Driver to drive?

Brian Raab wrote:
Tested it on myself, unfortunately something went wrong and it reduced
my IQ from 150 to 15.

What can I do now?
Search Iraq for WMD.

Paul Hovnanian
Think honk if you're a telepath.
In article <>,
Winfield Hill <> writes:
Rich Grise wrote...

I wonder if anyone finds it noteworthy that if you took some of Mr.
Bloggs's writing, and some of Mr. Dyson's writing, and swapped the
names/parties, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference? ;-)

When Fred gets in rant mode, there's a modest simularity. But
I appreciate Fred's voluminous research links, although I don't
accept the blind label applied to them by some. In contrast,
Dyson rarely posts links to any reference material backing his
claims, which are more often than not unsupportable derogatory
assertions, rather than supportable factual expositions.

Hateful rants are all too common in this group. Winfred (sic) seems to
be ignore his own nonsense.

In article <AsD9d.8567$>,
"Clarence" <> writes:
"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 18:47:37 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

"Winfield Hill" <> wrote in message
John Woodgate wrote...

John S. Dyson wrote...
Hatred is problematic.

No, it's not 'problematic'. That's 'touchy-feely' woolly-mindedness.
Hatred is a manifestation of evil, and the simplest way to explain what
the concept of 'evil' is.

Hatred does no good to anyone, and in particular it distorts the
thinking of the hater, while either having no effect on the hatee or
resulting in assaults on him/her or his/her interests.

Fine, but let's be _very_ clear, just because John S. Dyson plunks
the "leftist hate-filled creatures" label down on the table and
so very hatefully applies it to me and others here in this group,
does not make it so. We're trying to have a discussion and air
our opinions at a time when it's sorely needed and relevant, and
the evil characterizations from John S. Dyson are not helpful.

Let's be _very_ clear here, "Fred Boggs" hate speech is OKAY, but "John S.
Dyson's" is not?

What did I miss?

About five years worth of posts on this group.
John Fields

Off topic replies are not helpful. Indicated that something is being hidden.

So I take it that Hate written by "Fred Boggs" meets with your approval, But
you don't want "John S. Dyson" to express himself in a similar manner.

The very sad thing is that speech (from me) who laments the hate speech
is deemed unacceptable. Hate speech from Winfred (sic) and Bloggs is
deemed accepatable. The hateful left is spinning and spinning.

On 8 Oct 2004 14:40:24 -0700, (Steve Sands)

I need to create an AM modulated carrier of 25 Khz that is highly
focused in beam width. I need a range of 50 feet. Receiver will be a
tuned resonant tank with about 90 db of gain post detection. I would
like to be able to "focus" this beam but I have no idea of how one
might control the dispersion or radiation pattern of a carrier like

Thank You in advance for your input

To create a nonsilly em wave at this frequency, the antenna would be
huge (as in miles long) and the focus would be correspondingly fuzzy.
If the antenna is small, all you'll get is a local electric or
magnetic field, not a real electromagnetic wave of any consequence.

I'm thinking that not only is it impossible to focus a 25 KHz carrier
with a small antenna, it's probably not feasible to send any usable
amount of signal 50 feet. The magnetic field from a dipole coil falls
off as distance cubed - bad news - and electrostatic coupling is
probably worse.

What are you trying to do?

Hi John,

I'm thinking that not only is it impossible to focus a 25 KHz carrier
with a small antenna, it's probably not feasible to send any usable
amount of signal 50 feet. The magnetic field from a dipole coil falls
off as distance cubed - bad news - and electrostatic coupling is
probably worse.

You can get well past 50 feet. A lot. But you are right, for a truly
focused EM field Steve would need to lease some property the size of a
national forest and order a tractor-trailers loaded with wire spools.

Regards, Joerg
On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 14:28:33 -0700, the renowned John Larkin
<> wrote:

Well, if you run the RTD at 10 mA (fine, if you're scanning) and the
t/c was a type B or something, it would be about three orders.
Yeah, I thought of the old 10mA stuff later. It's been pretty much 1mA
standard during my career (and just as well, the 'bulbs' are getting
smaller and self-heating would be more of an issue. Sure, type B or S
or R or W or something. Not that you'd want to use an RTD in that kind
of environment, but it brackets the overall range.

Besides, 10:1 is "close to three orders of magnitude", isn't it?
Sure, only a couple decimal places off.

Tried cipro yet? That sure works on me.
No, never, maybe I'll bug my GP for some. Not cheap.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward" Info for manufacturers:
Embedded software/hardware/analog Info for designers:
In article <4165c12e$>, says...
Andy wrote:

I designd a dataloggor which need to give me temprature en presure. I
used an atmel 8051 microcontroller to control the sensors and sending
the data to pc or storing it on chip memory.

The temprature is dedected with a maxim ic, which is using 1 - wire
protocol to communicate. I know there is a IC that translate UART
(RS232) to 1 - wire. But I'm already using my one an only UART to
communicate with the PC.
So the only solution is to write my own 1 - wire protocol.

Does somebody have a easy to understand application note. Or more
detailed: the bitrate, how to code the date, etc.

Have a look around the app notes on He has lots of good
stuff on AVR interfacing with various devices, 1 wire included.

Or take a look on Maxims site, they have some freely available source
libraries to provide one-wire support.

Iwo Mergler wrote:

Pooh Bear wrote:
boki wrote:

Dear All,
I try to use many Bluetooth devices at the same time for my
PC/NB, when enable them individually, they will work good(The only no
good is sound quality of Bluetooth earphone). If I enable them all,
the mice move speed will drop down(like a mice taking stone) until I
stop another Bluetooth device, then the mice work normally.

The Bluetooth bandwidth is limited?

Yes, Bluetooth devices 'share' the bandwidth, so the more that are in use
in a given location, the less bandwidth each one has. It's only 732 ?
kbits/sec max available anyway, so I'm sure we'll hear plenty more about
problems with Bluetooth devices as they become more widely used.


Yes, and they also share it with WiFi,
Tsskk @ me ! I forgot that momentarily.

your microwave oven
and a load of other random devices. It won't take long and
someone may have to invent some cheap, fast and reliable way
of connecting stuff. Wait a moment... ;^)
I bet the cable manufacturers aren't too worried !

On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 21:16:16 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

"John Fields" <> wrote in message
On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 18:47:37 GMT, "Clarence" <> wrote:

Let's be _very_ clear here, "Fred Boggs" hate speech is OKAY, but "John S.
Dyson's" is not?

What did I miss?

About five years worth of posts on this group.
John Fields

Off topic replies are not helpful. Indicated that something is being hidden.

So I take it that Hate written by "Fred Boggs" meets with your approval, But
you don't want "John S. Dyson" to express himself in a similar manner.
I don't care what either of them, or you, for that matter, do.

Fred Bloggs is a long-time contributor to this group who has helped a
lot of folks out technically, and who at least has something to say,
regardless of his choice of method of delivery.

John S. Dyson is a mean-spirited self-aggrandising punk with nothing
good to say about anyone or anything, and you're a johnny-come-lately
nobody with very little going for him who's found that he can get
attention by annoying people with off-topic posts, while in the same
breath condemning off-topic posting. Can you say 'hypocrite'?

John Fields
Mark wrote:

On Thu, 07 Oct 2004 08:55:27 GMT, "Norm Dresner" <

I didn't see in all of this a characterization of the Op Amp's load. Is it
capacitive? Inductive? What OpAmp is it?

Its a LF353N,
Ah yes ! they don't need too much encouragement to oscillate in certain

I have on the negative input a 10K resistor 10Mfd
capacitor chain, going down to ground with a 470K resistor going from
the output back to this input. My signal input goes in via a 1 Mfd
cap then held to half way between the supply lines by two 100K
resistors before going to the positive input, I also have a 1Mfd cap
on the output. As said before the OP-Amp is powered from the 5V logic
supply via a 1N4148 diode and 10Mfd capacitor.
Signal goes to the non-inverting input presumably ?

LF353s are not intended for 5 Volt operation. A very poor choice. Why not use the
12V supply ?

Do you have any overall HF feedback around the Op Amp? Depending on the
frequencies you're interested in (I'm assuming something near the audio
range) 15-30 pF shouldn't change the frequency response too much and would
be diagnostic.

Where would I place this, please?
Between output and inverting input.

John Woodgate wrote:

I read in that Mark <Mark@?.?> wrote (in>) about 'Amplifier
Oscillating Help Please', on Thu, 7 Oct 2004:

I also have a 1Mfd cap on the

That sounds like a problem to me. What do you mean 'on the output'? If
you have '1 uF plus a low resistance' connected to ground, the op-amp
will very likely oscillate.
I hoped he meant 'in series with the output' !

In article <1By9d.70$y71.52@trnddc02>,
Rich Grise <> writes:
On Thursday 07 October 2004 08:21 pm, John S. Dyson did deign to grace us
with the following:

So, you're gonna save their soul if you have to burn them at the stake
to do it, huh?

This isn't really an issue of 'saving souls' (I don't get into that
mumbo-jumbo), but an issue of incredibly disturbed people who are
effectively participants in a hate movement against the current President
of the USA.

I see. And how does this make you feel?

No emotions other than seeing the proof of leftist idiocy and mental
instability. It is best to keep the fools from mutually feeding on
their hatred, just as their right-wing cousins, the neo-nazis, tend
to mutually feed on their own hatred.

It is interesting that you ask a question that you obviously don't want
an answer. Is the dishonest asking of such a question truly indicative
of a lack of integrity?

John Woodgate wrote:
I read in that Winfield Hill> wrote (in <>)
about 'The Rational Mind of Fred Bloggs', on Fri, 8 Oct 2004:

Fine, but let's be _very_ clear, just because John S. Dyson plunks
the "leftist hate-filled creatures" label down on the table and
so very hatefully applies it to me and others here in this group,
does not make it so. We're trying to have a discussion and air
our opinions at a time when it's sorely needed and relevant, and
the evil characterizations from John S. Dyson are not helpful.

As far as I know, he started it some time after Fred Bloggs posted
equally distasteful material. I suppose that you do not support Fred's
approach to serious debate, either.
Hmmm- I will call you on that, Mr. Woodgate. Cite any post in which I
defamed the character of the entire support base for Bush. I do admit to
using such terms as "duped morons" and this descriptor did seem to have
some scientific justification in the polling results that 70%+
considered Bush to have the best 'plan' for Iraq while at the same time
roughly the same percentage admitted to not having a 'clear' idea of
what the plan was. This kind of thing does suggest, that for some
inexplicable reason, a certain amount of mindless ( not 'clear')
hysteria ( feel 'strongly') has been incited- and the method of
incitement is called 'fear mongering'. Your posts on the other hand lack
nothing in the way of ignorant entertainment value. I especially enjoyed
the Lawrence of Arabia idea- but sadly the US will not be able to
produce one because gays are not allowed in our military.
On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 23:07:41 -0400, "Robert Morein" >"Glen Walpert"
<> wrote in message
On Wed, 6 Oct 2004 18:18:03 -0400, "Robert Morein"
"Glen Walpert" <> wrote in message
I am pretty sure John assumed you don't ride horses when he assigned
the lower probability to the exploding battery pack. All computer
lithium battery packs include a thermal fuse in direct contact with
one or more cells, so a cell explosion requires multiple simultaneous
failures including at least a low impedance short across the battery
and thermal fuse failure.

The above is not true. Thermal runaway is possible within a single cell.

OK, this article claims that it is a myth that protective devices will
prevent all battery explosions, and they are probably right. But they
only provide 2 examples of battery "explosions" including a single
laptop computer, and these incidents resulted only in minor burns.
Presumably the designed in cell overpressure venting features worked,
and these "explosions" consisted primarily of the venting of hot
gasses, which are not nearly as dangerous (or likely) as being kicked
by a horse. Even if the vent failed, the case of a lithium battery is
too thin to allow enough pressure to develop to cause penetration of
the laptop case when the cell ruptures. "Possible" is quite different
than "probable", and the "explosion" of a lithium cell is quite
different than the explosion of a roadside bomb in Iraq! But if you
are really concerned about the slight possibility of second degree
burns, how about a nomex lap pad?

All good points. The purpose of the post was to determine if events had
occurred similar to involving lithium
sulfur primary batteries.
These batteries do pose an explosion hazard. Imagine if the batteries in the
above case had been in a device cradled in a person's lap!
Perhaps the venting characteristics of LiIon batteries are different from
lithium sulfur primary batteries.
Looks like the user called it an exolosion and the battery
manufacturer called it one of 4 venting incidents in 144,000 cells,
which would be 1 incident per 9000 of their 4-cell batteries. Too bad
they don't reveal what the cells were, but they look to be fair sized,
perhaps D size similar to a Tadiran TL5930 with a capacity of about 19
AH at 3.6v nominal, but probably the less safe spiral wound
construction from another mfgr., having lower internal impedance which
increases the heating rate in the event of a short.

I think that the venting characteristics of these batteries differ
from the venting characteristics of your Sony 16550 laptop battery
cells in that the Sony cells are probably more reliable (but lacking
actual data to back that hunch which based on the large number of
laptop computers out there and the small number of incidents that I
have heard of), and they are definitely smaller, storing quite a bit
less electrolyte to potentially boil as the cell overheats, and they
contain a lot less energy to heat that electrolyte up with their
measly ~2 AH capacity. So in the unlikely event a cell should vent in
your lap you will most likely wind up with no worse than a minor
nusiance burn (depending on how fast you react and how willing you are
to toss that expensive laptop on the floor).

One would hope that the battery case and cover would be designed to
retain the cells during a venting incident (unlike the Medtronic AED
battery case/cover shown in your link), but for some reason I find
myself recalling the famous Ford Pinto gas tank explosions and their
leaked management memo with the calculation that it would be cheaper
to pay for the expected couple dozen additional immolated vehicle
occupants than to fix the gas tank design so it wouldn't explode in an
accident. Perhaps the nomex pad is not such a bad idea :).
On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 23:28:12 +0000 (UTC), (John S.
Dyson) wrote:

In article <>,
John Fields <> writes:

John S. Dyson is a mean-spirited self-aggrandising punk with nothing
good to say about anyone or anything,

Actually, I do contribute technical facts once in a while. Too bad
that when reading the group passively, then some truly vile leftist
idiots vehemently espouse their disgusting hate filled blather. A
little criticism to you, Wilfred, and Bloggs might help encourage
or awaken some self awareness. Some of the anti-Bush rants do
certainly show some emotional disturbances or immaturity. Actually,
it is pretty clear that people who are technically accomplished,
even with a semi-famous book in their history barely show
the maturity of a 3 year old.

I don't remember the content of your postings, but some of the recent hate
speech by others, including Wilford, who might have written some books before
apparent (through the net) senility had manifest, shows a further degeneration
of emotional stability.
For some reason, you _do_ seem to hold a grudge against Win. Perhaps
because he's a successful, published author who's achieved a level of
respect, expertise, and recognition which you never will?

It's interesting to note that you consistently misspell his name in an
effort to show disdain, yet you do it consistently enough and variably
enough to indicate that your disdain is feigned. The green-eyed
monster rears it's ugly head...

and you're a johnny-come-lately
nobody with very little going for him who's found that he can get

And Mr Fields continues to prove his lack of tolerance.
You confuse lack of tolerance with my right to express my opinion in
any way I see fit, whether it makes you or anyone else uncomfortable
or not. I recognize that you also have that right and relish the fact
that you can exercise it.

_That's_ what I consider tolerance to be, and is about as far removed
from your thinking that tolerance is _allowing_ someone to act in ways
which _you_ consider to be acceptable as life is from death.

The far
left is continuing to be over and over again proven to be the
intolerant cousins of the neo-nazi type.
The far LEFT??? LOL!!!

You don't have a fucking clue, do you?

Oh wait... since you don't, you wouldn't be aware that you don't,
would you?

Oh wait...

Remember: the common wisdom from some emotionally stunted, but
technically competent contributors is that their hate speech is
to be tolerated, but laments and criticism against hate speech
is so very intolerable.
Speaking of self-awareness, that sentence describes your dilemma
precisely, except the part about being technically competent.

So much for self awareness on your part...

I continue to criticize your hateful attitude, but it is in vain,
because you are probably not self-aware enough to help modify your
behavior or attitude.
So, I should be "self-aware" enough to modify my life so that it'll
conform to what _you_ consider to be proper for me? You're a goddam
fraud, Dyson. Plain and simple; a blind, egotistical, manipulative,
(albeit stupid) megalomaniac.

The real reason you continue to criticize is because you can't stand
up to anyone with opinions at variance with your own who is capable of
expressing them intelligently and putting you in your place. Your
game is to spout generalities and epithets and to generally muddy the
water in an effort to try to keep your own foibles and subterfuges
from being detected and used against you.

This truly does imply, given your lack of
apparent self awareness, that you might have some kind of serious
Do you live in a glass house?

John Fields
John S. Dyson wrote...
He seems to have had personality degradation, or perhaps was always
very hate filled. If purchasing something that funds hatred, it is
good to find an alternative. For example, I would avoid purchasing
any kind of good (e.g. literature, books) from someone who is going
to fund hate of any kind. I wouldn't purchase anything that would
fund "nazis" of either a right wing or left wing bias.
You have any evidence that I fund "nazis" spell it out or apologoize.

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dotties-org for now)
On Friday 08 October 2004 10:00 am, John Fields did deign to grace us with
the following:

On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 14:57:55 GMT, (Wouter van Ooijen
( wrote:

- Win

Now that is an answer from a source that I trust :)

On to the next question, which is less well-defined I am afraid. The
term master-slave flip flop, should this describe

1. Two flip-flops, which (in my idea) are edge-triggered (level
triggered would be a latch), so the total thing would be edge
triggered with a delayed output, or

2. Two latches, so the total thing is an edge-triggered FF.

To summarize: is a MS-FF one FF, or two FFs?


(he said, "Master-Slave". :) )


"Rich.Andrews" <> źśźgŠóślĽóˇsťD:Xns957BEEDB1D3B0mc2500183316chgoill@
"Boki" <> wrote in news:ck2sn0$ret$1

Why @@?

pin.8 CTS
pin.4 DTR


I think he meant pins 4 and 8 on the chip. I took it to mean he found the
CD line.


"Rich.Andrews" <> źśźgŠóślĽóˇs?
"Boki" <> wrote in news:ck2c6m$4sp$1

short pin.8 pin.4 work...

yup. that will do it every time.


Nothing beats the bandwidth of a station wagon filled with DLT tapes.

Nothing beats the bandwidth of a station wagon filled with DLT tapes.
On Friday 08 October 2004 09:46 am, John Larkin did deign to grace us with
the following:

On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 16:15:27 +0100, John Woodgate
jmw@jmwa.demon.contraspam.yuk> wrote:

I read in that Spehro Pefhany <speffSNIP@interlog
DOTyou.knowwhat> wrote (in <>)
about 'Something to ponder', on Fri, 8 Oct 2004:

I'd rather you posted something on generating precise nanosecond-range
delays. ;-)

Lengths of coax?

There are several suppliers for variable delay lines that use physical
conductors as the delay medium.

and a few others. My favorites are the big boxes full of trombones and
leadscrews and stepper motors...

Building a continuously-variable "analog" delay line is an interesting

Hmmm, what's the mathematics of a trombone line? Say you launch a wide
pulse into it, almost filling it up, and during the pulse you scrunch
it down (rather quickly, obviously). The pulse that comes out is
shorter. How is energy conserved? This is a nastier version of the
charged variable capacitor problem.

As if I didn't have enough to think about already.

I think "energy conservation" will be very low on the list of priorities
as you engineer this slider that moves at 0.85c. ;-)

On Friday 08 October 2004 02:03 pm, John Woodgate did deign to grace us with
the following:

I read in that Nicholas O. Lindan <
wrote (in <QUC9d.12506$>) about
'safe electronic brain stimulator', on Fri, 8 Oct 2004:

Correlations are fun to play with, and sometimes to lead to the finding
of a causal mechanism, but they are best left as parlor games. Viz:
Sunspot cycles correlate with the length of women's dresses.

Yes. Fewer people with syphilis are killed in road accidents than people
without. Makes you think.

But not very long.
Heh. Yeah. Every year 400,000 people are killed by smoking. And 2,500,000
are killed by something else.



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