On Saturday, December 13, 2014 3:59:22 AM UTC, wrote:
Then he got childish
Bill has next to no company here that buys into his green views. Its not as if this is a dumb newsgroup.
On Friday, December 12, 2014 7:49:17 PM UTC-5, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Saturday, 13 December 2014 03:12:49 UTC+11, wrote:
On Friday, December 12, 2014 2:01:15 PM UTC, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Friday, 12 December 2014 21:46:04 UTC+11, wrote:
On Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:33:09 AM UTC, Bill Sloman wrote:
On 10/12/2014 3:32 AM, wrote:
To: Bill Sloman
On Monday, December 8, 2014 10:50:00 AM UTC, Bill Sloman wrote:
On Monday, 8 December 2014 17:31:38 UTC+11, wrote:
On Monday, December 8, 2014 6:14:23 AM UTC, Don Y wrote:
On 12/7/2014 10:22 PM, wrote:
In other words you don't like the ideas presented, but can't construct a
counter argument - probably because I'm right, and whenever you try to
construct one of your counter-arguments, you find yourself stuck with a
fallacy at the core of your response.
In other words I've got better things to do than address foolish political views yet again
Nice try. But if you want to label a view either "political" or "foolish" you have to explain why. Since the basic argument about anthropogenic global warming is scientific, you've missed the point that the science is quite solid enough to make both the "denialist" and "it doesn't matter positions" look decidedly foolish.
The only political part in the anthropogenic global warming question is working out how we take the collective action which is obviously necessary.
The people who object to that are objecting to the word "collective" - as far as they are concerned, every problem has to be solved by the application of the free market. They don't seem to have noticed that we can't buy another planet, in the same way that they earlier found it difficult to appreciate that you can't buy another ozone layer, or a new set of lungs if you've wrecked the set you were born with by smoking cigarettes.
Sadly, the foolish political view is all yours.
more naive green-pov.
There's nothing naive about my point of view
I've ploughed through the AIP website (and read a lot of printed material on the subject as well).
Since you seem to be a brainwashed right-winger who declines to even try to construct an argument, this really isn't a plausible claim.
You sound like James Arthur, who sets aside a generation of climate science on the basis of what he was told at a dinner party by a failed would-be climate scientist.
It was one of the model-writers, employed by the government on one of the
major climate models at the time--not failed at all--and nothing to do with
a dinner party.
IOW you got every detail wrong, and made several up.
Then he got childish
He said the models became uncorrelated with observed reality within a year or
Just looking at the models, anyone can see they're hopelessly naive--they're
not faithful representations of known physical processes. They're collections
of fudge-factors and subjective characterizations.
Go ahead--extrapolate out two centuries. The moon's made of cheese, we're all
under water, and the polar caps exploded. Twice.
James Arthur
Bill has next to no company here that buys into his green views. Its not as if this is a dumb newsgroup.