Driver to drive?

On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:04:12 +0200, Aragorn
<> Gave us:

On Saturday 20 September 2014 09:04, Norm X conveyed the following to

I am no fan of Obama but I have been to Cuba. All the "accumulated
circumstantial evidence" indicates that Americans have a bigoted
hatred of Communism and poor people.

I see you've met Dan C [*]? :p

[*] No, that is not the same poster as DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno. ;-)

Norm X has a pretty bent perception about what got Cuba's ass into
it's current economic position in the world.

And hell yes... idiot... Communism IS BAD, you stupid bastard.

(not you Aragorn)
On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:04:44 -0700
"Norm X" <> wrote:

Americans have a bigoted
hatred of Communism

Absolutely correct because, among other reasons, it has
failed everywhere it has been tried. Ask your friends
in Cuba how's it going.

> and poor people.


<Wildman> GNU/Linux user #557453
For the sake of security, close all windows!
On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 11:52:39 -0500, Wildman <>

On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:04:44 -0700
"Norm X" <> wrote:

Americans have a bigoted
hatred of Communism

Absolutely correct because, among other reasons, it has
failed everywhere it has been tried. Ask your friends
in Cuba how's it going.

Oh, but it'll be different this time. It's just that no one has done
it right. Central planning is the only solution. Just ask Slowman.

and poor people.


Did you really expect otherwise from a lefty?
On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 11:52:39 -0500, Wildman <> Gave

On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:04:44 -0700
"Norm X" <> wrote:

Americans have a bigoted
hatred of Communism

Absolutely correct because, among other reasons, it has
failed everywhere it has been tried. Ask your friends
in Cuba how's it going.

and poor people.


Sadly, he seems blind to the history of how Castro got into power, and
how his armies got so many 'fine' weapons with which to kill their own
people, were they to ever think about rebellion.

Because in a free global world there is no room for a government
that/who would massacre their own citizens to remain in power, and even
if that massacre is a long, slow, impoverished method.

Castro didn't say "Let them eat cake." The evil bastard said "Let
them eat crumbs, if they can find any."

And this Norm X idiot wants to blame the US for Cuba's current standard
of living?

Major horseshit!

And they dare not rebel.

Then Russia, at the time, conveniently stepped (snuck) in and tickled
his gonads with lots of arms, cause poor little Cuba has a whole world
out there trying to gobble it up, and needs armies to maintain

SO he (Castro) signed on with the devil. He must have been wearing
horse blinders.

And we STILL have not exorcised the dangerous demon completely.

You think "Russia" doesn't still exist? The "KGB"? In Cuba and
around the world?

You think Putin, a former KGB chief, is all 'nicey' 'nicey' now?
He was the one wanting "the old ways" "back".

Where do you think all the bad, false propaganda about the US gets
pumped out of?

Is some place in the former USSR filling the world with powder
actuated firearms, or is it China? Or is it both.

Send me to Mars, so I can watch this place blow itself the hell up.

Damned shame that Higgs-Boson discovery planet implosion thing didn't
work! ;-)

We are such a worthless species, despite all our meager grasp of what
"matter" really is and all our "technology" surrounding that faint

Oh boy... we push some electrons (and other things) around very
carefully. And we still can't see it. And nearly all do not even know
what "it" is.

It is chicken, it is eggs...

It is in between your legs.
On Saturday 20 September 2014 18:11, DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno conveyed
the following to alt.os.linux.ubuntu...

On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:04:12 +0200, Aragorn> Gave us:

On Saturday 20 September 2014 09:04, Norm X conveyed the following to

I am no fan of Obama but I have been to Cuba. All the "accumulated
circumstantial evidence" indicates that Americans have a bigoted
hatred of Communism and poor people.

I see you've met Dan C [*]? :p

[*] No, that is not the same poster as DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno.

Norm X has a pretty bent perception about what got Cuba's ass into
it's current economic position in the world.

And hell yes... idiot... Communism IS BAD, you stupid bastard.

(not you Aragorn)

Communism and capitalism are both outdated and ineffective systems of
organizing society, and they are both flawed by the simple fact that
they support a society model with an _artificially induced_ scarcity.

Money has no importance whatsoever in terms of quantity, but rather in
terms of distribution. It's not about how much money anyone has, but
about who has it and who doesn't. It's a tool for distributing power,
and - as I've said a few times before - those who are playing the chess
game are themselves not on the board. What's on the board are the
pawns, the knights, the rooks, the bishops, the king and the queen, and
they can all fall. The players themselves will always walk away
unharmed after the game.

Those players are the collective of bankers, the IMF, and for most part
when it comes to international trade, the US Federal Reserve (which is
not a federal reserve but a privately owned bank - property of the
Rothschild family).

Take away the concept of money (and any other replacement barter) and
the whole system will collapse, whether it's capitalist or communist.
And maybe that would not be such a bad idea. Things would certainly get
chaotic for a while, but perhaps humanity will then come up with
something that's more honest and more fair to every human being on the
planet than the monstrosity of the monetary system.

= Aragorn = - registrant #223157
On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 11:52:39 -0500, Wildman <>

On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:04:44 -0700
"Norm X" <> wrote:

Americans have a bigoted
hatred of Communism

Absolutely correct because, among other reasons, it has
failed everywhere it has been tried. Ask your friends
in Cuba how's it going.

and poor people.


Communism always devolves to nepotism and kleptocracy. The politbureau
and their family members become an isolated, elite, wealthy class.


John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com
On 9/20/2014 2:13 PM, John Larkin wrote:
On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 11:52:39 -0500, Wildman <

On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:04:44 -0700
"Norm X" <> wrote:

Americans have a bigoted
hatred of Communism

Absolutely correct because, among other reasons, it has
failed everywhere it has been tried. Ask your friends
in Cuba how's it going.

and poor people.


Communism always devolves to nepotism and kleptocracy. The politbureau
and their family members become an isolated, elite, wealthy class.

I think you can replace "Communism" with a wildcard...


On 9/20/2014 7:39 AM, Bill Sloman wrote:
On 19/09/2014 7:10 AM, DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno wrote:
On Thu, 18 Sep 2014 05:30:34 -0500, John S <> Gave

Who, "DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno" ? No, I don't know who he is -
have I
missed something obvious?

AlwaysWrong and many other nyms.

Sorry, Jackass John S... I never had any such nym. Ever.

Now come back posting, and show us further just how low the depths of
your self imposed mental retardation goes.

DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno is right - to the extent that he's never
posted as AlwaysWrong and isn't actually the person usually referred to
as AlwaysWrong.

However AlwaysWrong isn't a nym used by a poster, but rather a label
attached to a particular poster by other people.

DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno has earned the title - it is a
categorisation, rather than an identifying label. He isn't quite as
demented as the original AlwaysWrong, but he's certainly obnoxious
enough and silly enough to share the role.

C'mon Bill, as a well-educated man you seem to be very naive. He uses
the same obnoxious vocabulary and, in particular, the appending of
"tard" on so many of those words. How can he be any other? Do you have
some research that shows his origin as completely different from the
Alwayswrong of so many nyms?

Or, are you in bed with him now?
On Saturday 20 September 2014 20:13, John Larkin conveyed the following
to alt.os.linux.ubuntu...

On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 11:52:39 -0500, Wildman <

On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:04:44 -0700
"Norm X" <> wrote:

Americans have a bigoted
hatred of Communism

Absolutely correct because, among other reasons, it has
failed everywhere it has been tried. Ask your friends
in Cuba how's it going.

and poor people.


Communism always devolves to nepotism and kleptocracy. The politbureau
and their family members become an isolated, elite, wealthy class.

Yep. Just like with capitalism and the corporatocracy. :)

= Aragorn = - registrant #223157
On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 14:02:36 -0500, John S <> Gave

>Or, are you in bed with him now?

I did not think that you could express a degree of stupidity beyond
that which you already have, but you did.
On 9/20/2014 2:11 PM, DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno wrote:
On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 14:02:36 -0500, John S <> Gave

Or, are you in bed with him now?

I did not think that you could express a degree of stupidity beyond
that which you already have, but you did.

Then, as usual, you have underestimated everything.
On Sunday, 21 September 2014 19:21:40 UTC+10, Heinz Schmitz wrote:
Bill Sloman wrote:

The US treats the bottom 90% of the income
distribution (which does included the poor) relatively badly.

I tend to say that they treat themselves badly. When I say equality,
I think of equal chances, whereas socialists think of equal results.

The sort of socialists that I pay attention to talk about inter-generational mobility, which is higher in Germany - and Scandinavia - than in the US.

They happily catagorise people into different social classes and note the fact that adequate social welfare and state-funded universal education allows talented kids do better than their parents (and the less-talented off-spring of richer parents to do worse than their parents). In the US today, income is more heritable than height.

To become educated requires effort, to be successful at work
requires effort, to lead a "good" life requires effort. I do not see
any way to spare people these efforts or to even hand them out
as presents.

Nobody does. In the US, to become educated also requires money - much more money than it used to, and much more money that it does in most advanced industrial countries. In the US quite a few people who would love to make the effort to be better educated can't afford the tuition fees.

Likewise no president or no government can improve permanently
the situation of the poor, but they can easily worsen the situation
of the well-off.

That's not a point of view supported by a detailed comparison of Scandinavia, Germany and the US.

The US population pays out a lot less of it's income in tax - about 30% - than does Sweden - about 55%. The poor do a lot better in Sweden than they do in the US, and the well-off in Sweden still seem to live very comfortably..

Those numbers are from

in figure 13.1.

A more
egalitarian income distribution would make everybody's situation better
over a wide variety of measures.

A more equal society seems to have more equally able citizens.

No. It allows most of it's citizens to contribute to the best of their particular abilities in very different ways.

> Like a mule can run faster if it has to carry less load.

Wrong. Mules for some load-carrying jobs, horses for others, oxen and elephants for the very heavy stuff and camels for the long dry routes.

Or if you only consume without offering any asked for output,
you become poor. Socialists phrase that as the increasing gap
to the rich.

Not that I've noticed. There are lots of ways of becoming poor. The most popular is not to have good diet when you are growing up - which is not necessarily just not getting enough calories.

But how would you achieve a more egalitarian income distribution?

Until today nobody could and my bet is that nobody ever will.

Sweden did it by taxing the rich. Germany did it by giving the trade unions greater responsibilities.

Timothy Noah's book - The Great Divergence - talks about how the US became less equal over the last thirty years, and how they might become more equal if they wanted to.

Your attitude mimics that of Frederick Bastiat

a favourite of James Arthur, who died in 1850 before there was that much information available on how societies actually worked.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Bill Sloman wrote:

The US treats the bottom 90% of the income
distribution (which does included the poor) relatively badly.

I tend to say that they treat themselves badly. When I say equality,
I think of equal chances, whereas socialists think of equal results.
To become educated requires effort, to be successful at work
requires effort, to lead a "good" life requires effort. I do not see
any way to spare people these efforts or to even hand them out
as presents.
Likewise no president or no government can improve permanently
the situation of the poor, but they can easily worsen the situation
of the well-off.

A more
egalitarian income distribution would make everybody's situation better
over a wide variety of measures.

A more equal society seems to have more equally able citizens.
Like a mule can run faster if it has to carry less load.
Or if you only consume without offering any asked for output,
you become poor. Socialists phrase that as the increasing gap
to the rich.

But how would you achieve a more egalitarian income distribution?
Until today nobody could and my bet ist that nobody ever will.

On Sunday, 21 September 2014 12:55:56 UTC+10, DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno wrote:
On Sun, 21 Sep 2014 10:30:10 +1000, Bill Sloman <
Gave us:

On the contrary, I've got more than you intended to reveal.

What is your problem now, putz? Some lame, cowardly reference to
stalking behavior?

I "revealed" nothing, idiot.

Dream on.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
On Sun, 21 Sep 2014 01:33:29 -0400, rickman <> wrote:

On 9/21/2014 1:10 AM, krw@attt.bizz wrote:
On Sun, 21 Sep 2014 00:46:38 -0400, rickman <> wrote:

On 9/20/2014 10:55 PM, DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno wrote:
On Sun, 21 Sep 2014 10:30:10 +1000, Bill Sloman <
Gave us:

On the contrary, I've got more than you intended to reveal.

What is your problem now, putz? Some lame, cowardly reference to
stalking behavior?

I "revealed" nothing, idiot.

My hat is off to Bill. He got three replies to one message. That is
impressive. :)

You're new here.

Lol, you made me laugh.

You would have to be new here to be that clueless. ...or even more
stupid. I guess you chose "stupid". That works.
On Sun, 21 Sep 2014 05:12:51 +0000 (UTC), wrote:

Followups set to

In sci.electronics.basics Jeff Liebermann <> wrote:
Yep. I learned the hard way NOT to run the layout and blueprint paper
through the rollers on the Diazit(?) machine.

Ah, a diazo copier. I first, and last, used one in high school drafting
class, around 1989. I remember that it was the first time I had seen a
peristaltic pump, and that after several guys had made copies on it, the
ammonia fumes would start to fill the room. The usual remedy was to
open the windows, even in January in Kansas City. Who needs OSHA or a
MSDS, anyway.

I have one, and I use it occasionally to copy my D-sized schematics
when I give them to The Brat to CAD.


John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com
On Sun, 21 Sep 2014 00:46:38 -0400, rickman <> Gave us:

On 9/20/2014 10:55 PM, DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno wrote:
On Sun, 21 Sep 2014 10:30:10 +1000, Bill Sloman <
Gave us:

On the contrary, I've got more than you intended to reveal.

What is your problem now, putz? Some lame, cowardly reference to
stalking behavior?

I "revealed" nothing, idiot.

My hat is off to Bill. He got three replies to one message. That is
impressive. :)

The fact that you even track such an inane aspect of ANYTHING is a
huge tell about just how sad it must have been to be around you for
anyone who ever knew you.

And you "taking your hat off" to anything that absolute utterly
retarded, unamerican, Usenet abusing asswipe posts is also a huge tell
about you.
>"But how would you achieve a more egalitarian income distribution? "

The only way is to have more jobs than people, and that will never happen. The fact is that Kudd was right, but he was misunderstood by many. Alot of peolee tink he was against all kinds of technological advancement and science, but thet is not true. He was against those machines which replaced human labor, at least in most cases.

And, as I said, h was right. Now with advanced methods, one person can do the work of ten. What happens to the other nine ? What CAN happen to the other nine ?

A CNC machine does things a human operator simply could not at all, and those things the huaman operator could do, the CNC usually does better. If parts for jet engines were made on manual machines, they would be falling out of the sky. They do sometimes, like that pilot who landed th commercial jet in the ocean up near New York - that was multiple compressor stalls, a known flaw in that type of engine. Yes, it is no secret, but just not widely publicised because it might hut the airlines' business. At least the ones using plans with that type of engine.

But the problem there is in the design, and the actual design was probably don in Germany and I might just now the process engineer. The process does not cause compressor stalls.

But now, this is coming to Germany. they enjoyed alot of prosperity for a time beecause they had the market. The FOREIGN market. For a time, probably half of the fuel injectors in cars were made in Germany, and that is a minimum of one, usually four or six, sometimes eight and possibly up to sixteen or more. Per engine.

However, what happens now ? Itis a winning business so that means others are going to get into it. SO they have already cut back to a four day work week being considered ful time, but there aren't even that many of those. Now the got what they call "McJobs", a term for a job that pays decent probably per hour, butis so part time you can't make ends meet. If you make $100 an hour, you cannot live independently on five hours a month. That is an exaggeration of course, but should illustrate the point.

What that means is that busoiness owners are reaping the profit from the machine rather than the Man. If you no longer have 100 peole working for you, and you're down to ten, you do not pay them ten times as much. Even if you did, they are not going to give most of that money away. And you shouldn't pay them ten times as much, you have millions in machinery to amortize. On that there is probably interest, or at least lost dividends you could have made investing. Alot of companies do that but should not. In a way, money has become a machine. Many retirement funds are funded by dividends etc. This is where it went wrong. A car company should not have to be a venture capitalist, vulnerable to market streeses.

This is what caused problms for some car companies on 2008. What, did a shitload of people get refunds and return their new cars ? Did people stop buying altogether six months before the crash ? Hell no. If they would have stuick to building cars and noting else, thy would have been fine most likely.. the problem is the unions got them to have ot pay people not to work. In my hindsight, I would have gone out of businss and se how they loike it. I would tell the unions "We will take any deductions you want out of their checks per their consent. YOU deal with the money". If it was that way it would have been the unions who needed a bailout.

But the people are a big part of the problem. Semi-inducated Arabs for example come here, and in a nuber of years they own convenience stores, bars, grociery stores, restaurants, machine shops. And people say "Well they stick together". OK, yes they do. WELL WHY DON'T WE ?

The ills of this country are so grave that I simply gave up trying to figure out a solution. Unitl people change, noting is going to changee. Peple do not vote for the good of the country, they vote for the good of them self. No exceptions, rich or poor. the poor will vote for more welfare and the rich will vote for less taxes. And the politicians have learned very well how to pander to this effect. Not that they actually deliver anything good of course.

So much for that. The soapbox is open.
On 9/21/2014 10:21 AM, DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno wrote:
On Sun, 21 Sep 2014 00:46:38 -0400, rickman <> Gave us:

On 9/20/2014 10:55 PM, DecadentLinuxUserNumeroUno wrote:
On Sun, 21 Sep 2014 10:30:10 +1000, Bill Sloman <
Gave us:

On the contrary, I've got more than you intended to reveal.

What is your problem now, putz? Some lame, cowardly reference to
stalking behavior?

I "revealed" nothing, idiot.

My hat is off to Bill. He got three replies to one message. That is
impressive. :)

The fact that you even track such an inane aspect of ANYTHING is a
huge tell about just how sad it must have been to be around you for
anyone who ever knew you.

You don't track anything, right? Like maybe disgust at your inane
comments? Hmmmm.

And you "taking your hat off" to anything that absolute utterly
retarded, unamerican, Usenet abusing asswipe posts is also a huge tell
about you.

And your attack is a huge tell about you. But, you won't get it, because
you are mentally flawed.

Welcome to

