Martin Brown
On 10/05/2019 03:15, Clifford Heath wrote:
That is actually a very nice way to describe it in terms that an
engineer ought to be able to understand.
There are also a hierarchy of quines depending on how pure you require
them to be. The purest will work on any computer system that compiles
the language irrespective of the machine representation of characters.
The next level uses some dodgy line counting tricks to decide how to
output itself but will still run anywhere.
The weakest ones will only work on the platform that they were coded for
with ASCII or EBCDIC of other explicit constants escaped in to the code.
They are all quines but some are more elegant than others. >
It is certainly known how to make a glider gun by colliding together 8
gliders and gun designs are know for all periods >14.
A glider gun gun might require a rather large universe to construct one.
I agree. It would be a rather large pattern though and still remains to
be found.
I think it really depends on how strictly you interpret the definition
of life. I tend to think of them as not quite alive since they only
consist of a package of genetic information waiting for a host.
It may well be that some essential components of life are present in
almost everything alive. Gene sequencing will eventually tell us.
Martin Brown
On 10/5/19 2:42 am, Martin Brown wrote:
On 09/05/2019 15:42, Rick C wrote:
On Thursday, May 9, 2019 at 12:31:11 AM UTC-4, Jasen Betts wrote:
On 2019-05-08, John Larkin <jjlarkin@highland_snip_technology.com
On Wed, 8 May 2019 16:54:08 +0100, Martin Brown
'''newspam'''@nezumi.demon.co.uk> wrote:
There is still a lot of hand waving. As in
"it is fruitful to consider the alternative possibility that RNA was
preceded by some other replicating, evolving molecule, just as DNA and
proteins were preceded by RNA."
Its entirely reasonable to try and find the simplest possible
canonical thing that can be said to meet the minimum requirements for
Life is a quine (a program that outputs itself), but a special kind of
quine; it also outputs the machine that runs the program. The name for
this kind of quine is simply "life".
That is actually a very nice way to describe it in terms that an
engineer ought to be able to understand.
There are also a hierarchy of quines depending on how pure you require
them to be. The purest will work on any computer system that compiles
the language irrespective of the machine representation of characters.
The next level uses some dodgy line counting tricks to decide how to
output itself but will still run anywhere.
The weakest ones will only work on the platform that they were coded for
with ASCII or EBCDIC of other explicit constants escaped in to the code.
They are all quines but some are more elegant than others. >
In Conway's "Life", a two-dimensional field where each cell contains
either 0 or 1, and in each new generation, the content of each cell is
determined by its direct adjacency. The rules give rise to "gliders"
made of groups of four 1's that move infinitely through empty (0) space.
A more complex structure of a type which was long thought to be
impossible, called a "glider gun". This is a structure that periodically
emits gliders, and continues forever unless its damaged.
So far, we have not yet found a "glider gun gun" that emits copies of
itself, but it is definitely possible, since it has been shown possible
to construct a universal Turing machine - which is capable of computing
any computable function; including one that emits itself.
There are videos of such things on Youtube also.
It is certainly known how to make a glider gun by colliding together 8
gliders and gun designs are know for all periods >14.
A glider gun gun might require a rather large universe to construct one.
Within the world of Conway's Life, such a structure would be "living"
because it reproduces itself completely. The machine that implements the
"rules of the game" is analogous to particle physics in the real world,
so it's ambient, it doesn't need to be emitted by the living structure.
I agree. It would be a rather large pattern though and still remains to
be found.
They can only reproduce by hijacking the cellular apparatus of a
suitable host. They sit in the DMZ between life and non-life.
Virii are quines, but not life, because they don't emit the machine
required to run their program.
I think it really depends on how strictly you interpret the definition
of life. I tend to think of them as not quite alive since they only
consist of a package of genetic information waiting for a host.
Perhaps we'll find something like a virus, but whose operation is
essential to the life cycle of its host. That would not be "life", but
merely a part of a "living" organism.
It may well be that some essential components of life are present in
almost everything alive. Gene sequencing will eventually tell us.
Martin Brown