Driver to drive?

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 11:29:15 -0700, Jim Thompson wrote:

On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 18:16:19 +0000 (UTC), (Ken
Smith) wrote:

In article <>,
Jim Thompson <> wrote:
Aha! Something we can agree on! I've lost several 1-1/2" Swiss Army
Knives at "Security". Took me nearly two hours on October 6 to get to

Metal rulers and pens go through. They don't check to see if your shoe
laces are Kevlar strings. None of it make s sense.

I won't elaborate on how dangerous "ordinary" items can be. If I
posted what you could do, I'd probably be arrested. For instance,
just imagine the end of a Pentel 0.5 pencil right into the eye ;-)

The other annoyance is unpacking the laptop every time... for what...
the dummy picks it up and looks at it for maybe one second then puts
it back on the belt. (In Frankfurt, Germany, I have to boot it up and
prove that it works as a PC... wonder what they do with a cell phone?)

And my suspenders set off the metal detector every time, as well as my
Ecco shoes... so here I am shoe-less, with my pants about to fall off,
when I go thru the detector ;-)

Ah, the things we do for love.....
On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 09:10:33 +1300, Ken Taylor wrote:

"Winfield Hill" <> wrote in message
John Larkin wrote...

(Hey, we were up at Cornell last week, visiting The Brat. It was
peak leaf-peeping season, the ducks were ducking, the waterfalls
were waterfalling, and it was beautiful.

We are having s spectacular fall.

The number of Bush signs and Kerry signs in the neighborhood were
pretty near equal.)

Matches the rest of the country I suspect. This is going to be a
real cliffhanger. Walter Cronkite suggested that we'd not know the
winner until next year. Scary!

- Win
Geez, you guys really should do something about the way you vote and count
the votes. In Australia, even with 100-odd (100 *very odd!) candidates for
the Senate it doesn't take more than a week at worst to find the last couple
of winners. The House is done in hours, and it's manual count (and re-count,
as necessary), and the preferential voting system is often called
'difficult' (strangely enough, by those who don't use it).

There's something about that old human CPU that just keeps grinding along
with the counting when a more perfect electronic system would hiccup.....

I voted today. If the lines are any indication, we've _already_ beat the
voter turnout record!

And at the entrance, they ask if you want a ballot, or touch-screen. I
quipped, "Paper or plastic?" but explained to about a dozen people around
me in the line, "Paper is better, so they can't cheat on the recount,
like they did in Florida." They all looked like this was a revelation
to them.

Another possibly interesting item - there were THREE different news
remotes there.

I thought up a very obscure little joke. When you vote, you get a little
"I voted" sticker. When you donate blood, you get a little "I gave blood"
sticker. I wonder if they're giving the neonazis "I sucked blood" stickers?

In article <>,
Tom Seim <> wrote:
Gee, I thought the president's job was to lead the country.
... and there is where you are so terribly wrong. The president like all
the others are elected to represent the people. It is not their job to
try to bend the people to their will. It is their job to see to the
countries defence and the general welfair. General George Custer was a
strong leader. So far Bushes leadership has got you a bungled war and a
huge debt.

-- forging knowledge
In article <>, (Tom Seim) writes:
There have been claims on SED that Kerry has never admitted to
committing atrocities in Vietnam. Well here is the transcript from
Kerry's appearance on "Meet the Press". You decide for yourself:

(Videotape, April 18, 1971):

MR. KERRY: There are all kinds of atrocities, and I would have to say
that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands
of other soldiers have committed.

(End videotape)

It is very true that Kerry is an admitted de-facto war criminal, or
Kerry was a wanna-be who was willing to damage his own reputation
for the purpose of discrediting and/or damaging many other people.

It is probable that the ONLY way that Kerry might be selfless is
to damage his own reputation in order to deeply emotionally or
politically wound other people. It really doesn't make alot of
sense for Kerry's motive to have been to damage other soldiers (unless
he is totally crazy and not just having absolutely no integrity or Kerry
having no positive ethical/moral/religious attributes.) It might
be that Kerry had been telling lies against the American government
and American soldiers for political reasons -- and that propaganda
along with contact with the enemy during his military career (was
his contact with the NVA authorities during his military career? --
I don't know.) If so, it is incredibly clear (and completely
proven) that Kerry is not only a war criminal against humanity,
but also a traitor against the US government. Frankly, his war
criminal behavior is probably ethically/morally worse than being
a proven traitor against the US government, but I would better
expect the appropriate due process against John Kerry, war criminal,
to be expedited. I would hope that George W. Bush would not pardon

I have flip-flopped on Kerry's guilt issue, and considering
Kerry's total lack of credibility and his clearly very low
personal standards of integrity, as a leader of a group of people,
he most likely participated in significant war crimes, and tried
to excuse his own guilt by blaming other people as having similar
behavior (since everyone else is doing it, why can't Johnny Kerry
be a leader of a group of men and a war criminal also?)

Actually, instead of having a hard line against Kerry, instead of
John Kerry being an actual traitor with coherent motives, Kerry was
likely a pawn who was being manipulated by more competent anti-America
organizations. John Kerry probably doesn't even know the names of
the organizations that he was indirectlyworking for. However, those of
us who care about America and Americans of all kinds, should not
excuse Kerry's traitorous actions and his total disregard for the
feelings of many patriotic individuals who fought the enemy without
destroying whatever good they might have been able to create. (unlike
what Kerry did -- to totally undo anything that he could possibly do
for the rest of his life.)

"John S. Dyson" <> wrote in message
In article <>, (Tom Seim) writes:
There have been claims on SED that Kerry has never admitted to
committing atrocities in Vietnam. Well here is the transcript from
Kerry's appearance on "Meet the Press". You decide for yourself:

(Videotape, April 18, 1971):

MR. KERRY: There are all kinds of atrocities, and I would have to say
that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands
of other soldiers have committed.

(End videotape)

It is very true that Kerry is an admitted de-facto war criminal, or
Kerry was a wanna-be who was willing to damage his own reputation
for the purpose of discrediting and/or damaging many other people.

It is probable that the ONLY way that Kerry might be selfless is
to damage his own reputation in order to deeply emotionally or
politically wound other people. It really doesn't make alot of
sense for Kerry's motive to have been to damage other soldiers (unless
he is totally crazy and not just having absolutely no integrity or Kerry
having no positive ethical/moral/religious attributes.) It might
be that Kerry had been telling lies against the American government
and American soldiers for political reasons -- and that propaganda
along with contact with the enemy during his military career (was
his contact with the NVA authorities during his military career? --
I don't know.) If so, it is incredibly clear (and completely
proven) that Kerry is not only a war criminal against humanity,
but also a traitor against the US government. Frankly, his war
criminal behavior is probably ethically/morally worse than being
a proven traitor against the US government, but I would better
expect the appropriate due process against John Kerry, war criminal,
to be expedited. I would hope that George W. Bush would not pardon

I have flip-flopped on Kerry's guilt issue, and considering
Kerry's total lack of credibility and his clearly very low
personal standards of integrity, as a leader of a group of people,
he most likely participated in significant war crimes, and tried
to excuse his own guilt by blaming other people as having similar
behavior (since everyone else is doing it, why can't Johnny Kerry
be a leader of a group of men and a war criminal also?)

Actually, instead of having a hard line against Kerry, instead of
John Kerry being an actual traitor with coherent motives, Kerry was
likely a pawn who was being manipulated by more competent anti-America
organizations. John Kerry probably doesn't even know the names of
the organizations that he was indirectlyworking for. However, those of
us who care about America and Americans of all kinds, should not
excuse Kerry's traitorous actions and his total disregard for the
feelings of many patriotic individuals who fought the enemy without
destroying whatever good they might have been able to create. (unlike
what Kerry did -- to totally undo anything that he could possibly do
for the rest of his life.)

Well said, John!

On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 21:57:23 +0000 (UTC), (Ken
Smith) wrote:

In article <>,
John Larkin <> wrote:
Without meaning to offend, I have noticed that more liberal people
tend to be innumerate. Something in my brain just automatically
sanity-checks any numbers I see (habit developed from engineering, of
course) and I'm astounded by how much of the stuff in the press makes
no sense, orders of magnitude off from reality. I guess they don't
teach much math in journalism school.

Some years back there was one "statistic" that was widely reported that
just floored me. They claimed that straight men had on the average twice
as many sex partners as straight women. A lot of people repeated that
without realizing that it simply can't be true.
Of course it can be true.

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 20:01:46 GMT, Jonathan Kirwan
<> wrote:

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 08:02:21 -0800, John Larkin> wrote:

Right: Ronald Reagan taught us that, and pulled us out of the Carter

By turning us from the greatest creditor nation (in 1980) into the greatest
debtor nation (by 1983, I think.) I believe this story made the cover of Time,
around then.
Well, the Chinese won't nuke us if we owe them a lot of money.

In article <>,
Rich Grise <> wrote:
p2c comes with Linux.
Yes, but you don't get the very nice IDE that way and there is also a
native pascal compiler that doesn't involve the conversion to C. There
are some pascal constructs that convert to very clunky C code when
converted but compile quite nicely in the native form.

Orcad for dos also runs
under dosemu.

OK, for Orcad, you've got me, but I bet there's something pretty
close out there already.
There's gEDA, but it can't read an existing Orcad file.

It might be worthwhile to check - you never know what
might show up over there!
I've looked, so far nothing that works for *.wmv files is there.

-- forging knowledge
In article <eAohd.13817$>,
Iwo Mergler <> wrote:
Xine plays anything media player does. It supports Windows
binary codecs.
I'm about to go get it and see.

-- forging knowledge
On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 01:15:59 +0000, John S. Dyson wrote:

The lefty/liars keep on forgetting that there is a right way
of doing things and the wrong way (that is, the unethical, illegal
and/or immoral way is apparently the leftist way -- given the
behavior of the American leftist.)
Nobody can top the Bushites for unethical, illegal AND immoral:

Remember, Bush is a dangerous liar, and Dyson is a nazi sympathizer.

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 23:27:42 +0000, Clarence wrote:

"Rich Grise" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 18:36:17 +0000, Clarence wrote:

"xray" <notreally@hotmail.invalid> wrote in message
sorry about redundancy but messages are being cancelled


agree with me like Clarence

You are crazy!

We know, Clarence. Everybody's crazy but you.

Oh no! I would never claim such an exalted status.
I hang with a whole society of people who are crazier than I.

Remember, Rich is a dangerous liar.
Please show me one lie I've told.


Remember, Bush is a dangerous nazi.
And Clarence is a sympathizer
On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 00:51:11 +0000, Jim Yanik wrote: (Ken Smith) wrote in

In article <>,
Tom Seim <> wrote:
There have been claims on SED that Kerry has never admitted to
committing atrocities in Vietnam.

I don't think I ever said that. I said he never said that he
committed war crimes. There is a huge difference, because the word
atrocities covers a lot of things that are not war crimes, doubly so
when it is being used in common language and not in a legal sense.
Since he said "thousands of other soldiers", we know that he means
something that happened a lot. Since we don't know the full context
of this question from this video, we must refer to other information
to see what specific actions he means. It is obvious that he is
refering to actions he regrets and that they are common actions. It
is also clear that he does not mean war crimes.

No,Kerry claimed that all Us soldiers were war criminals.

In article <cm6j68$1qr$>, (Ken Smith) writes:
In article <>,
Tom Seim <> wrote:
There have been claims on SED that Kerry has never admitted to
committing atrocities in Vietnam.

I don't think I ever said that. I said he never said that he committed
war crimes. There is a huge difference, because the word atrocities
covers a lot of things that are not war crimes, doubly so when it is being
used in common language and not in a legal sense.

Mostly, those atrocities that Kerry lied about (or committed) were/are
unacceptable acts, or Kerry told unacceptable lies. Frankly, Kerry's
admission appears to have been partially coached by a lawyer, and
it was good for Kerry to avoid a legally direct admission.

Choosing between someone who might have (legally) avoided some
service vs. someone who were disposed to commit atrocities (and
either admitted to them, or lied about them), those making choices
based upon bragging about military service will have to avoid
the liar/those who committed atrocities. Any kind of claim that
Bush might not have committed an atrocity because he didnt'
have an opportunity is alot like any other kind of criminal situation...
There are some of us who wouldn't voluntarily/knowingly commit an
atrocity -- whether or not we were placed into the situation. Someone,
like Kerry, who is in command of a group of men should have enough
self control and discipline to avoid participating in atrocities.

Again, it is most likely that Kerry had told lies about the atrocities.
Too many of his various claims over the last few years were also
somewhat dishonest. Kerry seems to have a pattern of telling
casual lies.

Hi Paul,

Same here. But I'm talking about RF *design* which I assume as a
child, was beyond you, as it was me (and I *still* have a lot to learn
x decades on).

That's right, at first it was building stuff found in books at the
library. But around age 14 I started to redesign things. When I wasn't
happy with the IF filter of my old tube radio I made my own, then added
another oscillator so I could listen to single sideband, then made an
even narrower filter to catch distant CW stations. This is when I
discovered that toroids make a much more stable resonant circuit than
those old coils in the aluminum cans. Of course RF in those days was all
below 30MHz so things were a lot easier.

The math was the most excruciating job back then. We didn't have
calculators. When my father gave me his slide rule calculator I was
jumping with joy. That cut the job almost in half. It let me calculate
back and forth until I could build it with capacitors that I had. Else
it would have been an hour round trip to the store in town.

Regards, Joerg
On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 00:29:26 +0000, Scott Stephens wrote:

Rich Grise wrote:

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 12:33:57 +0000, Scott Stephens wrote:

Rich Grise wrote:

Why do people insist on following religions that teach, "When a man
kicks you, turn over and let him kick you some more, and be grateful
for the valuable lesson. If you rise up to defend yourself, you are
sinning against God, and will be punished mercilessly."

You should study some history and philosophy, and stop reading the New
York Times so much. But go ahead and bash Christians, they won't fight
back, and when their moderating influence is gone, there won't be any
more compassion to stop malice and greed from making our system go critical.

Actually, I'm bashing the false idols that the pseudochristians are duped
into worshipping.

I'm not sure I would agree to your definition of "pseudochristian"
because I don't think you know much about the Bible or contemporary
Christianity. Even if you can identify the foolishness of obeying a
degrading double-standard out of tradition, which is pervasive in
contemporary Christianity.

Would Jesus vote for a warmongering murderer?

Remember, Bush is a dangerous liar.

So is Kerry. I would think Jesus would be in Iraq,
You poor, deluded fool.

Iraq _IS_ Jesus, and he's being murdered by the antichrist again.

Didn't Revelations say something about the rise of Israel?

Remember, Bush is a mass murderer.

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 18:00:41 -0800, John Larkin wrote:

On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 21:57:23 +0000 (UTC), (Ken
Smith) wrote:

In article <>,
John Larkin <> wrote:
Without meaning to offend, I have noticed that more liberal people
tend to be innumerate. Something in my brain just automatically
sanity-checks any numbers I see (habit developed from engineering, of
course) and I'm astounded by how much of the stuff in the press makes
no sense, orders of magnitude off from reality. I guess they don't
teach much math in journalism school.

Some years back there was one "statistic" that was widely reported that
just floored me. They claimed that straight men had on the average twice
as many sex partners as straight women. A lot of people repeated that
without realizing that it simply can't be true.

Of course it can be true.
Can you show us? I tried to work it out and got confused. Like, say
there's 2 men and 2 women. Each of the men fucks both women, but each
woman only fucks ... wait a second...

See my problem here?

Winfield Hill wrote:
Tom Seim wrote...

Site now directed to Air America Radio.

No, it's redirected to, which is
someplace else, with a set of anti-Bush links arranged
in a cricle about the symbol, a big W with
a slash through it.

Air America Radio is simply the link that happens to be
on top of the circle of links.

Guess they didn't like the way the polls are going!

Who are the folks anyway? And who was before they got hacked? Or are/
were they really the same as all along? was just a poll tracking website- it is no loss. There
are several very good ones- and they are *all* complaining of serious
hijacking/hacking attempts from both sides. realpolitics was not one of
the better ones- there was no value added. It would be favored by
someone who spells hijacked as hijaced though.
Tom Seim wrote:

Don't leave out:

"The thing that I find amazing about it is that John Kerry's first
response was to go conduct a poll," Cheney told supporters in Fort
Dodge, Iowa. "He went into the field ... to find out what he should
say about this tape of Osama bin Laden."
And you think Cheney has any credibility whatsoever? That quote is
another of his insulting lies. It was Cheney who went to Democracy Corps
to see the effects of that video- not Kerry.
Tom Seim wrote:
There have been claims on SED that Kerry has never admitted to
committing atrocities in Vietnam. Well here is the transcript from
Kerry's appearance on "Meet the Press". You decide for yourself:

(Videotape, April 18, 1971):

MR. KERRY: There are all kinds of atrocities, and I would have to say
that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands
of other soldiers have committed.

(End videotape)
You're are not very high up on the evolutionary ladder apparently. What
Kerry considered an atrocity after the war was considered standard
military action during the war. John Kerry is in fact a combat veteran.
George Bush is not a combat veteran. Richard Cheney is not a combat
veteran. Thomas Seim is not a combat veteran. You three are worthless
parasitic garbage and cowards- and you have absolutely no right to
criticize John Kerry about his combat record. The potential Army
recruits of today need to take a close look at how combat veterans are
treated and denigrated by parasites and non-veterans like you, and then
tell the government HELL NO THEY WON'T GO- it is a fucking rip-off. Like
I say, your way of life will soon be destroyed.
Tom Seim wrote:
Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Seim wrote:

Fred Bloggs <> wrote in message news:<>...

Tom Seim wrote:

The bottom line in all of this was that Holbrooke was honest in his
statement that he didn't know what happened to the weapons.

That is usually translated into *knowing* they are *missing*- so what is
your point. We *know* the US has no record of possession- and *that* is
the most important thing.

Contrast that to Kerry's statement that the weapons had been
absolutely stolen by Al Quaeda, right from under Bush's nose. Kerry's
REPEATED charges where, and are, irresponsible. This is vintage Kerry.

Absolutely untrue- it is almost a necessity to assume the explosives are
at the disposal of AlQaeda until you can prove they are in US
possession. No ally of the US would own them, and because of Bush,
anyone who is not with us is against us. This is another colossal
incompetence of the Bush administration- no and's, if's, or but's about it.

Now it is very apparent that there is no way that terrorists could
have moved even a fraction of this ammo could have been moved.

Where do you get that from- you either have a 40 x 10 ton trucks or one
10 ton make 40 trips or something else. You morons have lost the war
with your lack of imagination so far, so why is it so incredible you are
dead wrong about saying it is impossible for Al Qaeda to have moved them
by some means you can't think of?

And guess what, Kerry has stopped talking about it.

How would you know- you lack the guts to listen to anything he says.

...snip more your worthless and moronic rubbish... you are a sickening
piece of garbage who should just die.

[ worthless Bush garbage...]

And yes I DO listen to what Kerry says- and he ain't saying shit about
this, which is TOO BAD! You guys are STILL missing the big picture!
When will you learn! Probably not until well after the election is
over and people have forgotten Kerry's name. Maybe you'll listen to
Dick Morris then.

Hope you don't get TOO sick.

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah- the big superior Seim pile of crap is damned
all-knowing and wise. Take your pompous bs and go die someplace. It is
now E-1 and counting- we will not be hearing much from your kind soon-
go slither away to your wet hole, lurking parasite. All you have done is
damage this newsgroup- but you don't care- it has been all about
advertising yourself. I do want to thank you for illustrating to people
how worthless, ignorant, and stupid the typical Bush supporter is.

Gee, why is it that I think you are talking about yourself? You have
the symptoms of dissociative disorder.
Like your master says- it is very simple- you are a simple idiot. And
remember, Bush is a dangerous idiot and liar.

Welcome to

