Trevor Woods
Why more people aren't switching to digital is they don't see there's enoughChasing Kate wrote:
Yes there's a parliamentary inquiry on at the moment
looking into why more people are not purchasing digital
set top boxes....
In other words a great piss up for the people involved LOL and
nothing constructive will come out of it IMHO......
But the one question I'd like answered is why?
Why do we have to go to full digital TV?
This is a forced death for the existing system which seems
to work dam fine in other parts of the world so why change
there to bother making the change. Whenever I hear someone on the the radio
extolling the virtues of getting a digital set top box, the first thing they
will say is "no ghosting". I don't have ghosting. Will all these people with
ghosting please stand up. What will make me and a lot others switch to
digital is getting a lot more choice in what to watch. So using the digital
spectrum for more channels. It won't "no ghosting", a sharper picture or
wide screen.