John Larkin
On Thu, 17 Jul 2014 04:12:48 +0000 (UTC), mroberds@att.net wrote:
Looks a lot like an NE25139, also obsolete.
John Larkin Highland Technology Inc
www.highlandtechnology.com jlarkin at highlandtechnology dot com
Precision electronic instrumentation
Crossposted and followup-to sci.electronics.design .
cassiano@gmail.com wrote:
I work at a physics lab and we have some custom hardware that have
been developed by researches along the years. We are trying to fix one
of them, but it uses a component that we are having a hard time to
find: It is a N-channel dual gate GaAs MES FET by Sony called 3SK166A.
Just from Googling, one broker claims to have stock on a 3SK166,
3SK166-1, and 3SK166A. I have never dealt with this broker before.
Brokers like this one buy up inventories of old parts from other
suppliers, and/or send out random parts with false part numbers on them.
Sometimes you will get the genuine part at a bargain price, and
sometimes you will get a part that does not work at all.
We need help finding a compatible replacement for this component.
I have cross-posted this reply to sci.electronics.design, which is much
more active than sci.electronics.components . It also has people
smarter than I am who might be able to suggest a replacement.
What claims to be the Sony datasheet is available at:
Some of the interesting parameters seem to be: Vds 8 V, Vgs -6 V,
Id 80 mA, Pd 150 mW, gain about 20 dB. The datasheet gives S
parameters and noise figures for a range of 200 to 2,000 MHz. The
package is a Sony M-254; it doesn't list an EIA or JEDEC package code.
Standard disclaimers apply: I don't get money or other consideration
from any companies mentioned.
Matt Roberds
Looks a lot like an NE25139, also obsolete.
John Larkin Highland Technology Inc
www.highlandtechnology.com jlarkin at highlandtechnology dot com
Precision electronic instrumentation