this item their credibility just went way down with me. It just so
happens that the "scientific consensus" on "global warming" is wrong.
If there is any such thing in the first place, and if it's "caused" by
the so-called "greenhouse gases", it is certainly not the humans that
are putting any significant amount of "greenhouse gases" in the air.
It's the volcanoes, boys and girls. And, of course, the solar cycle
and Earth's orbit, and the fact that we're on some kind of ice age
cycle - IOW, that whole global warming hoax is just a scam, for gawd
knows what reason. Probably somebody wanted to hurt DuPont.

John Miles wrote...
Heh. Stephen King just wrapped up a seven-book series with a polite
request to readers to refrain from looking up his address and driving
over for a visit to debate the merits of the ending.

For your own peace of mind, this habit you have of citing "bad"
circuits without revealing their flaws may require a similar notice
in the preface to AoE 3rd ed.
Nah, folks are more than welcome to come visit me anytime at my lab
and debate circuits, lift a brew, or whatever! But as for Stephen
King, after stringing along as a paying customer on his online novel
experiment, one delayed chapter at a time, and getting jilted unable
to read the ending, I realize he has a very serious crybaby problem.

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
On Wednesday 29 September 2004 01:55 am, Frithiof Andreas Jensen did deign
to grace us with the following:
"Fred Bloggs" <> wrote in message
See the new political coalition of the top scientists and engineers in
America- more *INFORMED* scientists '

A Few Nits:
4) Kerry is a Bush-Lite, constantly reiterating the message that he will
do the *same* as Bush only "better". Thus there is *no alternative*
candidate to vote *for* (i.e. You can vote against Bush, yet get his
policies inflicted upon you - this time by your own party - 'tis great

The clouds fighting the wind!
Actually, there is an alternative, but we need about a billion dollars
to saturate the TV - Michael Badnarik, Libertarian.

On Wednesday 29 September 2004 05:19 am, Fred Bloggs did deign to grace us
with the following:


By responding the way you have, you exemplify the aggravating ignorance
and arrogance that refuses to accept you are unqualified to make
reasonable decisions-

Frithiof Andreas Jensen wrote:
Fred, there's no reason to insult Frithiof Andreas Jensen. I've reread the
tract, and I don't see anything contrary to the Bush policy about the war
or the economy or the "Homeland Security" horror, but that stuff's not
science - only real life.

Plus, the scientists, who are generally quite polarized thinkers, and
the aggravating kind who proclaim their open-mindedness, see Kerry as the
only possible alternative.

Maybe us Libertarians should enlist some actors & stuff. Get on Letterman
and Leno - that'd help!

I read in that Rich Grise <>
wrote (in <CrG6d.13444$Ym1.229@trnddc03>) about '48 Nobel Laureates
Endorse Kerry', on Wed, 29 Sep 2004:

IOW, that whole global warming hoax is just a scam, for gawd knows what
Is that what your Mother told you?
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see
On Wednesday 29 September 2004 08:12 am, James Beck did deign to grace us
with the following:

In article <cjehv2$mor$>, says...

We can do stem-cell research here.

There is a difference between withholding government funding for
specific research and stopping that research.

Let's not forget all of the "cord blood" research and banking being
done, just for the stem cells. Private research, private monies.

As an example see:

I haven't checked - is there some law against it, or is it just not
getting a handout? Because that's a good point - there are way too
many government handouts, and one of the major problems with them is
the way they somehow transform into "entitlements." Like, I'm entitled
to a chunk of your paycheck, just because the government is doing the
stealing for me.

I read in that john jardine
<> wrote (in <cjfbum$3d7$
) about 'What are "memes"? nt', on Wed, 29 Sep 2004:

Mmmm ... sort of implies an uber joke could evolve. I remember fondly a
lunatic sketch by the comedian Spike Milligan, about the discovery of
the funniest joke in the world. On anyone being told the joke, death by
laughter resulted. It started out "Who was that lady I saw you with last
That 'uber' is maybe significant. Did you recall that even the German
version was lethally funny? (;-)
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see
On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 22:15:12 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

Actually, there is an alternative, but we need about a billion dollars
to saturate the TV - Michael Badnarik, Libertarian.
No alternative so long as folks feel the need to vote strategically. (I
wouldn't even *want* a libertarian, but that's another thing.) Change the
voting system and then there will be some chance for good impact, I think.

See my site at:

Robert Monsen wrote:

normanstrong wrote:
no body

'memes' is a concept that is used by Dawkins in a set of books on
evolution. Memes represent little chunks of information, which he claims
are affected (similarly to biological systems) by natural selection. His
favorite example is the joke. Its told to others (ie, it 'reproduces'),
competes with other jokes (there is only so much time to tell jokes) and
changes seemingly randomly. As it changes, if it gets worse, it stops
getting told (it dies out), or if it gets better than other jokes, it is
told to more people, thus reproducing itself more effectively.
Actually, memes do not have to be small.
Religion in many of its forms, esp those with extensive mythology, are memetic
in nature.

The Gods are memes with personality.
They can also possess intelligence (although not as we know it etc) as anyone
who has played Ouija can testify.


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 22:12:50 GMT, Rich Grise <> wrote:

With this item their credibility just went way down with me. It just so
happens that the "scientific consensus" on "global warming" is wrong.
If there is any such thing in the first place, and if it's "caused" by
the so-called "greenhouse gases", it is certainly not the humans that
are putting any significant amount of "greenhouse gases" in the air.
It's the volcanoes, boys and girls. And, of course, the solar cycle
and Earth's orbit, and the fact that we're on some kind of ice age
cycle - IOW, that whole global warming hoax is just a scam, for gawd
knows what reason. Probably somebody wanted to hurt DuPont.
You've no idea what you are talking about on this, Rich. It's a study area for
me and this kind of statement from you is stunningly confused on its face. Here
is not the place to debate it, though.

On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 11:29:58 -0400, Spehro Pefhany
<speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote:

What's so hard to read about this?
With that in mind, there is something I've never quite been able to
understand in the character LCD data sheets.

For example, in the canonical Optrex manual
on page 15 (section 1.7.5), and many others where they show the bit
contents of a control byte, there is a row of numbers below the byte; in
this example "123 14444244443 14444424444443".

I'm sure this is crystal clear to everyone but me, but I just can't seem
to decode the meaning. I've implemented drivers for several 8-bit micros
without "getting" it but it is frustrating not to know. Any ideas?

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 20:58:43 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"
<> wrote:

Robert Monsen wrote:
normanstrong wrote:
no body

'memes' is a concept that is used by Dawkins in a set of books on
evolution. Memes represent little chunks of information, which he
claims are affected (similarly to biological systems) by natural

There is no claim, its a fact. Do you copy ideas? End of story.
The phrase "End of story." is obviously a successful, highly evolved

On Wednesday 29 September 2004 10:42 am, John Larkin did deign to grace us
with the following:

If, say, Kerry were to come out and bluntly say that "I don't think the
well-being of Iraq is worth the life of even ONE U.S. Marine and it's a
futile waste of effort, that we could better use to improve the Life of
Americans", I think people would listen;

But not necessarily agree. I wouldn't.
If, in fact, Mr. Larkin, you believe that murder in the name of some
idea is a "good" thing, then, I'm afraid, you are evil. May God
have mercy on your soul.

On Wednesday 29 September 2004 09:21 am, Rolavine did deign to grace us with
the following:

From: "Frithiof Andreas Jensen"

4) Kerry is a Bush-Lite, constantly reiterating the message that he will
do the *same* as Bush only "better". Thus there is *no alternative*
candidate to vote *for* (i.e. You can vote against Bush, yet get his
policies inflicted upon you - this time by your own party - 'tis great

I agree with this, if you take Kerry at face value from what he is saying.
However from the pratical standpoint, Kerry allready has a lot of votes
from the progessive side and alienating these voters would be hard. What
Kerry has to do to win is to get some Bush voters to switch sides. I'm not
going to go into why there are so many Bush voters, my best guess has to
do with implants, lol.
Memes. :)

On Wednesday 29 September 2004 02:50 pm, Rolavine did deign to grace us with
the following:

From: John Larkin

Yeah, like the welfare programs that made the first microprocessors
the Feds.

Except that they weren't.

Ok, your right, the 4004 was developed for a calculator. However, how much
university and public funded research went into being able to make the
4040? I should have said the kind of welfare that helped to develop the
microprocessor and made it what it is today.

I could have added the kind of welfare that started the internet.

I think I made my point even with the error!
Not at all. In which case was the value of the money involved increased
by being filtered through three layers of bureaucracy? In what way did
anyone get more bang for the buck by vampirizing the taxpayer to feed
an army of parasites?

I'll go with "That government is best which governs least."

On Wednesday 29 September 2004 02:46 pm, Robert Monsen did deign to grace us
with the following:

Jonathan Kirwan wrote:
On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 17:24:11 GMT, "normanstrong"> wrote:

I'd be curious to hear from the Bush supporting Nobel laureates.

Rare as hen's teeth comes to mind. ;)


While browsing the web the other day, I happened to come across this:

An Open Letter to the American Business Community

September 11, 2004

Presidential elections present us with choices about our nation's
future. We support George W. Bush for President and urge you to join us.
Of course. Death and destruction are good for the bottom line. Everybody
knows that.

So, if you want to sell your soul to Satan, be my guest.

I read in that Joerg <notthisjoergsch@removethisp> wrote (in <PhH6d.21585$>)
about 'What are "memes"? nt', on Wed, 29 Sep 2004:
Schlottermeier and
Flippermaus, whatever that is.
Well-known firm of lawyers, obviously.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see
I read in that Rich Grise <>
wrote (in <fXH6d.8812$Mf.2074@trnddc05>) about '48 Nobel Laureates
Endorse Kerry', on Wed, 29 Sep 2004:
So, if you want to sell your soul to Satan, be my guest.
Does he bid on Ebay? If so, have PayPal given him an account?
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see

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