Driver to drive?

hamilton wrote:

I should have read closer.

Terry Given wrote:

The TUSB3210 is not yet available, as per TIs web site.

really? I have 6 TUSB3210 logic boards sitting in front of me that
came from a 100pc pre-production run here in little old New Zealand
We got ours from Digikey (who are GREAT!)

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 01:08:14 +0000, Guy Macon
<> wrote:

a atto- 1.0E-18 quintillionth 0.000 000 000 000 000 001
This reminded me of a web page I found once that had quite a few
interesting measurements based on combining huge units of
measurement with very small prefixes or vice versa.

The one I remember was the attoParsec. It's about 1.2 inches.
In article <>,
John Larkin <> wrote:
Without meaning to offend, I have noticed that more liberal people
tend to be innumerate. Something in my brain just automatically
sanity-checks any numbers I see (habit developed from engineering, of
course) and I'm astounded by how much of the stuff in the press makes
no sense, orders of magnitude off from reality. I guess they don't
teach much math in journalism school.
Some years back there was one "statistic" that was widely reported that
just floored me. They claimed that straight men had on the average twice
as many sex partners as straight women. A lot of people repeated that
without realizing that it simply can't be true.

-- forging knowledge
In article <>,
Jamie <> wrote:
of one of many reasons why the flu shots are not made in the states :)
Oh my gawd! Swiftwater Pennsylvania has been lost! It isn't part of the
US anymore so who took it? Was it those sneeky French? Who was supposed
to be gaurding it? There will be hell to pay when this gets out.

BTW: Both suppliers were american companies. The plant in England is
owned by Chiron, a California company.

The real reason for the shortage is that any left overs can't be sold so
to maximize profits, they try to make just exactly the amount they expect
to sell. When one maker has trouble, there will be a shortage. Unless
the government funds surplus production, this is the way it will be

-- forging knowledge
On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 11:09:22 -0500, Spehro Pefhany
<speffSNIP@interlogDOTyou.knowwhat> wrote:

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 08:37:57 -0700, the renowned Jim Thompson> wrote:

I thought it worked rather well. My scheme looked at dwell, decided
if it was early or late and moved a threshold accordingly... this
happened _after_ firing so was not subject to noise from the spark.

Just like having an elf sitting there turning a knob just a small
amount after each firing ;-)

...Jim Thompson

I think it generally works better if the elf moves the knob more for
large differences and less for small differences.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
Perhaps I should elaborate. Waveform form (simplified, it's more
rounded) from magnetic pickup in distributor:

_ _ _
/ | / | / |
| / | /
| / | /
----------------------- THRESHOLD
| / | /
|_/ |_/

Downstroke is firing. When ramp crosses threshold power device
(driving coil) turns on. So this crossing determines "dwell".

Device control is simple-minded (my preference :)...

Device has three states:

Off... Fired
Saturated, coil charging
Current mode, regulated at 5.5Amp

So I only look at two conditions... when firing occurred was I in
saturation or in current regulation.

If device was in saturation, dwell didn't start soon enough so I
decrement the threshold. If device was in current regulation dwell
started too soon so I increment the threshold.

Worked like a champ.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
"Joel Kolstad" <JKolstad71HatesSpam@Yahoo.Com> wrote in message
Magnetic is what I'd do because it is cheap. A toroid coupler can be
for 50 cents. But for a DC-200MHz job this requires modulation or
before the transformer.

My understanding is that this is exactly how it's done -- modulation with
pretty high frequency carrier and recovery on the opposite side of a
transformer. I wouldn't be surprised if optical coupling were used to
provide the carrier reference to the isolated side.

Overall it's an impressively effective and _cheap_ way to accomplish the
Yep, exactly. I asked because I just got one TPS2014 to try out at work. The
defining parameter for us is the capacitance to ground and for this scope is
should be fairly good

Bytheway it has a nice look to it and the battery mode is a nice feature one
normally pays dearly for :)


On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 13:46:11 -0800, Winfield Hill wrote:

Tom Seim wrote...

Site now directed to Air America Radio.

No, it's redirected to, which is
someplace else, with a set of anti-Bush links arranged
in a cricle about the symbol, a big W with
a slash through it.

Air America Radio is simply the link that happens to be
on top of the circle of links.

Guess they didn't like the way the polls are going!

Who are the folks anyway? And who was before they got hacked? Or are/
were they really the same as all along?
Just from looking at a couple of links, it looks like sort of
a coalition of people who know that Bush must go.

Remember, Bush is a dangerous liar.

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 18:36:17 +0000, Clarence wrote:

"xray" <notreally@hotmail.invalid> wrote in message
sorry about redundancy but messages are being cancelled

plonk, plonk, etc.

I can sit on the sidelines

and snipe

because I am better than you

unless you

agree with me



You are crazy!
We know, Clarence. Everybody's crazy but you.

Remember, Bush is a dangerous liar.

"Rich Grise" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 18:36:17 +0000, Clarence wrote:

"xray" <notreally@hotmail.invalid> wrote in message
sorry about redundancy but messages are being cancelled


agree with me like Clarence

You are crazy!

We know, Clarence. Everybody's crazy but you.
Oh no! I would never claim such an exalted status.
I hang with a whole society of people who are crazier than I.

Remember, Rich is a dangerous liar.
No, he is crazy for saying I agree with him.
A generalization is always false!
On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 21:37:58 GMT, Joerg
<> wrote:

Hi Paul,

Sounds like you're trying to get in at the deep end. RF is not the
place to start designing anything!

Oops. RF is how I started my foray into electronics as a kid.
Same here. But I'm talking about RF *design* which I assume as a
child, was beyond you, as it was me (and I *still* have a lot to learn
x decades on).

"What is now proved was once only imagin'd." - William Blake, 1793.
"Klaus Vestergaard Kragelund" <> wrote in message
Yep, exactly. I asked because I just got one TPS2014 to try out at work.
defining parameter for us is the capacitance to ground and for this scope
should be fairly good

Bytheway it has a nice look to it and the battery mode is a nice feature
normally pays dearly for :)



Hi Klaus, Is the display as good as the TDS30NN series of Digital Phosphor
scopes for analog waveform display. Seeing only one waveform on a storage
scope drives me nuts. So little information.

In article <>,
Tom Seim <> wrote: (Ken Smith) wrote in message
In article <>,
Tom Seim <> wrote:
Just listened to Kerry admit to atrocities in Vietnam this morning on
Meet the Press. Who is being duped by whom?

I heard the same show. Clean the wax out of your ears.


My ears are quite clean, thankyou.

what Kerry
said was very clear and understandable by a 12 year old of normal
Which is why I wondor why you don't understand what he said.

-- forging knowledge
In article <>,
Tom Seim <> wrote: (Ken Smith) wrote in message
In article <>,
Tom Seim <> wrote:
Just listened to Kerry admit to atrocities in Vietnam this morning on
Meet the Press. Who is being duped by whom?

I heard the same show. Clean the wax out of your ears.


Here's the transcript (notice the repeated "yes"):

(Videotape, April 18, 1971):

MR. KERRY: There are all kinds of atrocities, and I would have to say
that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands
of other soldiers have committed.
Note the "as thousands of other soldiers" and the fact that he did not say
that he committed "war crimes". He is confessing to being a part of
something he now regrets not confessing to any type of crime. It is very

-- forging knowledge
Dirk Bruere at Neopax wrote:
Scott Stephens wrote:

There's bitter coffee.

And then there's bitter revenge.
Kemarat Vathananand, a pollution control operator at Schiller
Park-based Castle Metal Finishing Corp., allegedly put lead acetate,
sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate and urine in the coffeepots because he
was angry at a vice president of the company who told him he could
not drink coffee in the shop area, investigators said

But there is always more frustration and malice behind such actions.
Usually everyone is ganging up an bullying somebody, and everyone gets
so surprised when their whipping boy finally blows up and goes postal.

Just use phenolpthalein
A mere prompt laxative? Does the punishment fit the crime?



DIY Piezo-Gyro, PCB Drill Bot & More Soon!

A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
The conduct of public affairs for private advantage. - Ambrose Bierce

John Larkin wrote:

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 12:33:57 GMT, Scott Stephens <

I don't think Jesus or Buddha had that in mind, and I won't waste a
sermon on you. But no doubt paid professors of their philosophy employed
by tyrants wanted the peasantry to buy into that.

The US doesn't have peasants. Most farmers are serious business people
nowadays; ignorant people don't last long as farmers.
You thought I literally meant peasants (and I really men serf, but for
some reason I like using the term peasant)?

I can site plenty of cases where Christians, and perhaps some Buddhists
(I'm not nearly as familiar with) promote one standard for the powerful
and another standard for the power-less.

Instantly Jerry Falwell and his doctrine of Christian forgiveness comes
to mind. Dr. Falwell teaches one should forgive even if admission
repentance is absent. However, it is moral and just for the state to use
the death penalty to punish crime. Gov. Bush (in Texas) refused many
pardons, even of one repentant Christian woman.

The standard and policy for the individual or small group of individuals
is inferior to the standard and policy applied to large groups and
representatives of large groups.

There is one standard for the aristocracy that wields political power,
another standard for those subject to their power. Somehow the label of
"government" confers a different standard of morality and conduct.

Besides the US is full of peasants. AFAIK, Most people do not own
capital assets. Most people use fiat paper currency, and are at the
mercy of those running the global monopoly game. And calling the mixed
economy a monopoly game is too charitable. The slaves on Uncle Sam's
plantation are chained with fiat currency.



DIY Piezo-Gyro, PCB Drill Bot & More Soon!

A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
The conduct of public affairs for private advantage. - Ambrose Bierce

Rich Grise wrote:

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 12:33:57 +0000, Scott Stephens wrote:

Rich Grise wrote:

Why do people insist on following religions that teach, "When a man
kicks you, turn over and let him kick you some more, and be grateful
for the valuable lesson. If you rise up to defend yourself, you are
sinning against God, and will be punished mercilessly."

You should study some history and philosophy, and stop reading the New
York Times so much. But go ahead and bash Christians, they won't fight
back, and when their moderating influence is gone, there won't be any
more compassion to stop malice and greed from making our system go critical.

Actually, I'm bashing the false idols that the pseudochristians are duped
into worshipping.
I'm not sure I would agree to your definition of "pseudochristian"
because I don't think you know much about the Bible or contemporary
Christianity. Even if you can identify the foolishness of obeying a
degrading double-standard out of tradition, which is pervasive in
contemporary Christianity.

Would Jesus vote for a warmongering murderer?

Remember, Bush is a dangerous liar.
So is Kerry. I would think Jesus would be in Iraq, trying to get the
archaic natives to realize they are on top of 1/6th of the world's oil,
and someone is going to kick their ass and take it, or delegate the
violence to a 3rd party directly or indirectly, if they can't get their
acts together and use that immense wealth for their and their neighbors
good, rather than harm.

I think the only reason you know to bash Bush is that the leftist media
is, and the leftist media is because the socialist French, Germans,
Russians and Saps have gotten stiffed on all the money they loaned
Saddam to buy guns.

Why don't you find some good reasons to bash Bush so I can agree with you?



DIY Piezo-Gyro, PCB Drill Bot & More Soon!

A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
The conduct of public affairs for private advantage. - Ambrose Bierce

********************************** (Ken Smith) wrote in

In article <cm58n5$1e64$>,
John S. Dyson <> wrote:
Again, Kerry said that there were some war crimes in Vietnam, and

There were so he'd hardly deny it.

that he must admit that the was involved in some also (paraphrased.)

No, you didn't paraphrase, you rephrased, but even taking your
rephrased version. If he was involved that does not mean he was
guilty of war crimes. The victims were involved as were many US
troops who did not know at the time what was going on or did not have
the "mens rae" needed for their actions to be crimes. The guilt for
the war crimes that happened rests higher in the chain of command.
Of course,Kerry never reported any war crimes to the military while he was
IN the service(in Vietnam),and all the "vets" that were part of his Winter
Soldier testimony were found to be false.

Jim Yanik (Ken Smith) wrote in

In article <cm58il$1e64$>,
John S. Dyson <> wrote:
Yes, I heard it also... He said (paraphrased), that some attrocities
(war crimes) happened in Vietnam, and he said that he participated in
some also.

There were a couple of cases where Kerry had either admitted or strongly
implied his complicity in war crimes. It is proven that Kerry is either
an admitted war criminal or a liar about very important issues.

I suggest that anyone who thinks there is a shred of truth to Dyson's
claim go read the transcript. You will find that Dyson is the proven
Kerry said HE did war crimes himself to a TV interviewer.

Jim Yanik
John Larkin <> wrote in

On 1 Nov 2004 06:09:38 -0800, (Klaus Kragelund)


Tektronix has recently launched a new TPS2000 series cheap scopes that
provide isolation between the inputs and ground by default:,,3M-17750-INTRO_EN,00.html?wt=510&link=/si

Does anyone know how they acchieve the 600VRMS isolation with the aid
of the P5120 passive probe? (30VRMS with a standard P2220 probe)

How is the isolation done inside the scope? Its quite cheap, around
5k$ with 4 probes and with nice 200MHz bandwidth performance.....



All I've seen was a reference to magnetic coupling. Anybody see more?

Probably something similar to the now discontinued A6902 isolated probe
They just incorporated it into a scope instead of a separate instrument and
all the extra cabling.
IIRC,they used a optocoupler with a magnetic thin-film transformer(for
isolated power supplies??),but I'm not 100% certain about that,not having
worked on any A6902s while at TEK.

Jim Yanik
"Joerg" <> wrote in message
Very cheap indeed but this isn't a new method. Lots of prior art and
certainly not just the ones I did.
I'm surprised isolated channels aren't available on more scopes as a factory
option; aftermarket differential adapters are not exactly cheap.


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