Klaus Kragelund <> wrote in
I would make a circuit board which generates and fills the supercap,
and wire the relay to that. The trigger fires it. Just like a camera
flash unit, you have to wait till the cap is charged to fire it. Your
trigger would be electronic.
Your cycle repeat rate takes the hit, but the store and fire PCB
charge time sets that. The relay would have to be able to hold or latch
on its own until released, however.
You could simply use a SSR too. or make an SSR.
Or make a direct DC to DC point of use converter that converts your
sagged voltage to that required by the relay.
I have a relay that has a specified must operate voltage of 9V (12V
relay, so 85% of nominal)
The holding voltage is lower than the must operate, since the must
operate is for pulling in the armature. When the armature is pulled
in, the magnetic path is lower, and thus needs less current to have
the same force on the armature to withstand vibration etc
I do not have a holding spec, but I need it and would like to deduce
it from the must operate voltage
So I was thinking about opening up the relay, and mouting it
downwards, so i could place a weight on the armature, to measure
precisely the force needed to keep the equilibrium state (no movement
of the armature), both for the pulled-in case, and also for the
released state, so I can calculate the needed holding voltage
(and yes, I have contacted Omron, but they can sofar not present
Holding voltage specs)
I could also measure the inductance of the coil, in both pulled-in
state and the released state, which also should give me the different
in current to obtain the same magnetic field (magnetic path in
pulled-in state is shorter)
Anyone got ideas?
I would make a circuit board which generates and fills the supercap,
and wire the relay to that. The trigger fires it. Just like a camera
flash unit, you have to wait till the cap is charged to fire it. Your
trigger would be electronic.
Your cycle repeat rate takes the hit, but the store and fire PCB
charge time sets that. The relay would have to be able to hold or latch
on its own until released, however.
You could simply use a SSR too. or make an SSR.
Or make a direct DC to DC point of use converter that converts your
sagged voltage to that required by the relay.