Driver to drive?

Rich Grise wrote:


Heh. Yeah. Every year 400,000 people are killed by smoking. And 2,500,000
are killed by something else.

That's like 15% of fatal road accidents involve a drunk driver. So surely it's
the sober drivers we should be banning from driving ?

That's a joke incase anyone missed it.

Though statistically there is an argument.

On Friday 08 October 2004 03:59 pm, John S. Dyson did deign to grace us with
the following:

In article <1By9d.70$y71.52@trnddc02>,
Rich Grise <> writes:
On Thursday 07 October 2004 08:21 pm, John S. Dyson did deign to grace us
with the following:

So, you're gonna save their soul if you have to burn them at the stake
to do it, huh?

This isn't really an issue of 'saving souls' (I don't get into that
mumbo-jumbo), but an issue of incredibly disturbed people who are
effectively participants in a hate movement against the current
President of the USA.

I see. And how does this make you feel?

No emotions other than seeing the proof of leftist idiocy and mental
instability. It is best to keep the fools from mutually feeding on
their hatred, just as their right-wing cousins, the neo-nazis, tend
to mutually feed on their own hatred.

It is interesting that you ask a question that you obviously don't want
an answer. Is the dishonest asking of such a question truly indicative
of a lack of integrity?

Why is it you think that I don't want an answer?

On Sunday 03 October 2004 11:03 am, John Woodgate did deign to grace us with
the following:

I read in that Product developer> wrote (in <>) about 'OT: Cheney and Disarming American Defense- THE Facts',
on Sun, 3 Oct 2004:

I have to
assume that he holds several post doctorate degrees in a life long
pursuit of knowledge.

So have I. Or I ought to have.(;-)

A mind that operates in ways that no machine or
current science can measure.

We all have one of those. Even Republicans, I believe. Except Kevin, of
course. His mind is explainable by physics, without any magic
whatsoever. (;-)

Maybe he's right.
There appear to be some minds here that you don't even need physics for.

A little Newtonian mechanics and a "Hello, World," and they've got
a candidate!

"Pooh Bear" <> wrote in message
Yes - audio requires a constant data stream - or it'll cut out. You simply
can't get any decent kind of audio quality over Bluetooth - 732 kbits/sec
the max flat out without other devices contending. CD audio is just over
1.4Mbits sec for comparison without 'handshaking'.
You'll get m p3 quality over Bluetooth I guess.
732kbps is plenty for compressed audio. You know that cell phones get away
with something like 2.4kbps for their CODECs? 128MBps MP3 compression much
better fidelity than, e.g., FM radio. While MP3 (and cell phone CODECs)
require a significant amount of processing horsepower to
compress/uncompress, even simple compression schemes do OK with a could
hundred kbps.

---Joel Kolstad
9 pins :)

"Rich.Andrews" <> źśźgŠóślĽóˇsťD:Xns957CDDE527212mc2500183316chgoill@
"Boki" <> wrote in


25 pins?


"Rich.Andrews" <
"Boki" <> wrote in news:ck2sn0$ret$1

Why @@?

pin.8 CTS
pin.4 DTR

25 pin

I think he meant pins 4 and 8 on the chip. I took it to mean he found
the CD line.


"Rich.Andrews" <> źśźgŠóślĽóˇs?
"Boki" <> wrote in news:ck2c6m$4sp$1

short pin.8 pin.4 work...

yup. that will do it every time.


Nothing beats the bandwidth of a station wagon filled with DLT tapes.

Nothing beats the bandwidth of a station wagon filled with DLT tapes.

Nothing beats the bandwidth of a station wagon filled with DLT tapes.
In article <>,
Steve Sands <> wrote:
I need to create an AM modulated carrier of 25 Khz that is highly
focused in beam width. I need a range of 50 feet.
You think you need a focused beam to solve some design problem. I think
we can assume that just running a wire for 50 feet is not in the cards.

If you go with electro-magnetics:

If you wind a coil onto a large rod core, you can get more of the power to
go in the desired direction than at right angles to it. This will be
about the best you can do with anything smaller than, lets say, 50 feet
doing the radiating.

You could change to using sound: 25KHz is high enough that most people
can't hear it unless it is quite loud.

You haven't said what the design goal is.

-- forging knowledge
In article <PAH9d.1686$gd1.718@trnddc08>,
Rich Grise <> writes:
On Friday 08 October 2004 03:59 pm, John S. Dyson did deign to grace us with
the following:

In article <1By9d.70$y71.52@trnddc02>,
Rich Grise <> writes:
On Thursday 07 October 2004 08:21 pm, John S. Dyson did deign to grace us
with the following:

So, you're gonna save their soul if you have to burn them at the stake
to do it, huh?

This isn't really an issue of 'saving souls' (I don't get into that
mumbo-jumbo), but an issue of incredibly disturbed people who are
effectively participants in a hate movement against the current
President of the USA.

I see. And how does this make you feel?

No emotions other than seeing the proof of leftist idiocy and mental
instability. It is best to keep the fools from mutually feeding on
their hatred, just as their right-wing cousins, the neo-nazis, tend
to mutually feed on their own hatred.

It is interesting that you ask a question that you obviously don't want
an answer. Is the dishonest asking of such a question truly indicative
of a lack of integrity?

Why is it you think that I don't want an answer?

There is little motivation for you to know how I feel. Frankly, again,
there is serious problem on the left where they are consiously sewing the
seeds of hatred. Kerry's advocates (who help to propagate the hate)
are being more cruel against the new advocates than against Bush. New
people are being infected with the diseased thinking for crass political
purposes, and those who are knowingly passing the hate-disease
onto others are showing ethical/moral depravity (or are so diseased that
they have little self control.)

Those most damaged by the hate speech are those who are vulnerable to
the hate as participants. People looking at it from the outside (like me),
might feel disgust, worry, concern, pity or many other feelings about those so
very afflicted. Perhaps those who are 'religious' might even perceive
the seeds of evil or satan being propagated by the Bush hatred. I
don't manifest those kinds of thoughts, but do see destructive tendancies
in the afflicted. Much like VD, the hate being passed around in Democrat
circles does show a lack of respect for others.

Perhaps the cruel and poetic justice is that those who were so very critical
against those who couldn't love Clinton because of his childish, emotionally
incompetent behavior (and in fact, illegal actions wrt court testimony),
have themselves actually fallen prey to the hate. It hasn't been those who
simply couldn't accept Clintons' poor behavior who fell prey to hatred. Most
interestingly, some of the out-of-control pro-Democrat hate-mongers will be
paying an emotional price for their support of the very lousy traitor
against America, John Kerry. Even though he is a dispicable person, I just
don't have any strong emotions about him (other than dismissal.) With a
complete set of adult
emotions, it just doesn't make any sense to waste any consiousness on such
human debris. If John Kerry did become president, it JUST MIGHT be time
for even those who are non-religious to pray for some divinity to deliver
us from John Kerry, who would be (at least partially) elected based upon
'evil and destructive hatred.'

On the other hand, the strong, almost unconditional Bush supporters seem
not to have an equivalent emotionally incompetent hatred as manifest by
the overly strong Kerry supporters. The Bush supporters SEEM to be more
fearful of the previous (and in some respects, almost current) traitorous
behavior as manifest by John Kerry. So, from the Bush side, it seems that
those advocates probably see Kerry as inappropriate.

From the center (who would actually possibly be convinced of voting
for Kerry, IF he wasn't a traitor), I see both sides as being irritatingly
religious. The reflexive excuses for Bush's poor performance under
certain circumstances, or the prominant emotionally incompetent Bush hatred
espoused by Kerry supporters are both 'irritating', but perhaps with the
hate-emotion as not just irritating but also being a probable indicator
of true mental illness. More often than not, the Kerry supporters seem
to be more involved with Bush hatred than Kerry love. Frankly, both kinds
of emotions (mental illness as being indicated by misplaced hatred, or
loving a traitor) show a kind of incompetency that disappoints me, and
even makes me pity the twisted person for their pathetic life (from their
limited set of thinking tools.)

John S. Dyson wrote:

He seems to have had personality degradation, or perhaps was always
very hate filled. If purchasing something that funds hatred, it is
good to find an alternative. For example, I would avoid purchasing
any kind of good (e.g. literature, books) from someone who is going
to fund hate of any kind. I wouldn't purchase anything that would
fund "nazis" of either a right wing or left wing bias.

Interesting that you should talk about pulling "finding" from bad
businesses, because that is exactly what William C. Thompson, New York
City Comptroller decided to do with investments in Halliburton- and
specifically because of their dealings with State Sponsors of Terrorism
like Syria, Libya, Iran, Iraq, and the Sudan. Many prominent investment
groups have pulled the plug on Halliburton stocks and a few other
businesses. And this is not just a "liberal" slant- it is integrity-
these people know exactly how to investigate and assess an illegal and
immoral involvement, and unlike the DoJ and a criminal standard of
proof- the exercise of integrity is driven by a reasonably probable
cause. It is the height of hypocrisy and fraud that the vice president
of the US should have any connection with a company like that, and in
these times under these circumstances; or that the administration should
have made them a major contractor in Iraq under any circumstances:
It is quite revealing that GW Bush wants to wage war on terrorism up to
the point and short of interfering with US business dealings- then he
backs off. The idiot must think that war exclusively means application
of military force. This is just the tip of the iceberg of their
stupidity- the US is going to pay dearly with an attack on the homeland
in the near future.
Dirk Bruere at Neopax wrote:
Rich Grise wrote:

On Friday 08 October 2004 01:26 am, Scott Stephens did deign to grace us
with the following:

The best thing to do is, if they assholes are worth tolerating, is to
find someone weaker and torment the shit out of them. Give as good as
you get.


But in the end, its best not to associate with assholes.

Good Idea.

How mean. And I was going to nominate Rich to be the Duck-Bill Platypus
of S.E.D.
Perhaps its better to face the true God having ignorantly believed in a
false one, than face truth having believed in nothing, shirking
responsibility for risking being wrong in search for the truth.

Another great lesson in politics we can learn in this "mean season". Get
your way by criticizing those in power because they aren't perfect. You
can always find some fault to blame, if you're not responsible for doing
any better.



DIY Piezo-Gyro, PCB Drill Bot & More Soon!

Those who sow excuses shall reap excuses

Tom Seim wrote:
From today's Wall Street Journal:

One of John Kerry's claims to the White House is that his diplomacy
would better control nuclear proliferation in Iran and North Korea
than President Bush's alleged truculence. So it is newsworthy that a
spokesman for Tehran's Foreign Ministry has just dismissed out of hand
the centerpiece of Mr. Kerry's arms-control offer to the mullahs.
We'll just let WSJ stick with their business news and leave the
international security assessments alone. It is Bush's truculence that
has induced N.Korea and Iran to accelerate their weapons programs and
designs for WMDs- how else could they hope to repel an invasion by this
international law breaking US with a lunatic at the helm. You can take
every single one of Bush's rationalizations for invading Iraq and apply
them x10 to Pakistan- but then they have nukes- so there's another "no
go" zone. And I have no idea where this "world's a safer place" garbage
comes from. Let's see- we just incited 100 million people prone to
fanaticism to hate us with suicidal fervor, left the global situation
with loose nuclear bomb making material as insecure as ever, and
alienated just about every nation that could help us with an
intelligence warning system. Looks like Bush's misplanning for the
post-invasion 'world' is just as bad as for post-invasion Iraq. Yep-
he's quite the leader.
Ah CAMCORDER! Now I understand the reluctance to modify.
You may have said that before, I've been rather under the weather this
weekend, I may have missed it.
This is why the subject line said "revisited". I asked some questions
about this project in its initial incarnation a while ago. At that time
it was purely for camcorder use.

The original project - and it's going up on my web site soon, I promise-
was either:

a) to store telemetry data on the audio track of a camcorder,
synchronized with the image, or

b) to devise some reasonably solid method for putting sync marks onto
the videotape, so that a (flash or HDD-based) log could be
cross-referenced to the video stream.

The design restriction is: minimum possible reverse-engineering of the
cameras in use. It's acceptable to put a few patch wires into the
switches and buttons so they can be controlled remotely. It's NOT
acceptable to reverse-engineer any part of the analog or digital signal
paths inside the device and tap in anywhere, since there's no guarantee
that any particular tap-point will be available in a different model of

The circuit controls either a camcorder or a digital still camera (DSC)
over either async serial or SPI. For example, in powerdown mode it
disconnects the main power input to the camcorder. When the vehicle's
main controller requests it to start recording, it:

* applies power to the camcorder's battery terminals
* activates outputs that set the camera's mode switch to "record"
* "presses" the record button
* monitors the REC LED and signals back to the host if that LED goes out
(which signifies end-of-tape).

It can do similar tricks with a DSC. Someone pointed out to me that the
DSC control functions would be even more useful if there was a way of
recording the telemetry stream (since it's being sent out anyway, may as
well use it). Audio cassettes are by far the best and easiest way of
doing this. So that's why I'm looking at the problem. Seems like I have
it almost solved.
I read in that Mike Monett <> wrote
(in <>) about 'Something to ponder', on Fri, 8 Oct
I know everyone laughs at my use of colloidal silver, but I'm pretty
sure it would knock down your infection in a matter of hours, with zero
side effects.
How do you know that Spehro isn't a closet werewolf? (;-).
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.
The good news is that nothing is compulsory.
The bad news is that everything is prohibited. Also see
In article <>,
Robert Baer <> wrote:
Ken Smith wrote:

A sad story:
Do you know of any way to protect a signal output line against some idiot
connecting it to 440AC or 600VDC yet meeting the following:
Well, if you do not mind what internal voltages are, or what the
circuit looks like (meaning what discretes are used), one might try
using 1000V FETs for the output stage (IRFBG20) for starters.
I've already gone with the high voltage MOSFETs elsewhere in the design.
Making a circuit that will output the 0.25A and won't fry the MOSFETs
proved to be a bit trickier than the lower current outputs. Even if the
circuit holds to 0.25A thats a peak power of 150W. The shut off can't be
thermal in that case since the smoke will leak out of the MOSFET before
enough external rise is seen.

FET; just make sure the power rating of the resistors is at least double
calculated power at 150V each.
That results in a driver that is bigger than the whole product. We end up
with trying to loose 150W out of it.

-- forging knowledge

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 08:30:46 +0000, Rikard Bosnjakovic wrote:


As a newcomer to the wonderful world of electronics, I have recently
setup a minor electronics lab in my home and started to build a few
things. My tools and equipment exists of standard components (resistors,
capacitors, ICs, etc), soldering iron, a bunch of veroboards and a
multimeter. I do not, however, own an oscillator or any of those more
expensive tools like PCB-etching equipment and such. Atleast not yet.
I don't think it's necessary to own PCB manufacturing gear. If veroboard
is not suitable you can have PCBs made reasonably cheaply.

Olimex [] make PCBs very cheaply and seem to do a good job.

Keep in mind that most home-made boards are single-sided or double sided
without through-hole plating. This limits their usefulness quite

As stated above, I'm using veroboards (stripboard and breadboard is a
synonyme for the same thing, i think) for building my circuits.
In my experience "stripboard" and "veroboard" mean the same thing. The
term "breadboard" usually refers to a plastic board with an arrangment of
holes into which components and wires can be plugged (no soldering).
Breadboards are used for testing circuits before final construction.

I also
own a licence of Electronic Workbench (Multisim and Ultiboard are the
ones I use most frequently). However, since I do not own any etching
equipment Ultiboard is of less use for me since it can only do
PCB-layout/routing. I have contacted the developers to hear if there was
any possibility to make Ultiboard output to veroboards, but regretfully
enough UB is designed for PCB only, was the answer.
I haven't used electronics workbench, so I won't comment on it. If you
want to simulate circuits cheaply you might want to look at LTspice

1. Is there any layout/routing-application that is able to output
layouts for veroboards? I have only found two cheap shareware-programs
on Google. Even if they work, they were terribly tedious to use (limited
amount of components etc). Is there no commercial or fully developed
program anywhere? A great plus would be if the program could read the
format that Multisim saves to, thus allowing me to save time by not
designing the whole circuit all over.
I find that the best way to do veroboard layout is by hand using a large
section of veroboard, the components you intend to use, and of
course your schematic.

When plan a component layout you need to worry about grounding, mounting
decoupling capacitors close to the components which need them, adequacy of
power supply rails and many other issues. I really doubt that any CAD
package will do a better job than a person.

2. When constructing on veroboards, I often have the need in cutting the
boards to smaller shapes and I've found that it's pretty cumbersome
since I haven't found any good tips of how to do it the right way. For
new boards, I could take a small saw and shape it up without much
problems. But for new circuits that I haven't done before, cutting the
boards could lead to a too small board in the end, requiring me to start
it all over again.
The best way of cutting veroboard (I assume you mean the stuff with a 0.1"
hole matrix drilled in it) that I have found is to score it along one of
the rows of holes with a sharp blade and then snap it.

Sometimes it can be useful to initiate the break using sidecutters on one
end of the score line.

The break edge can be cleaned up with a file.

It is reasonably safe to cut the board with components in place. This
avoids having to guess the board size ahead of time.


Alan R. Turner | Live never to be ashamed of anything you do or say.
To reply by email, remove Mr Blobby.
Scott Stephens wrote:

Dirk Bruere at Neopax wrote:

Rich Grise wrote:

On Friday 08 October 2004 01:26 am, Scott Stephens did deign to grace us
with the following:

The best thing to do is, if they assholes are worth tolerating, is to
find someone weaker and torment the shit out of them. Give as good as
you get.


But in the end, its best not to associate with assholes.

Good Idea.


How mean. And I was going to nominate Rich to be the Duck-Bill Platypus
of S.E.D.

Perhaps its better to face the true God having ignorantly believed in a
false one, than face truth having believed in nothing, shirking
responsibility for risking being wrong in search for the truth.
And which Hank would that be, and do we have to kiss Karl's ass as well?

Another great lesson in politics we can learn in this "mean season". Get
your way by criticizing those in power because they aren't perfect. You
can always find some fault to blame, if you're not responsible for doing
any better.
We don't ask for perfect, just for not total moronic fuckup.


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium
On Sat, 09 Oct 2004 11:59:21 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"
<> wrote:

maTheMatic wrote:
I often see the following transmission line model:

Zin Ygc Ygc ......

Where Zrl=R+jwL ,Ygc=G+jwC.
so for infinite transmission line, we have

Zin Ygc Zin

so There is the equation :

Zin = Zrl + ---------------
Zin + 1/Ygc

solve this quadratic equation, we get

Zrl + sqrt( (Zrl)^2 + 4(Zrl/Ygc))
Zin = ---------------------------------

But we ALL KNOW the transmission line characteristic impedance is

Zin= sqrt(Zrl/Ygc)

what am I missing? why doesn't this model work, any insight
explaniation are appreciated.

The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is *only* the value
of the lines input impedance when terminated by its characteristic

For other loads, the input impedance wil *not* be given only by its
x/Length spec.

This simply isn't so. The impedance of the transmission line does not
change in response to the load on the end of it. What does change is
the impedance of the entire *network* as seen by the source. This will
be the load impedance rotated and transformed by the line
characteristics. To understand this in a reasonably intuitive manner,
get hold of a book on Smith charts.

Pearce Consulting
John S. Dyson wrote...
... the very lousy traitor against America, John Kerry. ...
... If John Kerry did become president, it JUST MIGHT be time
for even those who are non-religious to pray for some divinity
to deliver us from John Kerry, who would be (at least partially)
elected based upon 'evil and destructive hatred.'
You are making a veiled suggestion that should John Kerry
be elected, he should be killed?

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
Lakshmi Narayanan. V <> wrote:

You will find the basic sketch of a proposed network switch for SOHO
network using FSO at this is
a very crude design implementation of which is difficult. please
provide some suggestions to ease the implementation or if necessary
correct the same.
10 Mbps, 1.4 km, OSS hardware, GPL, useing AUI or UTP interface.
Don Pearce wrote:
On Sat, 09 Oct 2004 11:59:21 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"
The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is *only* the value
of the lines input impedance when terminated by its characteristic

For other loads, the input impedance wil *not* be given only by its
x/Length spec.

This simply isn't so. The impedance of the transmission line does not
change in response to the load on the end of it. What does change is
the impedance of the entire *network* as seen by the source.
I'm pretty sure that what you mean by
"impedance of the entire *network* as
seen by the source." is what Kevin
means by "lines input impedance"
On Thu, 07 Oct 2004 18:11:39 -0700, John Larkin
<> wrote:

He's a professor at Cornell, and my brat is a freshperson there. We
have tickets for a lecture/performance by him later this month, during
freshmen parents week; free, or at least included in the cost of
tuition. Should be fun.
JC is a professor at Cornell?? Are you serious? What subject does he

"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.

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