Driver to drive?

Hi John,

I repeat, 'Ask your ISP if they have an explanation.'

Provided you are able to get a hold of someone there who'd really know.

Regards, Joerg
On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 17:24:11 GMT, "normanstrong" <>

I'd be curious to hear from the Bush supporting Nobel laureates.
Rare as hen's teeth comes to mind. ;)

"Dirk Bruere at Neopax" <> wrote in message

The entire pretext for the war was a lie.

"normanstrong" <> wrote in news:arC6d.282940

[Posting about US Politics]
Relevance to electronic design ????

Rant mode : on
Not dumping specifically on Norm, but all who post US political material:
Those of us in the rest of the world (two non mutually exclusive groups
regarded by the US foreign policy makers as either potential resources or
potential targets) don't give a rat's about this sort of stuff and would
really rather get on with on-topic postings.
Rant mode : off

"Tom Seim" <> wrote in message
OK, Fred, you are so degree-conscious, what degree(s) do you have?
He has a "Third Degree" You have No doubt heard of them?
"Genome" <> wrote in message


From: (Ken Smith)

'll do even better I'll name several:

Contributions to the DNC are up.

The French and Germans agree on something/

The Kurds and Sheites in Iraq aren't at each others throat.

Duct tape sales are way up.

Thanks, I sometimes take this way to seriously!

Your right about #3, but it is because the Shiites and Sunis are about to go at
it. The Kurds are waiting to keep a border, the Turks are waiting to attack
them as soon as they do. Meanwhile in our friend Pakistan, women are being gang
raped to settle disputes between families, and then they are expected to kill

What a world, I love it!

Actually I think the candidate with enough balls to say they would ban the'
club card' for each store offering discounts and demand that everyone get the
discounts without having the complication of keeping track of dozens of cards,
would be a shoe in!

If they would also line up the clever marketing people that though these
annoyances up and shoot them for the good of all mankind, I will join their

From: "normanstrong"

More to the point, how many living Nobel laureates are there that can
vote in the US election? Is 48 a large or small percentage? I'd be
curious to hear from the Bush supporting Nobel laureates.
I think these prize winners came out with this in June, so go and look.
From: "Frithiof Andreas Jensen"
You have standing for reason, truth, and the facts the moral high ground?
If your right we are doomed.

On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 20:58:43 GMT, Kevin Aylward wrote:

Its a cool thing to
think about, though. Some people are so totally caught up by it that
they base entire theories of behavior around it.

This is because the concept of replication, selection and random
generation of memes and genes is *all* there is
( No other
process is required, or apparently, exists in this universe. If you
would like to state a phenomena that is *not* included in the Darwinian
axioms, how about telling us? For example, something that never
replicates is just a Replicator with a replication rate of zero, and is
therefore automatically included in the same math.
When your only tool is a hammer...
On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 15:02:59 +0100, Dirk Bruere at Neopax
<> wrote:

The entire pretext for the war was a lie.

Good grief! Of course it was. There are many obvious things that
everybody knows, but that are impolitic to say out loud.

From: John Larkin

So, if Kerry lies to everybody, that's smart politics. If Bush lies,
it's evil. Have I got that right?
This is my take on this.
Kerry and crew are picking his topics and his words to appeal to the undecided
or Bush leaning voters. This is not necessarily lying, and Kerry scores an
order of magnitude higher than Bush on my truth meter. Lies about Kerry and his
record are repeated so often by Bush that the truth content of anything he
says is already hopelessly compromised. Kerry can attack Bush back on his
actual record so lying is not necessary.

I don't like BS on either side, but I am a realist and know that there are a
lot of really smart people telling the candidates what to say and how to say
it. In the case of Bush I figure he goes a step further and actually has little
input into what he says. This is a perception of Bush as Mortimer Snerd to
Rove's Edgar Bergan.

I never said Bush was Evil, I do say he lies, and lies, and lies. Even my worst
feeling about Bush, that Iraq was a Personal Jihad, was not an act of Evil.
Saddam did try to kill Bush Sr. and in a similar situation I think any man
would want revenge. The problem is a President needs to act for the good of the
country, not for the good of his own ego!

Jim Miller wrote:

in the 70's it was the 2n2222 and 2n2907.

what's the darling pair today? is the 2n3904 the current npn utility? what's
the one for pnp?

btw, a google on npn transistor hits the '3904 immediately
Since US 2N types aren't popular here in Europe the answer used to be BC184 and
BC214, now more likely BC550 and BC560.

Mike Page wrote:
I was in single figures when "Herself" was elected, so I don't remember
how bad [Old] Labour was. The Blair/Brown axis made Labour electable,
Very bad.

the jury's still out on any concrete achievements except giving up power
over interest rates.
What Blair/Brown have also given up are all the principles Labour has stood for
since its inception.


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
From: John Larkin

Yeah, like the welfare programs that made the first microprocessors financed
the Feds.

Except that they weren't.

Ok, your right, the 4004 was developed for a calculator. However, how much
university and public funded research went into being able to make the 4040? I
should have said the kind of welfare that helped to develop the microprocessor
and made it what it is today.

I could have added the kind of welfare that started the internet.

I think I made my point even with the error!


however the
Joerg wrote:

Regarding the topic here I wonder what would be the most popular cheap
npn power work horse. When I was a kid the 2N3055 was used for almost
everything. Now I design it all with FETs but there has got to be "the"
npn power choice for today's kids.
For high power, MJ15003 ( complement MJ15004 ) in TO-3 still.

40Amp wrote:

Where can I find 24v upto 40Amp H bridge DC motor driver schematics?
Harris and IR probably both do drivers and app notes.


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